
There are many things in the world, and that is how mountain road twists around each new peak is unexpected.

When Xia Pingan thought that he would no longer be in contact with the Judging Army and was about to work as a “self-employed”, he unexpectedly received a gift package from the Judging Army.

Of course, this gift package did not come from the Judging Army, but from the Emperor Crown Prince Beitang Wangchuan, meaning that Beitang Wangchuan wanted to re-draw himself to the Judging Army to entrust him with important tasks.

It’s just that I’m just a nobody in the Judging Army. Beitang Wangchuan hadn’t seen him before. The first time he saw him that day, he recognized himself. The most likely thing is that he already knew he was in the Judging Army. At the same time, he also knew from the Blood Demon Religion that he was a “Sky Crosser” and was being chased by the Blood Demon Religion.

While knowing the details of his identity, he must also promote himself. The intention behind this appointment is intriguing.

Inspector, if you remember well, this position is in the adjudicating army, but it is the title of black clothed bishop.

Blue fearless saw that Xia Pingan wasn’t too excited, and continued to explain, “The arrest warrant of the police station against your lord has been revoked. Sir, you are now free, and you can resume your original public activities, lord. Don’t worry!”

Unconsciously, blue fearless began to call Lord Xia Pingan.

In Dashang Country and the Judging Army, the name of an adult, but it must reach a considerable level, at least the honorific title that can only be enjoyed at black clothed bishop Level 1. The position of black clothed bishop is still above bishop, if not in Shangjing If so, the black clothed bishop equivalent to Dark War God Cult will be the highest Chief-In-Charge at Level 1 in the ordinary city.

My previous teaching title in the Dark War God Cult was “Assistant Priest”, and now I have been promoted to Level 3, directly past the priest and bishop levels, and become a black clothed bishop.

Judging from the words of Blue Fearless, he still doesn’t know that he is an aircrosser and is being chased by the Blood Demon Religion. Knowing that he is an aircrosser should only be the high-level officials of Beitang Wangchuan and the Judging Army.

After thinking for a while, Xia Pingan spoke slowly, “Let me ask, what is my inspector responsible for?”

“The inspection by the Donggang Inspection Office of Shangjing City failed the integration of the Jiezhu two days ago and was seriously injured. The Donggang Inspection Office was not chaired. If you take office, you will chair the Donggang Inspection Office!” Lan fearless said, “Presumably The adults have heard a lot of news in the upper capital in the past two days, Blood Demon Religion return in a swirl of dust, to make waves in the upper capital, plant corpse poison, and now the people in the upper capital were alarmed, it is the time when the military personnel were judged. I also ask the adults not to refuse!”

“This is what I want to quit Shadow Guard?”

“Cough cough, the identity of the shadow guard of your lord was revealed last time, this time it turned from dark to light!”

Xia Pingan was silent, still thinking, a little hesitant.

“The capital city of Donggang has always been prosperous, fish and dragons mixed in together, but the chief officer of the Donggang Inspection Office is fat and lacking. In that position, in addition to enjoying the cultivation resources provided by the Judging Army, adults should have the wind and the wind. Rain and rain, in addition to Gold Coin, there are also some scarce cultivation resources that are also easy to obtain. To be honest, even if the adult’s Zhou Gong Building is very busy every day, it really can’t be compared with the errand of the inspector. !”

Fuck, this is Beitang Wangchuan, knowing that he wants to make money, actually arranged such a fat job for himself.

“Adults can think about it. If they think well, they can go to the Donggang Inspection Office at any time. By the way, this is the reward that the adult received last time for providing information, and the token of the adult inspector, teaching service ……” Blue fearless said, and when he moved his hand, he placed a big box in front of Xia Pingan.

Putting down these things, Blue fearless retired with interest.

When the blue fearless left, Xia Pingan put on her wishful mask again, and then opened the box.

The box is divided into two layers. The top layer is a token of a golden ruling military inspector. Under the token, a full 50,000 Gold Coin is pressed. This reward is generous enough. If you are an ordinary person, you can already live a good life by buying a house in Shanghai.

At the bottom of the box, there is a black clothed bishop teaching gown, and there is an exquisite Magical Artifact cane that symbolizes the authority of the black clothed bishop.

Looking at those things, Xia Pingan rubbed her nose. Beitang Wangchuan not only entrusted herself with a heavy responsibility, but also gave herself the space to choose. This is interesting. I don’t know if she chooses to refuse. What will I face when I come down?


“Ah, what is this?” There was a hasty voice outside the door. As soon as I entered the inner hall hastily, I saw the box on Xia Pingan’s desk. She came over and took a look and picked up the inspector’s Token, his complexion was dumbfounded, “This is…”

“Quickly, I forgot to tell you, I am a member of the Shadow Guard of the Judging Army, and now there is a new errand…” Xia Pingan laughed, with a decision in her heart, since Beitang Wangchuan doesn’t mind herself” The identity of the “crosser in the sky” was expressed. Then, you should rely on the big tree to enjoy the cool. The most important thing is to use the Judging Army and Dashang Country to quickly grow your own strength. Anyway, you and the ruler of Demon God Lineage is a deadly enemy. It weakens and strikes the Blood Demon Religion itself, which is to fight for more survival opportunities and space for the “aircrossers” from Earth.

It’s just that Zhou Gonglou’s dream master’s business has just begun, so it’s a pity to give up.

Well, I will let those who want to come to Zhanmeng need to make an appointment in advance to arrange Zhanmeng, so it seems that I am more compelling and more in line with my own identity and positioning. I am not a Zhanmeng master like myself. You can watch it with any money, and you need to make an appointment. It doesn’t take long to give three people a dream every time.

“Zhou Gonglou just opened for a few days, you stopped being a dream master?” asked hastily, a little lost and annoyed, she thought it was Beitang Wangchuan who didn’t want to let herself continue to “rally” outside, so Yang Cheng was reused by the adjudication army and placed in a new position. In fact, the reasons behind this were more complicated than she thought.

“Of course the Zhougong Building is going to be opened, why not open it, but in the future, you will need to queue up to make an appointment. If you have three appointments, I will find time to come here to give people the dream!”

“Then what should I do?” Pursed his lips, “Don’t you want me to stay here alone for a day to guard this empty house, wouldn’t it be boring to die?”

Xia Pingan spread his hands, “It’s easy. I’ll hire another person and ask him to guard me here to register door-to-door appointments for the guests who account for dreams. Three people each time, and the others are enough, then notify me. , I will arrange time for them to come here to account for their dreams, that is, you can continue to be my assistant at that time!”

This is the method Xia Pingan thought of. Just like fishing with a bamboo cage, you usually put the bamboo cage in the water, wait for the fish to get into the cage, and then harvest.

After hearing this hastily, he clapped his hands and laughed again, “Yes, yes, just do it. We will come again when the guests come to make an appointment, so that you don’t have to stay here for a day. I don’t think you need to hire people anymore. , There are several maids around me, I choose a smarter one to let her look at the store here, and she will work for me, what do you think?”

Xia Pingan slightly smiled, “That’s the best!”

He said so, but what Xia Pingan thought in her heart was that, in this way, this Princess is equivalent to a partner of Zhou Gonglou, and it is interesting to open a shop with Princess.

However, Xia Pingan also noticed that she just likes to play, girl temperament, think this thing is new and want to try, there is no bad thoughts, when she gets bored, maybe she wants to try other things, this thing Just put it down.

“Didn’t expect you can still be the inspector of the ruling army, then when are you going to take office? It won’t be today…” Hastily picked up the token, took a look, and asked directly Tao.

Listening to the hasty tone, I only think that the inspectors of the ruling army are small officials and small officials. It seems that who can do it, nothing special.

“Blood Demon Religion may be making waves in the capital these days. The corpse poison made people were alarmed. Maybe many people will die. I’m going to take office tomorrow and do my best…” [ 19459002]

“Oh, you should say that. It is indeed more important to save people than to account for dreams!” Nodded hastily, “This, just before you take office tomorrow, can I ask you for one? Matter?”

“What’s the matter?”

Hastily licked his lips, and the beautiful eyes began to shine again, “Before you go, can you make me another meal of the Buddha jumped over the wall that you made last time? I’ll watch it by the side. Don’t worry, I don’t Will pass on your secret recipe for cooking to others…”


“I helped you for several days before earning these two Gold Coins. You should compensate me, not too much…”

“Well, okay…”

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