【You got Yiyu Mineral Water 600ml X1】

【You got Liugu Dojo Braised Pork Noodles X1】

【You got... 】

Emma, ​​it's all over the place.

Although Lin Yue's wooden treasure chest is roughly the same, but there are a lot of materials, he is not dissatisfied.

Who thinks that there are too few supplies?

47 wooden treasure chests, 21 water bottles, 12 breads, 9 bags of instant noodles, 5 bags of vermicelli.

Very good.

Lin Yue put all the water on the shelves in the basement. After the bread was put into the storage space, he couldn't help laughing at himself when he saw the pile of supplies.

"Why do I look like a squirrel to prepare for the winter... my dear, will someone slander me like this?"

Lin Yue went upstairs again.

There are still 9 copper treasure chests that have not been opened.

"It's so tiring to open the treasure chest. I really envy that others don't have so many treasure chests to open." Lin Yue couldn't help shaking his head, his hands were sore, and there were still nine left to open.

[You got: shovel design X1, regional map fragments X1]

【You got: Rice Long Grain Fragrance X5kg】

[You got: Portable Backpack X1, Iron Scythe Design Drawing X1]

[You got: drinking water 4L, regional map fragments X1]

[You got: a 2L bottle of Coca-Cola, rock salt X1]

[You got: 1 bag of onion seeds, 1 bundle of Huangzhonghuang ham]

[You got: a bottle of instant coffee 250g, black pepper grinding bottle X1]

【You got: 1 bag of watermelon seeds, X1 thermometer】

【You got: 1 bag of Mai Lisu, bacon X1】

"It's cool to get things, but after opening all the boxes, it's soft." After opening all the treasure boxes, Lin Yue sighed again.

And, after that, he has to sort it out.

Fortunately, opening the treasure chest doesn't cost you survival points, otherwise Lin Yue might be the biggest loser.

Lin Yue was attentive and used design drawings and regional map fragments one after another.

The shovel has been upgraded to excellent quality, and the iron sickle is a new thing... but it doesn't seem to need weeding or anything.

After using the regional map fragments, Lin Yue immediately clicked on the regional map function, and soon found two plots that were not too far from where he was.

One has a shelter and there are people, and the other has only an empty shelter.

Lin Yue remembered the empty one, and at the same time marked the human one in his mind.

The empty one can be explored later, while the human one needs his attention at all times.

Who knows whether it is a sheep or a wolf... No, it seems that the wolf and the sheep have been integrated into a mutant sheep in this world.

Isn't that the case with people?

After collecting the remaining things, water and drinks, Lin Yue looked at the two bags of seeds.

Onion and watermelon, a strange combination.

But speaking of seeds...you have to go and look inside the greenhouse.

I haven't been there for two days. I don't know if all the seeds sown before have sprouted, or none of them have come out?

Before, he really didn't do much with that, but just fixed the water in the soilless cultivation suit, and put the leeks, radishes, and chicken feather seeds in those trays to germinate.

The tray and the water tank are connected. After germination, select the seedlings, give enough sunlight, and then just wait for them to grow.

Now, in order to prevent any mutant creatures from destroying it in the middle of the night, Lin Yue also put the entire waterless suit in the greenhouse.

"Xiao Bai, come here, walk around to digest and digest food."

"Pff~ hiccup..." Lin Yue pulled Xiao Bai up, the little guy was still hiccupping.

Dude, are you eating too much meat?

Lin Yue always felt that this little guy was eating too much, and he seemed to have a tendency to catch up with him gradually.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Xiaobai's body also seems to have subtle growth.

Fat? It won't work like this.

Lin Yue said that when he looked back, he also let Xiaobai taste the deliciousness of the vegetables, and by the way, made it more nutritionally balanced.

You know, people who don't eat vegetables and fruits for a long time will become constipated, and even the three highs, scurvy and so on will come to the door.

His previous vegetable intake was just the vegetable bag in the instant noodles.

Raised his hand, the barbs near the fingers are quite conspicuous.

Indeed, let alone others, his own body can't stand it if it goes on like this.

Pushing open the stone gate, and pulling Xiaobai's front paws, Lin Yue pulled it to the front of the greenhouse.

He made an air vent in the greenhouse before, so as not to make it too hot inside, otherwise, at this temperature, people would have to stick to the ground as soon as they entered.

The curtains of the shed were opened, and a damp and sultry breath came instantly.

However, it was at this moment that Lin Yue's sight was firmly tied by the green soilless cultivation suit!

"Difficult, do you mean..."

Lin Yue walked forward, his trembling hands touched the plump green leaves, a little unbelievable!

It's only been two days, why is the chicken feathers able to grow from a seed to an adult?

At that time, it would take a month before it could be harvested in the vegetable garden of the orphanage.

He still remembered that this soilless cultivation kit was said to shorten the time for crops to grow, but it was indeed a bit too shortened to such an extent.

This soilless cultivation kit is also a high-tech? No, it's black technology!

Lin Yue leaned over and smelled the long-lost vegetables, feeling excited.

Feather vegetables have been shortened from one month to two days, radishes for two or three months, leeks and devil peppers for half a year? Even onions, strawberries, and watermelons can ripen quickly, right?

It seems that at this growth rate, he will be able to achieve vegetable freedom and fruit freedom right away!

Lin Yue was in a higher mood. He looked at the white radish beside him again and found that it was already about 10 centimeters in length. In two days, it should be able to mature.

The leeks are still in the state of small seedlings, and the time may be longer, but... it seems that chicken feathers are enough for him to eat two or three meals.

[You get 1kg of chicken feathers]

I cut some leaves with a dagger, and after reaching a certain amount, the system really responded.

One kilogram of chicken feathers...Lin Yue looked at the rest and knew that another hard currency had risen!

Now that water and food are not so short for the time being, the pursuit of a higher level of enjoyment will gradually become a consensus.

Who doesn't want a better life?

If you drink too much water, some people want to drink drinks or wine.

If you eat too much bread, some people want to eat vegetables.

It just came naturally.

He's noticed this before when he's using wine as hard currency, and there seem to be quite a few people who are still waiting for when he'll sell some more.

As for what he wants...

Water, food, materials, he doesn't need any of these things.

All kinds of design drawings are actually enough. If you can't do it, you can use the survival point to draw a lottery, or even move your muscles and bones, and make a wave of hunting plans for the nearby mutant sheep.

What he wants is actually very simple...


As for what gasoline can do...

Lin Yue collected another 2kg of chicken feathers, took Xiaobai back to the shelter, and went directly to the basement.

He looked at the two big red guys in the corner, looking forward to the coming harvest.

Skillfully open the mall and put it on the shelves!

【Seller: Lin Yue】

【Auction item: 50ml wine X20】

【Required: Gasoline】

[Seller's note: 20 copies, you can shoot more, the higher price will get it]


【Seller: Lin Yue】

【Auction item: 100 grams of chicken feathers X20】

【Required: Gasoline】

[Seller's note: 20 copies, you can shoot more, the higher price will get it]

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