"Iron wire, is there anyone selling iron wire... ah, there is, let's see the bid! Oh? Has it been sold?"

【You lost wine 50ml】

【You got the wire design drawing】

After Lin Yue made a quick transaction on the trading mall, he immediately used the new design.

And soon, he immediately chose to manufacture.

A piece of iron can make a large bundle of iron wire, which is quite affordable. After Lin Yue made a large bundle, he took out the cutting pliers from the tool box.

He walked to the middle of the yard.

Here stands a building in the shape of a "\u003e", which is connected by two 6-meter-long walls.

Lin Yue took 20 iron wires with clippers, and then crossed them ten horizontally and vertically.

【You got the barbed wire design drawing X1】

After getting the feedback from the system, Lin Yue immediately made a barbed wire.

"This is about two meters long and wide, which is not enough..." He made a few more pieces of barbed wire, and then used the remaining wire to connect them together, and then a large triangular net was constructed.

After that, Lin Yue used iron wire to make the net extremely dense, then climbed up the ladder and covered it on the two walls.

The net is not yet final and will require further processing.

However, it's still early, and this kind of thing needs to wait until it's getting dark.

After all, the earthquake will not start until 0:00 on the seventh day, and it is not yet noon.

Lin Yue carried a steel crossbow on his back, an iron spear in his hand, and led Xiaobai out the door.

He circled around the wall and checked the place where the looters were buried yesterday.

It turned out that there were large and small bugs gathered in several places.

Some of them even ripped open the soil and drilled in hard. They seemed to be attracted by the corpses of these people.

The tip of Lin Yue's spear kept scratching and pulling in the pile of insects, and he kept harvesting the wooden treasure chest.

He was like an emotionless wooden treasure chest harvesting machine. After killing all the bugs in three places, he found the place where the mutated sheep or tabby deer corpses were buried these days.

Those bugs that can burst out of wooden treasure chests like to eat the carrion of the corpses of these monsters, and Lin Yue took advantage of this.

Before, he had always insisted on collecting the corpses of the mutant creatures that he killed into the storage space one by one, and then dissecting them at the evasion shelter was also for this reason.

Use their corpses to attract these scavenging bugs, which makes getting wooden chests more efficient!

Lin Yue kept searching for those scavenging bugs and little lizards where he had placed the corpses, constantly turning them into new corpses, and at the same time harvesting treasure chests!

The reason why he is so focused on cleaning up these bugs is because Lin Yue now has a greater demand for water and food than before.

With two more medium-sized soilless cultivation sets, in order to grow more vegetables, Lin Yue must continue to increase his water resources.

These little bugs, Xiaobai has no interest at all, and even said that the mutant sheep that appeared alone, Xiaobai disdain at all.

Its strength has greatly increased compared to before, and now it has become the hegemon of the wasteland, and it can drive away two or three mutant sheep.

It can even challenge opponents such as spotted wolves or tabby deer.

Lin Yue was very relieved about it, so he just let it go. Anyway, his current target is not those large mutant creatures.

Before you know it, the total number of wooden treasure chests in the storage space has reached a high number of 131.

After resting for a while, watching the sunset, Lin Yue came to the outside of the shelter.

Taking out the long-grain fragrance of rice that he had previously opened from the copper treasure chest, Lin Yue poured it into the pot, added an appropriate amount of water, and then cut a wooden board with a dagger to make a pot lid and put it on it.

Fire up the pot and cook!

Rice is something Lin Yue has been thinking about for a long time.

After coming here, the staple food he has been eating is either bread or instant noodles or dried noodles. He has long coveted rice, but he has never been able to get it.

Now that he has obtained this, he also decides to have a good meal before this disaster comes.

As for cooking in iron pots, including cooking and so on, they are all skills he acquired after renting a bungalow outside and living in a bungalow for four years when he was in college.

After the rice was done, Lin Yue made another iron pot, and took out some chicken feathers. He simply washed it with water and dried it. At the same time, he took out a piece of mutant mutton.

Take out the Shanliren knife set obtained earlier, and take out a handful of mutton to remove the fascia, and then cut it into filaments according to the texture of the meat.

Without onion, ginger, and garlic, there is no way to do it for the time being. Although Lin Yue can't use his cooking skills to the best level, he can make a simple delicious dish by using the taste of the ingredients.

The seasoning set bought in the Survival Point Mall came in handy. Lin Yue took a bowl and prepared the seasoning. He heated the oil in a pot, stir-fried the meat, and then put the vegetables...

"Pfft? Puff puff?" Xiaobai followed the scent and ran back from a distance. It had never smelled such a scent before, and even the half-beaten flock of mutant sheep was thrown over there.

"Haha, Xiaobai, you are too greedy, just wait a while for the meal to be cooked."

"Puji puji!" Xiaobai wandered around the pot, watching Lin Yue put various seasonings in it, the smell became more fragrant, and his stomach growled louder.

Not long after, Lin Yue lifted the lid of the pot and carried the iron pot to the shelter.

A unique aroma of rice permeated the whole house.

Lin Yue used a wooden shovel to put the fragrant rice into two bowls, and then brought the mutton fried chicken feathers and vegetables, picked up some and put them into Xiaobai's bowl.

"Xiao Bai, eat, we have to replenish our physical strength today, maybe it will be hard at night."

Lin Yue pulled the rice into his mouth, savoring the long-lost aroma of rice and the long-lost umami of fresh vegetables, and at the same time fell into thinking.

Before long, this disaster, the earthquake, will also break out.

However, the system only gave the information that the earthquake was magnitude one to eight, and nothing else.

Like the last snow disaster, an exact duration was given.

But Lin Yue didn't want the earthquake to last for more than a dozen hours. Even for a few hours, the surviving humans couldn't bear it.

And many natural disasters caused by earthquakes will also erupt with terrifying energy!

Generally speaking, an earthquake that lasts for a few minutes is fine, but it should not be taken lightly.

He looked out of the house, and the "\u003e"-shaped wall was not yet fully formed.

Lin Yue pulled the rest of the rice into his mouth, went down to the basement first, put all the wine in the storage space, and then walked outside the house to take out a good thing he had obtained earlier.

East Berg disaster relief tent.

First spread the attached ground cloth on the ground, then Lin Yue took out the tent and laid it out. After the camp column was supported, he fixed the tent with camp nails and polyester fiber camp rope according to the instructions.

With Lin Yue's operation, a sturdy tent with a size of ten square meters was laid between the two walls!

The roof of the tent is not low. Lin Yue directly moved the wooden bed in and tidied it up a little. It seemed to be quite comfortable after trying it.

After doing this, Lin Yue got out of the tent and found that it was dark outside.

He entered the house and finally inspected the basement. After confirming that it was fixed, he put all the flimsy-looking things on the first floor into the storage space.

After doing this, closing the stone gate, Lin Yue took a deep breath.

Next, the perfect disaster-resistant building that I came up with is completed.

"Pfft?" Xiaobai tilted his head, not knowing what the master was going to do.

But it has already heard the sound of the mutant creatures in the wasteland, which are gradually noisy.

The dark night is the time when mutant creatures are active, and it is also the most deadly time for survivors!

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