Global Weird: Ghost Rider, Awakening Hellfire

Chapter 167 Huge Influence, Causing A Sensation In The Academy Of The Holy Spirit

The only possibility is that the information of their dark mercenary group is inaccurate, or that Lu Ge's strength has skyrocketed to break through nine stars in just two or three days.

Moreover, he also found that the young man in front of him was extremely hard and fierce, and even more so, extremely cunning.

The strength of the skeleton was at least above the ninth-order peak, but it became a weapon that the young man could control at will, killing him by surprise.

"Then I'll let you die~ One understands.

In the middle of Lu Ge's right hand was a small flame, burning blazingly and flickering with impotent heat, "Actually, I'm only eight-star strength, but my talent is relatively high-."

"Mo, could it be that you have super SSS talent?"

Hearing this, Zhang Haidong's pupils contracted violently, and his eyebrows bowed down with a serious look. He knew that the dark mercenary group encountered a werewolf this time, and he was afraid that the entire mercenary group would fall into this kid's hands.


Finally unable to bear it any longer, a mouthful of blood spewed out.

The hellfire has quickly scorched the source power in his body completely. Even if Lu Ge releases him now and gets timely treatment, he will be a useless person in the future.

"Wrong, it's double super SSS talent, you can die blind, right?"

Lu Ge rushed over suddenly, twisted Zhang Haidong's neck, lifted him up, turned around and flew towards the midair.

"You, where are you taking me?"

Seeing the ground getting farther and farther away, and flying towards the steel factory, Zhang Haidong said in horror, "Please let me go, I will give you all the things I have accumulated over the years.

"Hehe, I have never had the habit of letting the tiger go back to the mountain. By the way, what are you talking about that is interested in the supernatural ability of the nine-star peak human strength?" Lu Ge responded with a smile.

What is his name, Saint Zhuxin!

"You have to die, you actually cooperate with strange creatures, you will definitely get retribution.

Zhang Haidong's little heart trembled when he heard it, and his face became extremely pale. Aren't weird creatures interested in human beings in this world?

He really underestimated this guy, Lu Ge, who was able to cooperate with those weird creatures that kill people without blinking an eye.

"Wrong, I just want to relax. Your dark mercenary group has put me on the must-kill list and offered a reward of 100,000. I'm really scared. Okay, I'm at your position, you can go down." .”

After flying for a certain distance, Lu Ge stopped on the ogre flower, "Old friend, look what I brought you, a human race with nine-star peak strength, "I hope you can upgrade as soon as possible."


Seeing the sea of ​​flowers formed by the terrifying ogre flowers below, Zhang Haidong shouted hysterically.

It's a pity that his body fell down like a cannonball, and then he felt his body being grabbed by the disgusting stamen tentacles, and he was quickly pulled back into the greenhouse.


Next, the sea of ​​flowers squirmed violently, enjoying the delicious food.

Lu Ge looked down at the emerald space ring in his hand, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but he casually dropped the finger.

After solving such a big trouble, Lu Ge seemed very relaxed.

Flying over a blast furnace in the steel factory, Lu Ge sat cross-legged, took out ten ninth-level spirit crystals and quickly refined them, and the majestic source power quickly flowed from his palm to his whole body.

In a tall building in Peng Gang City, there are mercenaries guarding all around, and the defense is extremely strict.

The gate is even guarded by two of his nine-star peak powerhouses. Even if strange creatures attack, it may be difficult to break through.

In a secret room, a red dot on the computer screen suddenly disappeared.

"Ah, it's not good, it's not good, the third captain is dead."

The person in charge of monitoring saw a sudden change in his complexion, his whole body went limp, and something serious happened.

Before he recovered his emotions, he hurried to the office of the regiment leader Chen Daguang.

"The head of the regiment...

He was out of breath and couldn't even speak properly.

"What's going on in a hurry, speak slowly."

Chen Daguang frowned, and a bad feeling emerged in his heart.

"Captain, three, three captains are dead."

The monitor took a deep breath, "All the mercenaries he took out are dead, the whole army is wiped out!"

"What? Damn bastard, this must be Lu Ge's work again!"

Chen Daguang's face became extremely gloomy, he clenched his fisted hand, and slammed it heavily on the desk, the desk turned into ashes in an instant, and his anger had almost swallowed his reason.

0 for flowers... 0

"You continue to monitor."

After waving his hands to drive away the surveillance personnel, Chen Daguang immediately called the secretary and said, "Order, immediately hold a meeting attended by all the senior management!"


The slender and beautiful secretary had never seen such a big fire from the head of the group, her pretty face changed color in fright, she hurriedly turned around, stepped on her high heels, and walked out with her buttocks twisting.

Chen Daguang, who usually has nothing to do as a secretary, and Chen Daguang who has something to do as a secretary, has no interest at all today.

Lu Ge actually killed Zhang Haidong, together with his two nine-star Awakened, is this strength still eight-star?

Such a person grows up too fast, which makes him fearful.

Undoubtedly, such an opponent is extremely terrifying. Maybe that guy will bring down the dark mercenary group by relying on his own strength.

Such things must not be allowed to happen!

The news that Zhang Haidong, the third leader of the Dark Mercenary Corps, was beheaded by Lu Ge spread quickly like ripples on the lake, naturally causing a huge sensation.

Holy Spirit Institute, in the office of the Vice President of the Fourth District Psychic Association.

Wearing a bodysuit, a mature and enchanting woman who perfectly displayed her proud figure, sat in front of the desk, brushed her black hair with both hands, and her vermilion lips curled up slightly in a beautiful arc.

"Hehe, little guy, you really made me worry for nothing. You can even kill Zhang Haidong."

Chen Baixue smiled sweetly, "It seems that Miss Ben will also look at you with admiration."

Thinking of teasing that kid Lu Ge several times, and finally being taken advantage of by the other party, Chen Baixue's bright eyes sparkled again and again, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more intense.

At this time in the dean's office.

The two elders, one tall and one short, were wearing gray robes, their faces were full of astonishment.

"Lu Ge, you still underestimated him, just watch, there will be no dark mercenaries in this world anymore.

"The blood debt they owe us to the Holy Spirit Academy should also be settled."

A ruthless light burst out from the eyes full of vicissitudes, and the lips of Dean Wei Qingshan squirmed, and the murderous intent flowed out of his body. .

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