Wife Yemeng someone gave cloth to her home, so she was worried that her husband would marry a concubine again…


Xia Pingan was staring outside with remote viewing ability, and at the same time wanted to see how the water moon master interprets his dreams.

Under Xia Pingan’s gaze, I saw the Shuiyue master in a white robe picking up a pen made of gold and white jade from the table, and gently touching the woman’s eyebrows At one point, amid the faint divine force fluctuations, I saw a cloud of brilliance light up from the center of the woman’s eyebrows. Then, the woman’s dream last night, like the light and shadow swaying in the water, was wrapped in a cloud of mist. Below, appeared in front of the two people.

Light and shadow seemingly true and seemingly illusory, in the light and shadow, Xia Pingan really saw someone bring cloth to the woman’s home, saying that she could make clothes.

Less than one minute, the light and shadow disappear.

Master Shuiyue gently put down the jade pen in his hand and touched his beard, with a profound mystery expression on his face.

“Master, how?” the woman asked nervously.

“Mrs. Gan, that dream really indicates that your husband might ask another concubine back, and your husband looks at a beautiful woman outside again…” Shuiyue master said in a tranquil voice.

Hearing this, there was a tear in the woman’s eyes, and she began to wipe her tears sadly, “I would rather not have such a rich family, like before, the whole family is happy. Just enough to eat and wear. Since coming to the capital, the better the family life, the bigger the business and the richer, the more women he will look for. He already has a seven-bedroom concubine at home, how can he pay for it? Not enough, I’m only in a little grade, he likes the new and dislikes the old, and starts looking for a young girl, master, is there a way to resolve this?”

“Dream is a sign. If handled properly, it is indeed It may be resolved again, but there are many causes and conditions involved in this kind of thing. Mrs. Gan should be aware that I don’t dare to pack a ticket. I can only do my best, and it’s not good for us to intervene in the cause and effect of others. We can only partially Intervene…”

“I understand, this time I will be the master…” The woman said, and took out a gold ticket from her sleeve and handed it over.

Xia Pingan looked at the denomination of the golden ticket and called out in her heart. It was a golden ticket of one hundred Gold Coins.

Shuiyue master received the gold ticket, opened a drawer in front of him, and then took out a silver piece, and then picked up a pen next to him, then his face was solemn, and he used it like a ghost drawing a peach talisman. Cinnabar drew a bunch of things that no one could understand on the piece of silver, and then carefully wrapped the piece of silver with a red cloth, tied two complicated knots, and handed it to Mrs. Gan.

“Madam, you put this dreaming rune on your husband’s pillow, and be sure to let him sleep on that pillow for a night. After he sleeps, madam, take this dreaming rune from Take it out of your husband’s pillow, don’t let others see it, and then throw this dreaming rune into a river with flowing water, this matter may be resolved!”

“many thanks water Master Yue!” The woman cautiously handed over the painting of Master Shuiyue and put it away in a red cloth as if she had received a treasure, then stood up, saluted Master Shuiyue again, and then left.

Seeing that Mrs. Gan leaves, a smile appeared on Master Shuiyue’s face.


This is it?

Has more than 100 Gold Coins gotten in a few minutes? In addition to the previous Gold Coin, this woman can buy a world bead for the cost of a dream interpretation. Xia Pingan’s eyes are red with jealousy…

Seeing this scene, Xia Pingan’s heart It is already certain that this Shuiyue master is a liar with a probability of 80%.

First of all, the master of Shuiyue interprets the dream incorrectly. Some people send cloth and silk to the house. In the sense of interpreting the dream, it indicates that there will be distant relatives in this woman’s home. This woman’s maiden family is coming.

Secondly, those words that the Master Shuiyue said were all obscure and followed the words of the woman, and they were all ambiguous. These words were all the rhetoric of the fortune-telling of the chaos. No matter what happens later, you will feel like he said that if the woman’s husband didn’t bring back the concubine, the woman would think it was Master Shuiyue’s magical rune, and she would trust Shuiyue master even more. If the woman’s husband really brought a concubine from home, the woman would also think that the matter was said by Master Shuiyue. Master Shuiyue had already said it before, and the Dreaming Rune did not completely resolve the matter. Drop.

Finally, from the perspective of the rune master of Xia Pingan, those things that the water moon master wrote on the silver sheet with cinnabar do not have the slightest divine force fluctuations and the charm of Taoism, just damn it. Yes, just a little thing, the cost of a few Silver Coins, cheated 100 Gold Coins in the blink of an eye?

The only true ability of this Shuiyue master is that when he used a jade pen to point to the woman’s eyebrows, he could reproduce the dream of the woman last night. It seems to be a summoner. Secret technique. Judging from the breath of Master Shuiyue, Master Shuiyue is a summoner, but it is not yet a Yang state, and the divine force aura on his body is very weak.

The secret technique that reproduces dreams makes people look mysterious and unfathomable. It is a little bit magical. It is with this secret technique as an introduction that the various tricks behind the water moon master can pass all the way unimpeded. People are convinced.

I want to ask Xia Pingan why she knew that the woman’s night dreams and someone gave cloth to her home is a sign that relatives from far away are coming. It’s very simple. Xia Pingan studied history at the Yuanmingyuan Vocational and Technical Academy in her “last life” At that time, I systematically studied the ancient Chinese Zhanmeng culture and the influence of Zhanmeng culture on Chinese history.

Different from other ethnic groups, in ancient China, it was the only country that established official positions for the masters of dreams. In ancient China, the matter of dreams was always valued by those kings and rulers, and it was by no means swindler. The ancient Chinese people’s research on dreams is unmatched. They have published systematic monographs on dreams, such as “Huangdi Changliu Zhanmeng”, “Zhanmeng Jing”, “Zhougong Dream Interpretation Book”, etc., many Chinese The ancestors of the ancients were all masters of the dream, such as Duke Zhou, Yan Zi, and Di Renjie.

Since the Zhou Dynasty, the Imperial Court has set up a special official position for dreams, and there are two official positions, one is for the part-time dreams, and the other is for the full-time dreams.

The method of the three dreams with both palm and divination, one is dreaming, the second is dreaming, and the third is Xianzhi. Its economic transport is ten, and its other is ninety.

Accounting for dreams, palms, dreams, nightmares, dreams, sleeping dreams, happy dreams, and fear of dreams.

Dream interpretation culture has also had a profound impact on Chinese history. The impact of dreams on history is best known for King Zhou who dreamed of flying bears and found Jiang Ziya. Others, there are many other influences. The biggest and least known one is that Wu Zetian dreams that playing backgammon can’t always win. Ask Di Renjie to interpret his dream. Di Renjie said that the meaning of the dream is that Wu Zetian has no children in his hands, so the double land is invincible. Lu warned Wu Zetian, Wu Zetian was awakened, and Li Zhe, the king of Luling, was named Crown Prince.

Without the dream that Di Renjie solved, the Emperor Crown Prince might be Wu Sansi, and the entire history of Great Tang and China might be rewritten.

After the woman left, the people in the line went to the Wuyou Building to find Master Shuiyue to interpret their dreams.

Xia Pingan’s ability to interpret the dreams of Master Shuiyue is simply talk nonsense, but his ability to deceive people is first-class. Those who are looking for Master Shuiyue to interpret dreams, some people do not understand dreams. In addition, some of them would like the woman to ask Master Shuiyue to help resolve them. At this time, Master Shuiyue began to write his dream-transforming runes, flicking those people into a daze. At the same time one by one is deeply grateful.

Xia Pingan only watched for half an hour outside, and found that the Master of Water Moon had actually made five or six hundred Gold Coins by this trick.

For Xia Pingan, this is like discovering a new continent.


Didn’t expect this business is so profitable and so easy.

My own dream interpretation ability inheritance Since Zhou Gong, Zhou Gong is the Great Accomplishment of the ancient Chinese Dream Interpretation Collection, and a figure in the Great Grandmaster Level 1 of the Dream Interpretation World. “The Book of Zhou Gong’s Dream Interpretation” is memorable by himself, and he is better than this. The monthly master is 10,000 times stronger, and he is still an authentic rune master. If you want a picture talisman, it is 10,000 times stronger than the water-moon master.

The Master of Shuiyue can live in the upper capital with dream interpretation. There is no reason why he can’t.

The only thing is that the secret technique that the Shuiyue master can reproduce the dreams of others looks gimmicky and very bluffing. I don’t know what this secret technique is. If I have mastered it, I’m in Isn’t it easy to go to the capital to be a dream master and earn money hua hua?

At that time, do you still have to worry about not having money to buy the beads?

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