
Late at night, the Huang Family, after the news that Huang Wei was beheaded by Xia Pingan at the gate of the Donggang Inspection Office, the entire Huang Family was in distress and fell into extreme depression…

Huang Family’s subordinates and bodyguards dare not say anything.

At night, several carriages drove into Huang Family from the side door of Huang Family, and the entire Huang Family who could speak for themselves in the capital came back.

In the secret room of Huang Family’s inner courtyard, Mrs. Huang cried loudly, her eyes were swollen, but in less than a day, the pampered Mrs. Huang was as old as several years old, no more wealthy The noble lady’s weather is like that of a city woman, her hair is a little messy, she has no master, and she is in a hurry.

“…Weir and his father is not in the capital, which made that person bully our Huang Family door today. Now something is wrong with Weier. Only two Uncles are the masters…”

In the secret room, in addition to Mrs. Huang, there are Huang Wei’s big brother Huang Zhen and Huang Wei’s second uncle and third uncle.

Huang Zhen is in his thirties, and his face is six or seven points similar to Huang Wei, but his temperament is more calm and experienced. At this moment, Huang Zhen’s face is gloomy as iron, his lips are tightly closed, and his fists under the table are clenched. .

Huang Wei’s second uncle is called Huang Chang, and his third uncle is called Huang Feng. These two people, namely Huang Wei’s father Anxi province governor Huang Zheng’s two brothers, are responsible for taking care of the Huang Family’s property in Shangjing.

Huang Chang looks like you are in your sixties. Wearing a black robe, your face is thin, with a few white beards on your chin, a pair of triangular eyes flashing, and your face is full of wrinkles. With murderous aura, every wrinkle on that face seems to be like a chain and poisonous snake hidden in the shadow, which makes people look like a scheming, vicious and merciless kind of person.

Huang Feng is in his fifties and has a slightly fat body. His triangular eyes are exactly the same as Huang Chang. He is angry and violent. He is panting and red eyes, walking around the room.

On Huang Feng’s head, a Fushen boy wearing a bellyband is sitting cross-legged, grabbing his ears and climbing up his hair, jumping on his shoulders, and then jumping again in the next second. I stumbled in front of Mrs. Huang, learning the way Mrs. Huang was crying, making faces…

The people of Huang Family didn’t notice it.

“The old man loves Weier the most. How is the old man now?” Huang Zong asked in a low-pitched voice.

“Since Second Brother was taken away, grandma became ill with anger. Now grandma doesn’t know that something has happened to Second Brother. We have already explained to the servants in the house. We are not allowed to mention a single word. How long can I keep it…” Huang Zhen replied, his eyes gloomy, “I have already sent a letter to father using Feishu. Father estimates that the news will not be received until two days later…”

Huang Feng slapped his face fiercely, and said bitterly, “I was careless, didn’t expect that Xia Pingan was so difficult to make arrangements for that many people did not stop him on the road, and let him harm him. For his life, he owes this blood debt to our Huang Family, he must pay it back, a life pays a life, and he will never let him go…”

“The key now is on the adjudicating army!” Huang Chang said coldly, “I have asked my friends to inquire, but I haven’t figured out the details of Xia Pingan, and I don’t know who is his backer. The news from the Judging Army was that Xia Pingan came to the Upper Capital and not long ago, he joined the Judging Army and was elected to the Dark Shadow Guard. Later, he did not know what credit he made in the Dark Shadow Guard and was promoted to the black clothed bishop. Then he turned from the dark to the light and took over the post of Donggang inspector. Lin Yi personally controlled the shadow guard affairs, and other people could not figure out the details!”

“Then Xia Pingan’s patron is Lin Yi?” Huang Zhen asked.

“I don’t know, it may be, or it may not be. According to people in the ruling army, Lin Yi has never had public contact with Xia Pingan before. There are many hills in the ruling army, and Shadow Guard is acting secretively and it is difficult to judge. Who is supporting Xia Pingan!” Huang Chang explained.

“Second brother, isn’t Xia Pingan being taken into custody by the attorney general? Can we find someone to let the ruling army and the attorney general deal with him, and let him die in jail…” Huang Feng asked.

“I have already thought about it, but the news came from a friend from the ruling army. After Lin Yi returned to Pingshan Camp, he personally asked about Xia Pingan. He has not been allowed to interrogate by the Attorney General. Xia Pingan is now alone. Being taken into custody, someone is staring at any time, wanting to do something, it is very difficult, no one in the ruling army dares to offend Lin Yi!”

“Then let him go like this?”

“We are temporarily unable to intervene on the Judgment Army, but as long as he comes out of the Judging Army camp, we can find someone to kill him and avenge Weier. He is just a summoner of the Three Suns Realm, although strong , But there are many people who can kill him. As long as our price is in place, we are not afraid of finding no one!” Huang Chang said viciously, “I just want to do him, but I can’t be eye-catching. This matter can’t be anxious. I have sent someone to ask Peak’s killer to come to the capital. These days, we will stop for a few days and keep our voice down a little bit. We must not mention revenge. Just say that everything about Huang Family should be handled by the above. Don’t Let people keep their eyes on our Huang Family, and when this is over, we will kill him again!”

“Second uncle, there is news from the ruling army, saying that Xia Pingan is still making ruthless words, to check our Huang Family’s business, but also to make us look good?”

“This has to be guarded. Those businesses of our Huang Family Changping can’t see the light. First, we will transfer to Fuyue. No one knows that Fuyue is also the property of our Huang Family. We have to prepare early. Worry, don’t let the people from the Donggang Inspection Office grab us anymore. You work on the railway. Keep your eyes on it. Everything else remains the same. Big brother is the governor of a province. Even if you know this, it’s not convenient for your big brother to express your opinion. , Also look at the above conclusions. Also, today’s interception of Xia Pingan’s matter may be a bit troublesome. This matter must be dealt with promptly, and the explanation should be unified. Try not to get involved with our Huang Family, especially Fire Dragon. By the way, if the above investigation is a big problem, I heard that Lin Yi is very angry…”

“I contacted Li Chaoming of the golden sun police station and Legion Lei Heyang of the garrison. I will deal with it. One sentence…” Huang Feng gritted his teeth, “Those miscellaneous things from the 13th Taibao Divine Spear Team , It’s not reliable at all, not even a piece of Xia Pingan’s hair was left. After taking the money, they all ran away. The Fire Dragon team suffered heavy losses. Even Yi Zhaofeng was killed by Xia Pingan. The Fire Dragon team now has no leader. The remaining few people have been hidden, afraid to show up, still watching the wind…”

Huang Chang squinted his eyes and thought for a while, the expression and lines on his face became venomous, “Whether the 13th Taibao Divine Spear team ran away, they want to stay in the capital, and they are in trouble now…”, As soon as the voice fell, Huang Chang’s voice became cold, with a hint of murderous aura, “As for the Fire Dragon side, the remaining few people are useless, but the remaining is a hidden danger, I will arrange for someone to deal with it, in short In other words, the Fire Dragon’s help has nothing to do with our Huang Family. They intercepted Xia Pingan. It may be because of a personal grudge with Xia Pingan…”

Huang Zhen was slightly surprised, “We Huang Family has been operating Fire Dragon to help this line for so many years, and it has spent that many money, second uncle, do you want to…”

“Zhen’er, I want to do a major event. There are some people who want to do a major event. If you want to give up, you must give up. When you break it, you will end. The Fire Dragon help was useful to our Huang Family before, but now, they have not stopped Xia. Pingan did not save Wei’er either. Yi Zhaofeng is still dead. The Fire Dragon gang is just a bunch of trash. If the people who intercepted Xia Pingan today are still alive and caught, they will be deployed in the capital today. In the case of summon war soldiers and puppets, if it is used by someone who has something to do with the big brother, the big brother is the governor of a province, but in the upper capital, he is raising dead soldiers and arranging troops on the street to violate the ban and kill the inspectors. You know What are the consequences?”

When Huang Zhen heard that, the cold sweat came down, and he quickly lowered his head, “If you are still a second uncle, you should listen to the second uncle arrangement!”

“As long as the governor of the big brother sits steadily, the foundation and influence of our Huang Family is there. The most important thing for our Huang Family is not to let any silhouette ring or threaten the position of the big brother, Fire Dragon To help such quack forces, we have as much as we want, and the problems that can be solved by killing a few outsiders and a nobody are small problems, understand…”

Huang Chang was talking, but didn’t notice that the Fushen boy had jumped on his head, was staring at him with little resentful eyes, and then showered with a pee, and Huang Chang’s head appeared. The light of dark green…


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