In front of this dark stone, there is a lifelike carving of a creature.

It has a height of about two meters, and its whole body is covered with scales. Its strong hind limbs have five horny claws like birds, and there are a pair of broad wings on the back;

Looking at the rather terrifying head, the long gray-yellow mouth like a large knife occupies most of the area, and the slender eye sockets have vertical pupils like snakes and lizards!

The most conspicuous are the irregular tentacles that are frantically extending around the back of his head!

It is a combination of a lizard and a bird, and it also represents killing and madness!

"Monster pterosaur! Why is this thing here?"

Lin Yue couldn't help taking a breath, and even took a step back involuntarily.

The statue in front of him is undoubtedly a monster pterosaur. If it is possible for others to admit it wrong, Lin Yue will not admit it anyway.

In the secret realm, from the first time he saw this kind of monster, until the last time he left, he has been dealing with this kind of thing.

He even killed four and plucked their feathers.

He has been in close contact with this monster many times, and he is already very familiar with the appearance of this monster.

But, the blame is here.

If it were anything else, he wouldn't be so surprised even if the statue of a tabby shadow deer appeared here.

The monster pterosaur is a predator that has survived in the secret realm, that is, the earth that has been in existence for decades, and it is definitely not something that should be able to exist in the underground ruins of this other world and be carved by those lizardmen statues, right?

More than that.

Many parts of the statue's body have been touched extremely smooth, like a layer of grease, and it has been carved for a long time.

Lin Yue looked at the foot of the statue again, and found that there were still three bowl-shaped trays, which seemed to be contaminated by something, a black and red color.

Looking at both sides of the statue, there are two large jars that are as high as one person.

Next to the big jar were four smaller jars, but they were sealed.

The strange fragrance he had smelled in waves also floated out of these jars.

The more Lin thought about it, the more strange it became.

This should be a monster in the secret realm. How could a stone statue be carved in the underground ruins of this other world, it seems... it was worshipped, and a stone statue was made?

What the hell is going on here?

"Pfft! Puff!"

Just when Lin Yue was thinking, Xiao Bai suddenly sounded the alarm!

"Xiao Bai?" Lin Yue raised his head abruptly, the enemy came?

"Pfft!" Xiaobai shouted loudly in the direction of the gate, signaling his impending danger!

Lin Yue instantly aimed at the upper left corner of the huge space, and ran there as quickly as possible, and at the same time put all the nearby torches into the storage space!

At the same time, he immediately built a stone wall and stuck it directly in the corner, and he and Xiaobai were completely surrounded by this triangular space, and would not be detected by the outside at all.

The stone wall was almost three meters high. Lin Yue looked up and found that the top of the wall was still about one meter away from the ceiling at the top. Although the top was not completely closed with a lid, it should be considered safe enough in this corner without torches.

Lin Yue put the wooden ladder on the stone wall, and Xiao Bai also rushed up, showing half of his head on the top of the wall with him, and looked in the direction of the gate together.

It didn't take long, with the sound of chaotic footsteps and strange voices, and the wooden door was opened at the same time!

The dark green lizard people wearing rudimentary armor and tattered clothing, carrying stone spears in their hands, appeared majestically in sight.

At this time, come to this space?

With the passage of time, the number of Lizardmen who entered is still increasing, and some of them are still carrying things like sacks and throw them on the central circular platform.

There are a total of six sacks, depending on the shape... It seems that there are people inside?

What is this for?

Lin Yue observed carefully, and at the same time pointed the sight of the steel repeater in that direction.

The lizardmen are still entering, and this vast space is also filled with their extremely unpleasant voices.

However, the wooden door was closed again as a tall lizardman dressed in white cloth and holding a small jar in his arms walked in.

All the lizardmen were gathered near the circular platform in the middle, and no one came near the edge, and no one looked around.

Lin Yue found that his luck was good. In this way, no one noticed that he was on the wall in this corner, watching the group of lizardmen doing strange things.

"Sa! Sa!"

Suddenly, the lizardmen in white roared loudly, and the other lizardmen surrounding the circular platform opened the sacks one by one, and Lin Yue also saw from the scope that the people who were poured out of the sacks were actually humans!

Just when he was surprised, those people who didn't know whether they were alive or dead had already been placed by the lizardmen with their heads turned out on the circular platform. Then, the white-robed lizardmen placed the jar in the center of the platform. .

Then, at the same time that the white-robed lizardmen raised their arms, the many lizardmen surrounding the platform each had another axe in their hands, and they also raised the axe high!

"Sa! Sa! Sa!"

At the same time as the white-robed lizardmen roared, their axes also fell!

Blood splattered on the platform.

Lin Yue finally understood what the dark red marks on the middle platform were.

After that, the white-robed lizard held the jar and said something, jumped off the platform, and went directly to the statue of the monster pterosaur. Behind it, several lizardmen piled the severed heads one by one in front of the statue.

This strange and evil ritual continued for a while, and finally after the white-robed lizardman left, the other lizardmen also slowly faded away.

It took a very long time for this strange thing to finally end.

Lin Yue smelled the bloody smell wafting in this space, and felt that the scene just now was like a nightmare.


Just when Lin Yue wanted to leave here and hurry back to the shelter, Xiao Bai suddenly called out again.

The wooden door was pushed open again, and this time, the tall lizardman in white came in!

It went straight to the platform, but no lizardmen followed behind.

Then, it groped around the corpses again, and seemed to have got something like a necklace.

However, it then went to the statue again, muttering something weird and unpleasant.

Lin Yue heard the suppressed murmuring sound again, not knowing how long it would take for the ceremony to end.

However, at this moment, Xiaobai suddenly turned into a white light, heading straight for the lizardman!

Lin Yue also reacted instantly, the steel crossbow in his hand was aimed at the place where the white-robed lizardmen were!

With the sudden burst of white fog, Lin Yue's crossbow arrows were also fired!

【You got the golden treasure chest! 】

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