The night fell, and darkness once again enveloped the entire Xianghe City!

After the sun disappears, this World belongs to darkness. Darkness brings tranquility and horror. There are countless legends and stories in the dark.

After most people in the whole city fell asleep quietly after a hard day, in several corners of the city that no one noticed, a few special “lights” were quietly lit.


Tu Polu stood on the roof of a building like a steel tower, overlooking the entire Xianghe City, his bald head under the lightning rod on the roof of the building Extraordinarily dazzling.

The big knife like a guillotine was slammed on the top of the building by him. The slaughtered captive was like a tiger waiting to be hunted, his eyes flickered, ready to strike at any time.

Beside Tu Polu, Fang Lingshan’s glamour in a black trench coat has a special beauty in the night, which complements the night.

A delicate Bronze Ancient Lamp rested on Fang Lingshan’s white and slender fingers.

Bronze Ancient Lamp has a densely packed “divine symbol”.

Among the ancient lamps, there is no oil and no wick, but where the wick is, there is a bit of golden flame that burns firmly and warmly.

The upstairs of the building was very windy, the wind was howling, and the windbreaker on Fang Lingshan was grinning, and a short hair was flying freely in the strong wind, but the light in the Bronze Ancient Lamp Not shaking at all, completely ignoring the surrounding wind.

This lamp is the heart lamp of the summoner. The golden light that burns is only burned after being injected into the lamp with the divine force of the summoner. It is not afraid of wind and rain, and can be different in any environment. bright!

This is the origin of the lamp-lighting people who have been circulating for tens of thousands of years-the heart of the lamp-lighter is immortal, and the country is safe!

However, at this time, they are no longer called the lamplighters, but a group of special public officials from the Special Operations Department of the Xianghe City State Order Committee.

“I think it’s still good before. The lamplighter can control everything. With a sword in his hand, the upper and lower Demon will be cut, and the light in his hand, enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven to protect the peace of the world…” Tu Polu smacked his mouth and said in a leisurely fascination, “I think I’m suitable for traveling back to ancient times. At that time, I should be a lighter than now. Anyway, if you don’t like it, just cut it!”

Fang Lingshan ignored him and closed her eyes directly, as if sleeping in a fake sleep.


Under the pier of a bridge away from several li, there is also a light on.

The bridge spans a big river, and there are waves on the big river, and the ships shuttle back and forth.

Cao Xinghua and Li Yunzhou are under the piers of this bridge.

Li Yunzhou finally did not have the “wish” to be assigned with Mo Yanshao, but was assigned with Tie Lian Cao Xinghua.

Cao Xinghua sat cross-legged, eyes closed, with a long sword across his knees, and a Bronze Ancient Lamp placed in front of him, lighting up like gold, while Cao Xinghua seemed to be in concentration.

Li Yunzhou looked up at the huge steel bridge spanning his head, stretched out his hand to pat a few mosquitoes, and then complained like an angry daughter-in-law. “I said Old Cao, how did you choose this ghost place, there are so many mosquitoes here, we two are feeding mosquitoes here, do you have any ulterior ties with the mosquitoes here, look for opportunities to give them food and drink? Here comes, because I still wore such a stylish dress tonight, no one appreciates it…”

Cao Xinghua opened his eyes and glanced at Li Yunzhou, then extended the hand and threw something to Li Yunzhou.

Li Yunzhou took it over and took a look. It was a small box of mosquito-proof cooling oil!

After struggling for a few seconds, Li Yunzhou chose cooling oil between mosquitoes and cooling oil. He was still muttering while wiping his mouth, “Ai, didn’t expect a handsome guy like me There was also a day of applying cooling oil. I always thought it was something used by the elderly, Old Cao, you remember, I sacrificed my taste and applied cooling oil. You owe me a favor. Next time you can choose over there. Wharf, let’s find a place to drink, light up the lights, and look at the beauties. It’s also a vigil. One night will soon pass…”

“Okay, next time you light up the lights, you love to go Where do I follow!” Cao Xinghua finally said coldly.

“he he he…” Li Yunzhou laughed and shrank his head, “My divine force is not enough this month, and I haven’t recovered yet. Besides, I have recently hypoglycemia, neurasthenia, and endocrine disorders. , Arrhythmia, some intermittent hysteria, and a bad temper. You should order it, and those who can do more work!”

Cao Xinghua closed his eyes and ignored him.

But Li Yida was just talking about it. After only half a minute of silence, each minding their own business found a topic, first flung his long hair dashingly, and then his voice started to lower, his face His expression began to show wretchedness.

“Did you and Fang Lingshan sit together at dinner tonight? Did she mention me to you? Didn’t she mention me? I knew that she deliberately pretended to be so cold and arrogant in front of me. Every time I have a meal, I deliberately sit far away from me. In fact, I want to attract my attention. It’s just that this move is too naive. I’ve seen through it a long time ago. As the first handsome guy of the Xianghe City Order Committee…”

“Shut up…”

Li Yunzhou’s mouth was closed for a while, but one minute later, he started nagging again, “I knew Old Cao you were jealous that I was handsomer than you, better than you It’s popular with female colleagues, but it’s not my fault. God gave me this face and made me so talented. Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I’m jealous of myself. In fact, you don’t know it, like me. Such a handsome and talented person is very tired and will bear a lot of debt…”

In a few minutes…

Cao Xinghua gave a low growl, a silhouette from more than twenty It flew down on the meter-high pier, and fell into the rolling river with a thud.

The world is quiet…

The light is still on!

A light was also on in an urban park west of Xianghe City.

Mo Yanshao and An Qing are sitting on both sides of the park bench, Mo Yanshao’s hand is also lit with a lamp.

Here is the nearest to the old town in the northwest of Xianghe City. Outside the park, there are bars and red light districts in Xianghe City. At night, there are dense and noisy people flow around here. It is a key security area in Xianghe City at night, and it is also the most likely The place where the accident happened.

Sitting in the park, through the secret shade of the park and an artificial lake, you can see the street outside the park, from time to time there are police cars flashing red and blue police lights whistled past, but that Police cars and lights are okay against ordinary gangsters. In front of certain things, the police are like a lamb, there’s no resistance.

Three lit lamps, three dots, three directions, in Xianghe City, drew a huge triangle, in this quiet late night, silently guarding the entire Xianghe City.

A security guard from the park patrolled here with a flashlight. He saw two people sitting on a bench here, and was about to speak. An Qing turned her head and glanced at the security guard. His expression suddenly turned into a daze, and then he walked across the small road in front of the two of them, as if they hadn’t seen them at all.

“You had a mission with Xia Pingan, what do you think of Xia Pingan?” Mo Yan said less.

Mo Yanshao knows An Qing’s special ability. The last task arrangement, Mo Yanshao was not a whim.

An Qing shook the head, a strange look flashed in her bright eyes, “I can’t see through him, I can only feel that his heart is clean, but his heart is enveloped in layers The mist, the mist is deeper and more mysterious than the night. It is a man with a story and a secret. His superficial simplicity and ordinaryness are his best disguise… “An Qing smiled slightly, “Such a man is actually quite It’s fascinating…”

“Yes, I also feel that he was reluctant to expose his ability to remotely view that many years ago, just because he has a bigger secret and he doesn’t want to expose…” Mo Yan Shao Weiwei shook the head

An Qing was also nodded, looking at the deep darkness outside, lightly sighed, “A teenager with a younger sister who has not yet grown up, no one to rely on ,Walking in the Dark Forest of this danger lurks on every side, I would rather not light the torch. It’s wiser to fumble in the dark than to light the torch. The torch is lighted and it’s convenient. You can pick up the gems and stones scattered on the ground in the forest. Gold mine, but those things and beasts walking in the dark can also see him.

If you don’t light it, he will always be just an unremarkable background in this Dark Forest, unable to touch gems and gold mines. , Also like grass and leaves that no one pays attention to, like a spider web hanging in an unremarkable corner, silently collecting dew and an insignificant bit of food delivered to the door, so that no one will notice. Last time he struck a match. , Didn’t you find out? If I were her younger sister, I would also like to have such a big brother…”

“haha, you have a good impression of him!”


“Don’t you know, a man who is generous and warm can pull a younger sister to take good care of, and he will easily get a girl’s favor!” An Qing smiled slightly, and stroked her hair charmingly, “That’s right , Tomorrow the provincial inspector will bring the Shenhuo Realm Pearl, right?”

“Well, yes, after the provincial department’s review is completed, the inspector will come with the Shenhuo Realm Pearl tomorrow. It is possible that our Special Operations Department will have one more prepared summoner. If everything goes well, he will be able to grow into a summoner in two years…”

“Director, the probability of awakened becoming a summoner is only better than that of an ordinary person Twice as high, there is no rejection reaction to the bead, but the success rate is less than 50% One, when have you been so confident in a newcomer? “

“Haha, intuitively…”

An hour later, it was on the roof of the building where Tu Polu and Fang Lingshan were located. .

The golden flame in the wick of the ancient lamp held by Fang Lingshan suddenly turned into a weird deep purple.

The flame in the lamp suddenly spurted.

It was half a foot long, and the flame began to shake, and the flame tip moved towards one direction constantly, as if a magnetic needle was attracted by something…

“It’s really here…” Tu Polu’s throat There was a tiger-like low roar in the middle, and murderous intention overflowed in his eyes.

In the next second, the two people on the top of the building seemed to disappear.

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