Xia Pingan put away the magic liquid spider that was killed by Black Tortoise, detoured back, excited and shocked in her heart.

Didn’t expect that the Sacred Beast summon obtained by Dayu’s control of the water is so simple to kill the magic liquid spider.

Black Tortoise is water, and its symbolic meaning includes Nether, Rengui, Zhide, etc. Black Tortoise is also the head of the water god, which can make evil monster become terror-stricken at the news, didn’t expect So powerful.

Xia Pingan felt that it was too expensive before the 36 points of divine force, but seeing the effect, Xia Pingan felt that these 36 points of divine force were too worthwhile.

At the moment, in the secret mandala of Xia Pingan, the divine force at 89 o’clock is only 53 o’clock left.

People were moving quickly in the woods. Xia Pingan took a moment to take a look at the secret mandala. In the secret mandala, the bodies of the five magic rats and liquid spiders in the Space Warehouse were not used. He worried, the two farmers who guarded the Space Warehouse and the pill room were already dealing with it.

The two farmers opened the heads of the magic rats and the magic liquid spiders and checked whether there were any world beads in their heads. After finding that there were no world beads, the two farmers carried the magic rats to Pill room, and then back to Space Warehouse, take out the internal organs, brains and parts of the Avatar body organs of the magic liquid spider, and send them to the pill room in a container.

Xia Pingan originally thought about the farmer and Medicine Pill Master in the secret mandala. I wonder if I can cut the body of the magic liquid spider whose shell is as hard as iron. Yes, the two farmers took the two clay pots taken out from the pill room. The liquid in the clay pot was poured on the body of the magic liquid spider. The hard shell of the magic liquid spider softened more than half, and then they were cut by someone. .

And when Xia Pingan was looking at the secret mandala, the Cangjie Cangsheng in the temple, but the self-proclaimed summon produced a Medicine Pill Master.

Medicine Pill Master from the new summon, after the baptism of the golden word mountain, the wisdom of the attribute of the whole person has also increased by 5 points, becoming 66 points, and the other attributes have not changed.

The Medicine Pill Master from the new summon, after saluting the three emperors in the temple, left the temple and went to the pill room.

After the divine force of 53 points consumes 12 points, it becomes 41 points again.

Cangjie summoned 2 farmers out again, Xia Pingan in ones heart trembled, divine force was consumed too fast, the divine force of 41 points became 31 points again in the blink of an eye.

However, the farmer who came out of Cangjie’s summon this time is a little different from the previous ones. To be precise, this time the summon came out of farmers instead of farmers, but peasant women. They were two women.

Xia Pingan knows for the first time that the farmers in this secret mandala can also summon women. It seems that there are quite a few secrets in this secret mandala that she doesn’t know.

In the blink of an eye, the two peasant women also left the temple and went to work in the village outside.

Xia Pingan took a look at the warriors who had left before with the remote vision ability, and found that after they left from the east, they had arrived at the special logistics department.

The sign of the logistics department is still hanging. The soldiers brought the people who fled to the logistics department and hid them in the 4-Layer building of the special equipment department. One soldier stayed outside and lurked on alert, while others went to the kitchen to look for food.

It was found that there were still a lot of things in the kitchen and cold storage of the special logistics department. The soldiers brought some cans, water and food back, and distributed them to everyone. A group of people hurriedly ate them. People are starving.

When Xia Pingan made a detour to return to the logistics department, Dongfang was slightly red, and the sky just wanted to light up.

“Don’t move, who?”

Xia Pingan drilled out of the bushes outside the airport fence, and a black-hole muzzle immediately protruded from the bush next to it. Pointing at him, a voice asked coldly.

The warrior who hides the vigilance in the grass here does not carry night vision equipment. The two are more than 20 meters apart. When the sky is not fully lit, they can only see the bushes next to them. It was a person who got out, so he drank the person hurriedly.

If something else emerges, such as a magic rat, the soldier will probably open fire immediately.

“It’s me…” Xia Pingan took a look.

“Ah, Priest Xia!” The soldier hurriedly got up from the bushes, rushed over, saluted Xia Pingan, and then scanned all around vigilantly, and saw that there was no magic in the surroundings. The mouse and the magic liquid spider came to look like it was sighed in relief, “What about the few magic rats and magic liquid spiders?”

“Done!” Xia Pingan casually said, “here is temporarily Safe, this place has just gone through the raid of monsters, other monsters will not come over for the time being, you can take a rest!”

“The company commander asked me to be on guard here…” the soldier said.

Seeing that these soldiers are very vigilant, Xia Pingan nodded, no longer said anything, and returned to the special logistics department.

When Xia Pingan arrived, two soldiers were scratching their heads at the warehouse door of the special clothing department, trying to explode the door lock on the door with a grenade, but they were afraid of making too much movement. , To attract those monsters.

“I have a key here…” In the surprised eyes of the two fighters, Xia Pingan took out the key, opened the door of the warehouse, and let the two fighters go inside to fetch things.

In a Conference Hall on the third floor, Xia Pingan once again saw the soldiers and the ordinary persons who had escaped from the city.

The curtains of the Conference Hall were pulled up. A group of people had just finished eating and were resting cautiously in the Conference Hall. The two soldiers went to the warehouse and took a few first aid kits and were giving them to the injured People treatment.

Fortunately, no one was seriously injured. There were only minor scratches and scratches, which were not serious. If they were seriously injured, they would not be able to persist here.

“The eighty-seventh Legion subordinate 107th machine-step brigade company commander Wu Guolin has seen the Legion priest…” As soon as Xia Pingan appeared, all the soldiers stood at attention and saluted him, looking at Xia with reverence. Pingan.

After chatting for a few words, Xia Pingan learned about their experience. These fighters were mainly from the 107 Infantry Brigade, and several fighters were from other troops, all of them gathered together after being separated.

The day before yesterday, the troops evacuated Xinchuan. The situation was very chaotic. These soldiers and ordinary persons did not have time to meet and evacuate with the large troops. After a day’s delay, they had to find a place in the city to hide. Last night, A group of talents taking advantage of the night broke through, didn’t expect still encountered a magic rat.

Everyone shot and killed the magic rat, but didn’t expect to attract more magic rats and a magic liquid spider.

Two other fighters died while being pursued.

Xia Pingan also knew about the next thing. If they hadn’t met Xia Pingan, these people would probably not be able to survive the chase of those magic rats and magic liquid spiders.

These fighters asked about Xia Pingan’s experience. Xia Pingan also said that he and other summoners were left to cover the evacuation of the large army and the citizens of Xinchuan City, so they stayed until the end and were also separated from the army.

According to Wu Guolin and the others, there were still some soldiers and citizens in the city who had not had time to evacuate. When they escaped last night, they heard explosions and gunfire in the city.

Xia Pingan asked them to rest here for a day first, and wait until night, and then find a way to leave.

These people can’t do without rest, because those fighters still have a little physical strength, and those ordinary men and women, even if they flee for their lives, were too tired after running around and frightened all night, so they can recover without rest. If you are physically strong, you can’t run anymore.

Fortunately, there is Xia Pingan here, and you can also add some equipment and food, so everyone can rest here and prepare to leave after dark.

When Xia Pingan and Wu Guolin finish talking, let everyone have a good rest here. He has just walked out of the room. He is in his twenties, with dark skin and a straight and dry nose, with the rank of second lieutenant. The officer in combat uniform also followed Xia Pingan out, took two quick steps, and caught up with Xia Pingan, “Priest Xia, do you know Indifferent?”

Xia Pingan turned around and looked at the ensign Officer, “You are…”

“My name is Man Zijin, a member of the 87 Legion Flame Dragon Commando, and Man Ziyi is my brother. I used to work in the Xianghe City Order Committee!” The young ensign. The officer introduced.

87 Legion Flame Dragon Commando? That was 87 Legion’s special forces, and the people in it were all top soldiers in the army.

Just now, Xia Pingan felt that Man Zijin was a little familiar, and there was a familiar atmosphere between her eyebrows. It turned out to be Man Ziyi’s younger brother-it looks like a cynical person who likes to molest beautiful women is actually great. After Renman Uncle left the Xianghe Order Committee, the Xianghe City Order Committee was much deserted. didn’t expect Man Ziyi’s younger brother was also serving the country.

“Is your brother okay?”

“After August 15th, I lost contact with my brother!” Man Zijin shook the head with a low tone.

“Lost connection, what happened to him?”

“He was in France before. France was a little messy. Before losing connection, we contacted once. At that time, my brother reminded me to pay attention. Maybe there will be a wave of demons erupting in the future…”

“What’s the matter?”

“After my brother arrived in Europe, he discovered that Demon Eye was secretly collecting and smuggling The clues of nuclear fuel have also kidnapped nuclear physicists…”

Xia Pingan’s brows were slightly frowned, and there was waves in his heart. In fact, he suspected that before the devil ran out of Space Crack. Was it caused by the loss of hydrogen bombs by Russia into Space Crack, because it was a gossip and it has not been confirmed, and the Russian military has also denied it.

Since the Eden Project in Europe, over the past half-century, the global control of nuclear materials has been stricter than imagined.

Man Ziyi is in charge of intelligence work, and the clues he found will not be groundless.

Devil’s eyes are collecting smuggled nuclear fuel and kidnapping nuclear physicists. This is by no means trivial.

But for such an important matter, why hasn’t he been notified by Subduing Demon Guard before? I don’t know if his level is low, but the Tang State wind level of 87 Legion should be enough. Tang State wind should not know this. If Tang State wind knows, then the 87 Legion troops stationed in Xinchuan City will not be prepared. nothing.

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