“Damn it, 87 Legion did not call. What happened to the explosion? Didn’t you say that Legion was calling?”

“How do I know, I I thought it was the troops coming. Could it be that ordinary people could get this big movement? And you didn’t find that the monsters on the street have been reduced a lot…”

Someone in Xinchuan City On the street, two summoners of one fatty and one thin flew away on the street full of ruins, running and communicating, more than 20 magic rats and two magic fire spiders chased after the two people crazy .

At this moment, the remaining monsters in Xinchuan city are almost crazy, extremely restless and violent.

In the three loud noises, I don’t know how many monsters were killed, but it can be clearly felt that the number and density of monsters in the urban area has become much looser.

A burning spider silk flew up, and the two summoners who were running for their lives jumped away. The burning spider silk instantly penetrated a car parked on the side of the road, and the car burst open. Now, the dust wave made these two summoners who were running for their lives covered in dirt. The slightly fat summoner threw a Fireball casually, ignited a demon mouse that was moving towards the two of them, and turned it into Ashes, and then continue to escape.

But they haven’t ran far, and the faces of these two summoners turned pale in an instant.

Because just in front of them, more than a dozen magic rats and a magic liquid spider appeared.

At this moment, there was no way forward and there were chasing soldiers, and the two people were blocked in the middle of this street. What’s more, there were open shops on both sides of this street. Even if the two can rush to the shop, they can’t escape, they die faster.

“Is Feng Yidao dying in the mouth of these monsters today, I have worked hard for so many years and finally become a summoner, I don’t have a girlfriend yet…” That thinner summoner look up to sky and heave a deep sigh, with tears.

“Call a fart, and fight with these monsters, one by one desperately, quickly take out the ability of the trump card, maybe we can charge ahead…” The fatter summoner directly scolded He got up, touched his body, and took out a shotgun, and fired frantically at the magic rat and the magic liquid spider peng~ peng~ peng~ standing in front of them.

The shotgun will naturally not kill the magic mouse and the magic liquid spider, but the shotguns that fly out have also beaten up the few magic rats that rushed in. zhi zhi shouted, slowing the movement speed of the magic rat.

The thinner summoner also tried desperately. With a wave of his hand, five soldiers were taken out by summon, and the five soldiers who had been taken out by summon rushed towards the magic rat in front. Kill with those magic rats.

The fat summoner fired his gun and yelled, “Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground……”, the ground under the feet of the two magic liquid spiders rushing towards him appeared. Yellow light, the magic liquid spider was suddenly tied to the ground by the yellow beam, unable to rush over, and could only spit out extremely corrosive slime spider silk against the two summoners violently.

The slime spider silk spit out and flew, the two summoners hurriedly avoided, one threw on the ground next to that fatty, regardless of the image, and the other just relied on the donkey roll to escape, and the mucus spider silk was not entangled. After living with these two summoners, after they fell on the ground, a deep trace was corroded by spider silk cutting on the ground.

The people who blocked the road in front were temporarily resisted, but the people who chased from behind were about to come.

Although the magic liquid spider that was imprisoned on the ground can no longer move for the time being, its magic liquid is very lethal, and the magic liquid spider is huge, blocking half of the road. If you want to rush past, you have to dance face-to-face with the liquid spider. Within such a close distance, it is almost impossible to avoid the liquid spider silk and the two tongs.

Just when these two summoners just fell into desperation, suddenly, the liquid spider that was restless suddenly stopped moving, a layer of hoarfrost gathered on its body, and even just in its mouth The magic liquid spider silk that he wanted to spit out was frozen.

In the next second, Xia Pingan was shaped like a big bird. He stepped on the back of the magic liquid spider and flew out from behind. The person was in the air, and the long knife in his hand was spilled. A blade light came out, and the heads of the two attacking magic rats were chopped off. As soon as they landed, the blade light was like a horse, and several more magic rats were chopped under the knife.


The two summoners who came to life were so excited that they were about to cry, but the chasing soldiers were approaching. The two summoners moved towards Xia Pingan in a hurry and rushed over, shouting for help.

Xia Pingan’s figure crossed the two summoners, moved towards the twenty magic rats and two magic fire spiders that were chasing them rushed over.

After easily avoiding the two flame spider silks, the two basic version of the mini Black Tortoise from Xia Pingan summon flew out. Without any accident, the two magic fire spiders instantly The flame on his body and Life Aura went out and froze.

Without the magic fire spider, the remaining twenty-odd magic rats are for Xia Pingan at this moment, that is, to give away food.

One move tiger roaring at mountains and forests, the blade light in Xia Pingan’s hand was flying, and the heads of the five magic rats that had just been besieged were all split apart and flew out.

Xia Pingan’s figure was as flexible as cooking smoke under the siege of the magic rat, and the attacks on his hands were fast and fierce. Any magic rat approaching him would have a single sword. There were more than twenty monsters. Rat, was half killed by Xia Pingan in a blink of an eye.

The two summoners of one fatty and one thin just ran up to the frozen magic liquid spider, trying to escape, heard the screams of the magic rats coming from behind, both People looked back, they were all dumbfounded…

With such a blink of an eye, the flames on the two terrifying magic fire spiders went out, just like the magic liquid spider next to them, all over their bodies. The air-conditioning, covered with frost, was frozen on the ground, and most of the magic rats that were chasing after it had been killed.

A few magic rats have even turned around and are ready to escape!


Too strong!

These two summoners these days only watch people being chased and killed by these monsters, but they have never seen anyone who can chase and kill these monsters everywhere.

Furthermore, the few escaping magic rats did not escape, Xia Pingan rushed up, one by one, killing the magic rats in the blink of an eye.

The battle ended in such a short time?

Two magic fire spiders, one magic liquid spider, and twenty or thirty magic rats were killed by a summoner in front of one’s eyes. If you didn’t see it with your own eyes, this The two people will not believe that they originally wanted to escape, but at this time, they also ran away sorry.

The two summoners waved their hands after seeing that Xia Pingan had killed the last demon rat. The corpse of the killed demon rat was disappeared. This made the two summoners even more in their hearts. Zhen exchanged a shocked look at each other.

——Space equipment!

This summoner actually has room for equipment?

Xia Pingan ignored the shocked eyes of the two summoners, and each minding their own business took the body of the demon rat that was killed by him into the Space Warehouse.

These magic rats are all medicine pill.

At this moment, the Space Warehouse in the secret mandala of Xia Pingan has been divided into five by Xia Pingan, covering an area of ​​more than 35,000 cubic meters. The five Space Warehouses have been numbered with A, B, C, D, and E respectively. Library, Library B, Library C…

From today onwards, when I use Space Warehouse more and more, it will become more and more difficult to hide this ability, Xia Ping simply No longer conceal this ability of oneself, openly show oneself ability of owning Space Warehouse.

The ability to conceal can indeed be used as a hole card. It can be used at certain critical times, but more often, the power and ability shown in the sun will be more awe-inspiring and can bring Come more.

It’s like some countries can manufacture a few nuclear weapons, but they can only hide them, but for several major powers in the Security Council, they can calmly disclose the number of their nuclear arsenals. Not afraid of others knowing.

Furthermore, as far as the current situation is concerned, between the concealment ability that one day can be used and the direct access to the medicine pill material that is most needed in front of the eyes, Xia Pingan definitely chooses the latter. You can’t pass the customs, and it doesn’t make sense to talk about anything in the future.

In front of the two summoners, Xia Pingan took the bodies of the two magic fire spiders into the Space Warehouse.

In the future, the corpses of these monsters will all be received in Library A.

Seeing that even the corpse of the huge Demon Fire Spider was instantly collected by Xia Pingan, the two summoners looked shocked, how much space and equipment is needed to fit them.

Xia Pingan swiftly came to the two Medicine Pill Masters with dull-eyed eyes without speaking, and directly sent the corpses of the magic liquid spider and the few magic rats that were killed by herself to the Space Warehouse. , And pointed to the corpses of the other demon rats on the ground, “Either the corpses of these demon rats?”

The one fatty and one thin two summoners glanced at each other, and then together shook the head, this thing, they can’t take it with them if they want it, and they don’t need it.

Xia Pingan waved his hand, and the corpses of the other six magic rats on the ground were directly put away by Xia Pingan.

Xia Pingan then took out a medicine pill bottle by herself. Once the medicine pill bottle was opened, a strange fragrance wafted out.

When the two Medicine Pill Masters smelled the medicine pill, they swallowed their saliva. They were so familiar with the smell, it was the Level 1 Divine Strength Pill.

Seeing Xia Pingan eating beans, he raised his head and swallowed a full six Divine Strength Pills. Both of these summoners looked straight, fuck, it’s too bad to take Divine Strength Pill. Be the Divine Strength Pill.

In front of two people, Xia Pingan finished the medicine pill and showed off her wealth. Then, with a wave of her hand, she threw two small glass bottles to the two people, “There is one in each bottle. The first Divine Pill, a first Divine Pill can recover five points of divine force. Although it is not much, it is better than nothing. Just as I exchanged the corpses of the magic rats with you!”

The two looked at their hands With a strange look on his condiment bottle, the magic mouse can actually exchange medicine pills? There is also such a good thing…

The face of the fat Medicine Pill Master suddenly changed, looking towards the street behind Xia Pingan, “Phantom Monster…”

Xia Pingan turned around sharply and handsomely, MR98 had appeared in his hand instantly, peng~ peng~ peng~ three shots, three phantom monsters that just rushed out of the street, still more than seventy meters away, It was hit by three rune bullets, the fire light flashed, and it burned and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

In the next second, when I heard the gunshot from a distance, Xia Pingan didn’t say a word, body flashed, and moved towards the distance, rushing towards the two summoners who were still sluggish. Lost here…

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