
On the occasion of life and death battle, where are the rules to speak of.

When Xia Pingan basically only had one hand capable of moving, it was natural to do whatever the damage was.

Xia Pingan’s two fingers fiercely inserted into the eye sockets of the Huns cavalry. It felt like inserted into two rotten apples in warm water. The feeling was indescribable.

Xia Pingan fiercely flicked out, the eyes of the Huns cavalry were immediately stunned by Xia Pingan. One of the two eyeballs was stuck in the eye socket, and the other was directly buckled out and hung on the eye socket. It’s like a jar of sauce popped open.

“Ah…” Xia Pingan understood the scream of the Hun cavalry. The Hun cavalry who was about to hold the dagger trembled, and instinctively covered his ugly face with both hands, loudly. Scream.

The hand that fiercely pinched Xia Pingan’s neck also loosened, and Xia Pingan’s breathing became unblocked again.

In the next second, Xia Pingan gritted her teeth and broke the arrow on her body with her right hand, and then used the broken arrow shaft, fiercely moved towards the artery of the Huns cavalry’s neck, and pierced fiercely.

One click… Two clicks… Three clicks…

Xia Pingan pierced the neck of the Huns cavalry for more than ten times, and pierced several holes. After piercing the artery in the neck of the Huns cavalry, the blood on the neck of the Huns cavalry , Banged out like a fountain.

A Huns cavalry not far away saw that something was wrong here, groaned, opened his bow, and shot an arrow moved towards Xia Pingan.

Almost just hearing the sound of arrows piercing the air in her ears, Xia Pingan pulled the Huns cavalry whose neck was bleeding, and blocked him.

“pu…” The arrow hit the body of the Huns of the Huns.

In the next second, Xia Pingan quickly drew a short straight knife from the waist of the Huns meat shield, and then pushed the Huns meat shield away with a belt. It rolled from the ground and rolled to the back of a pile of wood on the side of the road. After avoiding the bow and arrow shooting angle of the Huns cavalry in the distance, Xia Pingan stood up from the ground.

Hearing the sound of horse hooves in the ears, the Huns cavalry has rushed towards Xia Pingan on a horse moved towards Xia Pingan.

Fuck, Xia Pingan finally knows why this world bead has such a high hanging rate. Just now, if other people who merged with the world bead faced the same situation, many people might have died.

But fortunately, although his body is injured and his left hand is inconvenient to move, his body is still strong. It feels rough skin and thick flesh and can withstand beatings.

Behind this stack is an earth wall, which cannot be retreated.

Xia Pingan’s right hand was holding the dagger tightly, listening to the sound of horses hoofs approaching quickly, while counting silently in the heart…

Three…… Two…… One……

Counting to one, the horse head of the Huns cavalry mount has rushed from the roadside, revealing half of the horse’s body, Xia Pingan did not retreat but moved forward, and when her body rolled on the ground, she moved towards the horse and rushed towards it. .

The Xiongnu cavalry on the horse, full of bows and arrows, looked at this place with gloomy eyes, turned sideways, and faced the back of the firewood.

The moment I saw Xia Pingan, the bowstring was loosened, and the arrow of “xiu…” was moved towards Xia Pingan and shot over.

The arrow was almost shot against Xia Pingan’s ear, almost exploding Xia Pingan’s head.

The Xiongnu cavalry shot an arrow in the air. Xia Pingan was already rolling under the horse’s belly. Xia Pingan held a knife in his right hand, his body violent, and a knife was inserted into the calf of the Xiongnu cavalry.

The short blade used by the Huns was very sharp, and it was nothing difficult to pierce flesh and blood.

Xia Pingan this blade, directly cut a two-inch deep, half chi long wound on the calf of the Huns cavalry.

The knife in the leg, no stirrups, the Hun cavalry who was shooting arrows with both hands, just groaned, and fell from the horse. Before the Hun cavalry could react again, Xia Pingan’s second knife directly pierced that The neck of the Xiongnu cavalry sent the Xiongnu cavalry to the west.

The continuous violent fighting and blood loss from body wounds in a short period of time made Xia Pingan’s eyes dark and a little dizzy, but Xia Pingan did not fall down, looking at the Huns who were burning and killing and looting in the village, Xia Pingan gritted his teeth, thrust the dagger back to his waist, grabbed the reins of the ownerless Huns cavalry horse with his left hand, rushed to the place where he had just landed, picked up the short spear on the ground, turned over, and went up. After he got the horse, his legs clamped his belly, the horse ran, and moved towards a Huns cavalry not far away without hesitation.

Xia Pingan used the right hand to wrap the rein around his left hand, his left hand barely grasped the rein, his legs were tightly clamped to the horse’s belly, his chest was close to the horse’s back, and he lowered his body. Holding his short spear, like a sprinting Knight, moved towards the Huns charging.

The Huns cavalry not far away, just walked out of you from a hut, carrying a woman who had fainted on his body, holding a bloody knife in his hand, smiling grinningly, and threw the woman to his own On horseback, he turned around and threw a torch onto the roof of that hut.

As soon as the Huns mounted their horses, they saw a horse moved towards themselves, and immediately there seemed to be no one.

When the horse blinked and rushed in, the Huns cavalry saw Xia Pingan, who was completely prostrate on the horseback. The Huns cavalry started and quickly took out the bow and shot it towards Xia Pingan with one arrow.

This first arrow, because Xia Pingan pounced on the horse’s back, the arrow flew past Xia Pingan’s back without hitting it.

A fierce and cruel color flashed in the eyes of the Huns cavalry, and he continued to open his bow, moving towards Xia Pingan and shot a second arrow.

This second arrow, the man no longer wanted to shoot Xia Pingan’s upper body and the key, but directly moved towards Xia Pingan’s leg.

Xia Pingan’s legs are sandwiched between the horse’s belly, inevitable.

With a sound of “pu…”, the arrow hit Xia Pingan’s thigh directly, and the arrow sank into the flesh.

Xia Pingan on horseback gritted her teeth without humming. Just after these two arrows, the two sides were already close to each other. The Xiongnu cavalry quickly launched an arrow to shoot a third arrow at Xia Pingan.

This time, the distance between the two sides was less than ten meters.

At the moment when the third arrow of the Huns cavalry was shot, Xia Pingan used the tip of the short spear in his hand to stab the horse’s hip fiercely. The horse’s hip was bleeding and injured. The running horse was irritated and hissed. Almost four kicks flew up, as fast as electricity.

Because I didn’t expect that Xia Pingan’s horse would suddenly jump up and accelerate, the third arrow of the Huns cavalry directly hit the horse’s neck.

The running horse rushed several meters forward and fell down suddenly, but Xia Pingan had already loosened the reins. With the inertia of the horse running, the whole person threw out from the horse like a tiger. The whole person fiercely hit the Huns cavalry with a short spear in the air.

The impact of “ka-cha…” was too powerful. The bones of the Huns cavalry’s chest heard the sound of shattering. The blood spout from mouth of the Huns cavalry, and Xia Pingan, went from the horse all at once. Planted and fell heavily to the ground.

The Hun cavalry was below and Xia Pingan was on top, once again using the body of the Hun cavalry as a floor mat. The two were still in the air, and before the Hun cavalry landed, the short spear in Xia Pingan’s hand , He had already stabbed in the lower abdomen of the Huns cavalry.

The Huns cavalry fell to the ground and died. The blood-covered Xia Pingan turned black again, and he staggered from the Huns cavalry.

In front, another Hun cavalry saw Xia Pingan. The Hun cavalry was holding a short blade in his hand. He rode his horse and rushed towards Xia Pingan. He picked up the short blade and wanted to chop Xia Pingan’s neck.

When the Huns approached, less than ten meters away, Xia Pingan’s blood-stained face showed a smile, and the short spear on his right hand was thrown fiercely.

The short spear pierced the void of just a few meters, and pu chi nailed it directly to the chest of the Huns cavalry, nailing the Huns cavalry down from the horse, and fell to the ground.

With this, Xia Pingan’s strength was almost exhausted, and he could no longer stand, his black head and dizziness in front of him, the ecology shook a few times, and he sat down on the ground.

Two Huns cavalry turned out from behind the hut in front and saw Xia Pingan sitting on the ground and the corpses around Xia Pingan. The complexion changed and they were about to rush over.

Fuck, you won’t die here, Xia Pingan cursed in her heart. At this time, his whole body was weakened, his head turned black, and he couldn’t stand up anymore.

“wu wu wu…” On the hillside outside the village, suddenly remembered the sound of the horn of the number wu wu.

“Wild Goose Sect, the cavalry of Wild Goose Sect is here…” those in the village who were still resisting shouted.

Hearing the sound of the horn, the two Xiongnu cavalrymen who were about to rush over looked a little panicked. The two looked at each other, turned their heads and ran.

The sound of thunderous horse hooves sounded outside the village.

Xia Pingan looked towards the hill in the distance, a big “Zhao” flag appeared on the other side of the hill, behind that big flag, there were a large number of cavalry.

Zhao? It’s the Wild Goose Sect of Zhao State…

Xia Pingan’s mind finally flashed this message, and then his eyes went black, and he fainted…

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