
Hearing Beitang Wangchuan said that he was a customer, he had no choice but to glance at him hastily, akimbo, “Okay, you are a customer, once you interpret a dream 100 Gold Coin, there are a lot of copper plates, so take the money! “

100Gold Coin?

Beitang Wangchuan slightly smiled, even if it is 1 million Gold Coin, it is only this for him, he just took out a 100 Gold Coin gold ticket and handed it hastily, “Can I go in now? ?”

Hastily accepted the gold ticket, but did not forget to warn Beitang Wangchuan, “If you are crazy, I will ask my father to say that you bully me!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll have a dream. There are too many scammers in the capital. Many people just master a little dream-acting method, so they lie everywhere and say that they are a dream-occupier. See if the shopkeeper of the public building this week is a liar!”

“You’re waiting here, I’ll go inside first, I can call you again!” After having said hastily, put away the gold ticket, and walked towards the inner hall. After a while, he came out hastily, “OK Come, come with me, you can be the only one!”

Beitang Wangchuan laughed, let the person who followed him stay in Outer Hall, he walked hastily to the inner hall, through a daoist sect, a corridor, and came to a small attic in the bamboo forest , I saw Xia Pingan.

The “Seven Steps into Poetry” this world bead provided Xia Pingan with 30 points of divine force, 30 words in seven steps of poem, and one word for one divine force. After the integration just now, Xia Pingan experienced it silently in the attic With the skills of “Lotus step by step”.

The magic of this “Divine Skill World Bead” is that once integrated, Xia Pingan can use divine force to activate this footwork skill. This skill seems to be an auxiliary skill for summoner combat and escape. Just now Xia Pingan tried it silently in the yard, and this skill actually allowed him to step on the lotus leaves in the yard pool and walk like flying, and the whole person was ecstatic, really useful.

Xia Pingan originally thought that no one would come to occupy the dream today, didn’t expect, there was a business coming early this morning.

Sitting behind the table and looking at Beitang Wangchuan who was walking behind hastily, Xia Pingan blinked. This hasty face is a bit similar to Beitang Wangchuan, especially the noses of the two. It’s tall and straight, it’s almost like a stamp printed in a mold. This man is older than the sloppy, he won’t be the sloppy big brother…

If I have a younger sister unfathomable mystery who runs out of the house half a month, I should also check it out, right?

Xia Pingan felt a little bit in her heart.

Compared with Xia Pingan, the divine light flashed in Beitang Wangchuan’s eyes at the moment he saw Xia Pingan, and the shock in his heart was even more unspeakable.

After all these days hastily been with who, naturally someone will check it out. The Imperial Family impossible in Dashang Country allows a person of unknown origin to approach Princess, but the people who check below cannot find out that the “Yangcheng” is coming. Any information before going to the capital, I only know that Yangcheng seems to have no money. I previously rented a yard in Changle Alley near Pingshan. Yangcheng did not deliberately approach Cao Cao, but Cao Cao is deliberately approaching Yangcheng, and these days I was very happy with him hastily, and there was nothing wrong with Yangcheng.

I heard today that this Yangcheng actually regarded himself as a master of dreams and opened a dream building. Beitang Wangchuan happened to be out of the palace this morning to visit a certain sick minister’s house. When he came back and passed Tianyuan Bridge, Can’t help but want to see if this man who hastily cleaned up and obediently is who are you.

And as soon as he saw Xia Pingan, Beitang Wangchuan’s “Eyes of Truth” magical skills were passively activated. At a glance, he could see through the face of Yangcheng wearing a Ruyi mask, and the face under that mask, It’s not exactly who Xia Pingan was who joined the ruling army before.

Xia Pingan made a great contribution last time, which is regarded as saving herself once. These days, the ruling army is also looking for Xia Pingan everywhere in the capital, but this Xia Pingan seems to have disappeared, Beitang Wangchuan even thought that Xia Pingan Having already escaped from the upper capital, didn’t expect, this guy was transformed into a dream master again.

Interesting, interesting…

Seeing the real face under Xia Pingan’s mask, Beitang Wangchuan’s face remained calm, but his eyes became deeper.

“Does this Young Master want to occupy a dream, please sit down!” Xia Pingan made a please gesture and asked Beitang Wangchuan to sit down opposite the table in front of him.

Hastily closed the door and left. Before leaving, he warned Beitang Wangchuan with his eyes and told Beitang Wangchuan not to make trouble.

Hastily warned Beitang Wangchuan’s eyes, Xia Pingan noticed it, and felt more certain about the relationship between Beitang Wangchuan and Cao Cao. Cao Cao and this man should be siblings.

There is a curl of sandalwood burning in the room, which is quite quiet and very atmospheric. Xia Pingan is about to ask Beitang Wangchuan what dream he wants to occupy, and the boy of Fu Shen himself jumped from Xia Pingan’s secret mandala. He came out and jumped to the table in front of the two of them. A figurine mask appeared on the face of Fushen Boy. Fushen Boy took off his mask, pointed to Xia Pingan, pointed to his own eyes, and pointed to the north. Tang Wangchuan made a gesture.

Xia Pingan was also stunned. What the blessing god boy meant was that the man on the opposite side had seen through the mask on his face and knew his true face? How could it be…

Then, the Fushen boy was in front of Xia Pingan, and wrote three words in the sky with his hands-Emperor Crown Prince.

I rely on!

If this man is the Crown Prince, isn’t that hastily the Princess of Dashang Country?

Beitang Wangchuan did not find the Fushen Boy in front of him at all, and has leaked his old story to Xia Pingan.

Xia Pingan is clever, and looking at Beitang Wangchuan, Xia Pingan’s eyes deepen.

The two people looked at each other for more than ten seconds in the room. Look at me and I look at you. The atmosphere is a little weird. In the end, Xia Pingan thoughts are revolving, breaking the silence and pretending to ask without knowing anything. One sentence, “Does this Young Master want to occupy the dream?”

“Yes, I am here today just to account for dreams!” Beitang Wangchuan also said, “You account for dreams here, why is that many more expensive than other places? There are many famous dreamers in Shangjing. There are only a few dozen Gold Coins in one dream. Why do you account for one hundred dreams at a time?

“This Young Master asked a good question, I accounted for the dream, naturally based on my ability. Since Young Master is the first customer of Zhougonglou, I will account for the dream for Young Master once for free, this one hundred Gold Coin , Young Master can take it back!” Xia Pingan said, took out the 100 Gold Coin gold ticket, put it on the table, and pushed it over.

Beitang Wangchuan haha ​​smiled, “haha, as long as it is accurate, what a hundred Gold Coins are, I can give you ten thousand Gold Coins……”

“Okay, then ask Young Master to tell you the dream you want to occupy, I will occupy it for Young Master!” Xia Pingan said.

Beitang Wangchuan’s expression was a little serious, and after thinking about it, he said, “I had a dream the day before. I saw the defeat of the army. I was in the midst of the defeat. There were blazing flames around me, burning my body, I don’t know. Is this dream good or bad?”

“Wait for me to play a dream for the Young Master…” Xia Pingan stretched out his hand and pointed to Beitang Wangchuan’s forehead. The misty dreamland appeared in front of Xia Pingan like a projection.

In a dream, Xia Pingan saw that the army was defeated like a mountain, and Beitang Wangchuan was in armor. He was in Dashang Country’s defeat and wanted to save the situation, but suddenly, Beitang Wangchuan was in front of him. On the ground, a raging fire began to burn Beitang Wangchuan’s body and burned Beitang Wangchuan’s body to red light, like a stove, and in the fire, Beitang Wangchuan seemed to be uncomfortable. Did not feel how painful…

The strange thing about the dream is that everything in the dream does not appear logically, but bizarre and motley, just like the dream of Beitang Wangchuan, how the army was defeated, I don’t know, but that defeated the army In the middle of the night, a fire suddenly ignited beside him, and they came together endlessly.

“How?” Beitang Wangchuan asked.

“Young Master’s dream, divided into two, has both evil and good luck!” Xia Pingan said.

“How to say?”

“Seeing that the army is defeated is a bad omen, this is a bad omen, but Young Master is in the defeated army, but there is flames burning, this is the appearance of the help of the nobles!” Xia Pingan is interpreting the dream, this interpretation is not his blindness , It’s not that he is putting gold on his face, but the dream of Beitang Wangchuan is indeed such a moral.

Hearing Xia Pingan’s words, Beitang Wangchuan’s expression became more serious, “Apart from this, what else does this dream indicate?”

“Young Master’s dream was defeated for no reason, completely sudden, and Young Master was involved in it when it appeared, which means that the murder will also happen suddenly, leaving Young Master unprepared, or just recently, or It has happened, and Young Master hasn’t noticed yet…”

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