The screams came one after another, and there were even loud curses that continued to sound.

Lin Yue's hand almost reflexively touched the steel crossbow just placed on the table, and quickly stood up.

There is no doubt that the screams and curses came from humans.

And, judging by these voices, it seems that there is more than one person!

He took a deep breath, took out the ladder, climbed up to the roof at almost the fastest speed, put on the crossbow bolt, and pulled the crossbow string.

His first reaction to this sort of thing was not to go out and see what was going on, but...


It's about two hours away from the nearest shelter. Who would go so far to greet him?

What is the scariest thing in another world?

It is not a mutant creature, nor is it hungry or thirsty.

but human beings themselves.

In such an extreme environment, the dark side of human nature will also be extremely magnified - the present without legal and moral constraints, when there is a lack of water, food, and even various desires...

The existence of wandering survivors, perhaps more should be called "predators", appeared naturally.

These people are dangerous.

Lin Yue remembered what Curran and the others had heard before under the hotel under the Tokyo Tower in the secret realm.

What they usually do is to keep wandering in different worlds, and when they encounter a single survivor, they will snatch all their belongings, and then mutilate or kill the survivor directly!

Even if they are not killed, in this different world where there are basically no medicines and mutant creatures everywhere, the injured survivors will not be able to survive the night.

The predators who choose this path have never wanted to make others feel better from the very beginning. They do not want to obtain it through hard work and wisdom, but instead plunder and attack.

Injuring people and killing people is their specialty.

Lin Yue fixed the position on the roof, using the shield as a support, after fixing the steel crossbow, his fingers also gently placed on the trigger!

"Xiao Bai, stay alert!"

"Puji, puff, puff!" Xiaobai hid his figure by the greenhouse, and shouted in the other direction at the same time.

Lin Yue turned at the same time, and the scope was also aimed in that direction.

Indeed, the screams and screams came from this direction.

But...what are they doing?

If he is a predator, he will either rescue his companion, or he will either climb the wall or find a way to break in regardless of his companion.

After all, for the plunderers, the temptation within this city wall is simply not too great.

Those who have the most abundant supplies are not safe.

In the group, his name has become a symbol, and the meaning it represents is self-evident.

Even in other groups, I am afraid that his name has also spread.

Although this wall can give him a sense of security, it also makes those who have seen it understand that there is something worth protecting inside.

"What, gave up crawling over?" Lin Yue waited for a while, but still couldn't see anyone over there using any method to climb up or something, but the cursing and screaming continued.

"Pfft!" Xiaobai suddenly yelled again at the door.

And Lin Yue turned his head and quickly saw that a head was exposed from the door!

Dude, what's going on?

These people are quite tactical. How many people are there?

Lin Yue immediately adjusted his posture, and at the same time aimed the steel crossbow at the strong yellow-haired man who had already rode one leg on the stone gate.


Crossbow arrows burst out, and a long chant suddenly sounded!


The crossbow arrow hit the stone wall a few centimeters away from the man's leg, and even put a white spot on the wall, and the fragments of a few stones were also broken down by the arrow!

The strong yellow-haired man was stunned for a moment, but immediately pointed to his position and shouted. Although Lin Yue couldn't understand what this guy was talking about, he guessed that it was probably a signal to his companions.

He ignored this, the crossbow string stretched again, and the second arrow shot suddenly!

This time, he shot to the exact same position as just now, not bad at all!

Lin Yue did this because he wanted to tell the other party a very simple thing.

This is a warning.

If you dare to continue to move, the next arrow will depend on the movement of this guy, to the leg, abdomen, or heart, head!

Within fifty meters, Lin Yue could ensure that his crossbow arrow would not deviate by more than two centimeters.

Either get out or die!

Obviously, the other party understood this fact instantly after the two arrows, muttered, and immediately retreated from the door.

"Xiao Bai, continue to be vigilant!"


Lin Yue changed positions and pulled up the crossbow string again.

He couldn't let his guard down yet.

The other party currently sees three people.

One seems to have fallen into the trap he set, while the other yells and curses near the person, and the third is the one who just wanted to cross the wall through the gate.

But maybe there's a fourth, a fifth...

He took a deep breath.

Killing or something, he never did.

In this world, there is no law or any moral restraint that he cannot do this.

Of course, maintaining a normal human mind is important.

But when his life is threatened and he has the ability to kill the opponent, he has no choice at all.

Moreover, in the more than ten days of doomsday survival, he has experienced several life and death, and his mentality has been fundamentally different from when he first came!

He pity this kind of person, will this kind of person pity him?


Lin Yue didn't want to fight infighting at all.

He also wants all mankind to unite and help each other to survive.

After all, nearly half of all human beings are now reduced. If the remaining group of people continue to fight within each other, then the countdown to human extinction will also enter.

Perhaps there is no need for any disaster at all, and humans have played themselves to death.

But it's like these predators don't think so.

They also forced Lin Yue to fight back!

At this moment, the screams and abuse continued.

They haven't left yet, they still want to rush to the shelter and kill him!

Lin Yue was so focused that he was vigilant about his surroundings.

"Pfft! Puff!"

At this moment, Xiaobai sounded alert again, Lin Yue followed the direction Xiaobai was staring at, and pointed the scope at the wall at the same time.

In the scope, a pinch of yellow hair emerged from the wall, holding something in his hand, and quickly retracted.

Still haven't given up?

Moreover, the yellow hair just took it out...


Lin Yue reacted almost instantly, raised his shield to protect his upper body, and at the same time took out two sheepskins from the storage space and pasted them on top of his head, exposing only the steel repeater, while still aiming at the place where the yellow hair was.

The sound of a bowstring rang out, followed by the sound of arrows cutting the air. In almost less than a second, Lin Yue sensed that something had penetrated into the thick two layers of sheepskin!

However, it seemed that the arrow was off target and missed him at all.

But Lin Yue decided to take the plan, and he suddenly screamed in an extremely exaggerated voice!

"Pfft! Pfft!!"

Just as Xiao Bai was screaming in fear, in Lin Yue's scope, the figure of the strong yellow-haired man appeared on the wall at the same time.

Whoosh! !

The crossbow bolt burst out like a silver snake threatening its life!


This chapter has been changed almost five times... The second chapter will be served sooner. (*^▽^*)

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