
“Well, it’s delicious, delicious, so delicious… Ben… The girl has never eaten such delicious noodles…”

In the restaurant, Xia Pingan cooked a large bowl of noodles. He ate a half of it himself, and all the rest was eaten hastily.

Not only the noodles are finished, but even the soup in the noodles is not left.

Xia Pingan watched the hastily girl eating his noodles. For some reason, when the hassle girl was eating noodles, she seemed to be a bit gobbled, but it didn’t make people feel vulgar and rude, on the contrary, there was a kind of frankness and naturalness. Feeling, even somewhat elegant.

What a hell!

Xia Pingan muttered in her heart, seeking an explanation for herself, maybe she saw that she thought of Xia Ning…

“Anything else?” Hastily lifts the head, a beautiful face like an angel, looking at Xia Pingan eagerly, and blinking cutely.

“No…” Just under the hasty gaze, Xia Pingan also put the last noodles in her bowl into her mouth, then picked up the bowl, ruthlessly drank the last bit of soup.

“By the way, you didn’t seem to sleep well last night, aren’t you used to it?” Xia Pingan asked after drinking the soup and putting down her bowl.

“I didn’t know if you were unreliable or a bad person yesterday, so I didn’t dare to sleep last night, and I raised the door of the guest room…” Hastily lit as it should be by rights The head said, “It seems that you are not a bad person, and a bad person should not be able to make such delicious noodles…”

Xia Pingan is speechless, what logic is this?

Forget it, no matter what, this girl is staring, I guess she won’t stay here for long…

“Remember, wash the dishes…” Xia Pingan said hastily.

“What, you let me wash the dishes?” Pointing to his nose hastily, raising his eyebrows, staring at Xia Pingan.

Xia Pingan stared back in a higher tone, “Have you ever seen a chef wash dishes? There is no reason to eat other people’s food for nothing. You have to wash the dishes and two bowls after you eat the noodles I cook. It’s a bargain for you. If you dare to eat the King’s meal outside, if you meet a fierce one, you will be caught and washed for a month’s bowls, and you will have to wash and mop the floor, or maybe even sell you to the mountain. Let you give birth to others…”

“Oh, just wash it, why are you so fierce?” The imposing manner suddenly withered.

“Wash the dishes and chopsticks and put them in the kitchen where they are installed…” Before leaving the restaurant, Xia Pingan also confessed.

It’s just…

Only a few steps after Xia Pingan walked out of the room, she heard a “clang cry” behind her. It was the sound of a bowl falling to the ground and breaking.

Xia Pingan turned her head and saw her tongue hastily stuck out, looking at herself a little embarrassed.

For the sake of those Gold Coins, forget it.

“I want to go out. If you want to leave, remember to lock the door…”

Xia Pingan confessed hastily, letting the black dragon look at home, and then he went to the door, took the newspaper today, walked out of the alley, came to the street outside, waited a while, and called a rental carriage , Let the carriage go directly to Tianyuanqiao.

The atmosphere in the capital today is not as tense as yesterday. There are fewer checkpoints on the street, but the police can still be seen everywhere on the street, especially when you pass the gate of the ruling army camp. The ruling army’s camp is not as peaceful as it used to be. From time to time, there are black carriages coming in and out of the camp.

Looking at the newspaper in hand, all the front pages of the newspaper, as well as other pages, are all the great changes that took place yesterday.

The headline on the front page of the newspaper was “The Ruling Army broke the Blood Demon Religion in the Northern Sea Port and Upper Capital”. With this headline, it was a distorted photo of a huge battleship, the battleship in that photo. Distorted, half of it was exposed from the surface of the sea, with an amazing visual effect, as if it had undergone a huge change in the world.

Xia Pingan took a close look at the news. The news recorded the Blood Demon Religion incident in Northern Sea Harbor yesterday. According to the news, the Blood Demon Religion naturally caused pus on the head and sores under the feet. I want to assassinate many guests who participated in the launch ceremony of the warship in the Northern Sea Port, and still engage in terrorist attacks among the onlookers, but because the ruling army responded appropriately, the emperor His Highness the Crown Prince planning strategies were conducted properly, and the decisive handling was quickly shattered. The conspiracy and terrorist activities of the Blood Demon Religion did not allow the Blood Demon Religion to cause greater damage.

At the same time, the ruling army followed the vines and identified many hidden personnel of the Blood Demon Religion in the upper capital, destroyed the conspiracy network operated by the Blood Demon Religion in the upper capital, and vigorously maintained the good environment of Dashang Country and the upper capital. The general public, please don’t panic, there are clues about how many rewards you can get…

Looking at the warped battleship in the newspaper again, Xia Pingan was slightly shocked. It was really hard for him to imagine what kind of power could turn a warship into that way.

On the carriage, Xia Pingan collected the newspaper carefully and put it in his Space Warehouse. He felt that the distorted picture of the warship in the newspaper could be kept to remind himself at any time that summoner’s road is still Very long, powerhouse countless, he still has a long way to go, it is best to guard against arrogance and rashness, not to be complacent about the little achievement in front of him.

The wheels of the carriage were spinning. An hour later, Xia Pingan finally arrived at Tianyuanqiao. Soon, I saw the intermediary toothman who met him yesterday again.

“Mr. Xia, I ran for a day yesterday. To put it bluntly, the landlord finally agreed, and then downgraded 600 Gold Coin. The yard sold for 43000 Gold Coin. It can’t be lower. This is the final price. The landlord asks for cash, one-off It is best to complete all transaction procedures within three days…”

After talking for a day and saving 600Gold Coin, Xia Pingan felt it was worth it.

“Okay, then many thanks, my commission will not be less than you, you can sign the contract today…”


The procedures for real estate transaction were a bit troublesome. Xia Pingan stayed in Tianyuanqiao for almost a day. In the middle, he followed Yaren to the Real Estate Administration and Justice Office in the capital. After completing the final formalities, it took most of the day. That passed.

Xia Pingan is very happy to finally have a place of her own in Shangjing.

The yard he bought in Tianyuanqiao is really good. The yard is on the bank of the Tianyuan River. It faces the street and is very open. It can be opened for business, or modified as a front hall for receiving guests, outside the yard. Next to a square, it is also convenient to park the carriage. The stone pavement outside the shop is full of peach trees on both sides, and in the yard, there is a small bridge with flowing water, and bamboo is planted. It has a loft and a two-in-one yard, which is very good.

Put it in Earth, this yard, it is estimated that it is also a property worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

I took the key to the yard, changed the lock, and found a carpenter to order a plaque. In one day, it was all gone.

It will take at least seven or eight days to complete the renovation of the yard.

When Xia Pingan returned to Changle Lane, it was completely dark and found that her door was locked. The hasty girl had already left. It is estimated that she really ran away, and Xia Pingan didn’t bother to care about it.

Thinking that I hardly have time to eat a day, stomach rumbling with hunger, Xia Pingan returned to the kitchen and started to get busy.

When he cooked himself a bowl of noodles again, the door outside the courtyard was knocked again.

“Take a look”, the one standing outside the door is still the hasty girl, Xia Pingan helplessly patted her forehead, why did this benefactress come back?

Xia Pingan came to the door, opened the door, and asked helplessly, “Didn’t you leave?”

“hmph, don’t think I don’t know, I gave you that many money, and I can live in the best hotels for a long time. I only live here for one day. Isn’t it a loss? I see you as a person Not bad, so this Miss decided to live here for the next few days!” The hasty girl said, her nose moved suddenly, she inhaled, and looked towards the kitchen, her eyes lit up, “What smells so fragrant?” [19459002 ]

Xia Pingan complexion changed, and quickly turned around and ran towards the kitchen, but didn’t expect that the hastily speed was not slow, and followed Xia Pingan moved towards the kitchen.

After a while, there was a flutter in the kitchen.

“This is mine…” This is Xia Pingan’s voice.

“My…” This was the voice of a hasty girl, with a sullen voice, “this Miss is hungry, and I paid, let go quickly, don’t let go, this Miss is going to bite!”

“You cook it yourself, Aiya, you actually bite someone…”

“hmph ……”


ps: Tiger recognizes the fact that his codeword is slow, so the update time of the first two chapters every day is extended to before two in the afternoon.

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