
The lower reaches of the Qin’an River, the mouth of the sea…

“There are corpses floating down again, wow, it’s still a water monster…”

“This is the seventieth fish caught by that boat…”

The marine police in the upper capital drove a few tú tú tú tú steamboats with black smoke, and hundreds of fishing boats that were temporarily organized, and they were salvaging the dead bodies that drifted down from the upper reaches of the Qin’an River. .

Seeing the corpse caught in the fishing net, the people on the fishing boat screamed again.

The corpses of the water monsters are piled up on the fishing boats. Some of the water monsters’ bodies are still intact, but there are some wounds in the vital parts, and there are a lot of water monsters’ bodies, that is zero. Broken and incomplete, water monsters with one head, one leg, and half a body are everywhere.

The corpse of the water monster has been soaked in water for an unknown period of time. The wound has become a little white. The muscles, internal organs, and intestines of the wound are like water plants soaked in water, swinging lifelessly with the waves, and there are some wounds. There are also traces of being gnawed by fish. Once the water monster’s hideous face becomes a corpse, it loses all its deterrence, and looks similar to the seafood slaughtered in the vegetable market.

The fishing boats that salvaged corpses were a little scared at first, but gradually, they got used to it.

There was a period of time just now, when the water of Qin’an River was flowing down from above, it was red.

The marine police, fishermen, those fishing on the shore, and the guests on the ship were all frightened.

Then, there was the corpse of the water monster flowing down from the upper reaches.

The people here finally know why Qin Anhe is red.

Because there is blood flowing in the river besides water, which can dye the whole river red.

On the upper reaches of Qin’an River, there must be a major event.

Someone has thought of the dragon boat race held today on the Qin’an River.

Where the red water flows, the panic will flow there.

But this panic did not last long, because soon everyone discovered that the corpses drifting down from the upper reaches were empty, only water monsters, and there were more and more water monsters, almost densely packed. , No human body can be seen.

As long as there are no human bodies in the river, no one is afraid.

Gradually, on the shore of the estuary, many people came to watch the excitement.

There are tens of thousands of people watching the excitement. Workers and residents of the nearby dockyard and shipyards, as well as those fishing and hanging out on the beach, all come over. Everyone gathers on both sides of the embankment of the sea entrance, facing the water. The salvage situation, pointing fingers.

“I bet, the Long’an fishing boat caught the most water monster corpses…”

“I made the most money on Fuqing, two Silver Coins……”

“I bet on Tianyun to make more money, five Silver Coins……”

Among the people on the shore watching the salvage work of the marine police and fishing boats, there were even a few Qingpi who opened the handicap and gambled directly.

There are still many people discuss spiritedly.

“Why are there that many corpses of water monsters in this river?”

“I heard that it was the demon from the Blood Demon Religion…”

“The trouble? The bite of the Blood Demon Religion caused these water monsters to commit suicide upstream? Why didn’t people see their bodies, but waves of water monsters continued…”

“What nonsense are you talking about, do you want to see someone floating down?”

“I didn’t mean that, I wish I went to the capital to be safe, but it’s so strange that there are so many corpses of the water monster…”

“What’s weird, there is a ruling army in the upper capital, or there may be a silly bird of Blood Demon Religion who is full and holding it up, making some tricks for everyone to have fun, let’s go, let’s go and gamble Two…”

Among the crowd, there was one wearing a straw hat, holding a fishing rod, leaning slightly, hunched over, and looked like an old man fishing here, looking at the corpses of water monsters in the river , Listening to the discussion of the people around, the cold light flashes in the eyes, complexion ashen.

The Fushen boy squatted on the old man’s hat, and the old man didn’t notice it.

This old man is the water demon Qiaozahai. At this moment, Qiaozahai has become an old angler who lives alone in a village on the seaside of the capital city.

The prototype of the old fisherman had been chopped up by the Qiaotaihai and thrown into the sea to feed the fish. Even the neighbor of the old fisherman in the village did not know that their neighbor had already unconsciously replaced another one. people.

Qiao Yuhai was originally here waiting to see the excitement and his masterpieces. What he wanted to see were the corpses of countless people in the capital floating down the river, and what he wanted to see were the pale faces of the people around him in horror. What I want to see is that the entire upper capital city is shiver coldly under his lewd prestige, what I want to see is that the name Qiao Taihai can shock the capital city and become a nightmare for everyone.


Everything in front of me was like a merciless mockery of him.

impossible, impossible, when I released the water monsters, there was no powerhouse near the Peach Blossom Bridge. Those summoners who maintained order, even if they could find the water monsters coming, even if they could finally kill the water monsters, they could not evacuate the crowd in time. , This is a massacre. The people who died the most must be the people who went to the capital. How could it be their own water monster?

Qiao Yuhai roared wildly in her heart.

“Hey, old man, do you want to take a gamble? Just bet on which boat gets the most water monster corpses. Pay three for one…” An acne-faced green skin approached Qiao Yuhai and asked. .

The iron-green look on Qiao Yuhai’s face disappeared instantly, and suddenly became lonely and cold, coldly snorted, “I have two fish in my fish basket, do you gamble?”

“Che, I didn’t have any money. Who wants to bet your two stinky fish with you!”

Finally, I took a look at the situation in the river, Qiaotaihai carried a fishing rod and a fish basket, turned around and walked towards a village by the sea.

There are more than 300 households in the village, right by the sea, and on the seashore beside the village, there are rows of small fishing boats.

The people in the capital do not eat the fish in the Qin’an River, but the fish in the sea is still eaten, so the whole village depends on fishing for a living. The old man in the village who can’t get on the boat, just go Fishing or getting some fish, shrimp, and seafood in a cage at the beach, although the money you make is not as much as you can go fishing, you can still make a little bit of money every day.

Near the sea, there are many small villages like this, and there are more old men like the incarnation of Qiao Taihai.

The old man incarnation of Qiao Taihai is an orphan in the village, without children, and no wife. He has a weird temper and does not like to talk to people. Qiao Taihai has walked through the village and no one is with him. Say hello.

The hut where Qiao Zahai lived was very dilapidated, less than 400 meters away from the sea in a straight line, standing alone in front of a weedy soil slope.

Back to the small ruined house, the sun had already set, there was not enough light in the small ruined house, and all kinds of things were piled up disorderly in the house. It was pitch black everywhere, extremely depressing.

Qiao Yu Customs came to the door, put his fishing rod, poured the fish in the fish basket into the water tank, and waved his hand, the sound in the hut was completely shielded from the outside world. If people are outside, listen to this There was just a dead silence in the room.

Qiao Zahai scanned the room with sharp eyes, and two words came out in a low voice, “Come out…”

“Hehehe, good vigilance!” In the shadow of a dilapidated cupboard in the room, a shadow writhed, slowly revealing a human figure wearing a golden grimace mask and his whole body covered in thick black fog Come, the people in the thick fog smiled softly, “You’re singing this scene today. The famous water demon Qiao Zahai made his first shot in the capital city and consumed tens of thousands of water demon eggs. As a result, Only one or two hundred people were killed, and there weren’t even the bodies of those people seen in the river, hehehe, this work was not beautiful…”

“hmph!” Qiao Yuhai is coldly snorted, “My business, it is not your turn to worry about the dark demon, if you are good, you can also go to the ruling army in front of one’s eyes and kill hundreds of people to see me. , I’m afraid you don’t have the guts…”

“gē gē gē ……” The dark monster whose whole body was in the thick black fog smiled. The original man’s voice turned into a woman when he laughed, which made people get goose bumps. Then, dark The devil’s voice became old again, just like an old man, “There are many kinds of killing. You must use courage and your brain, too. You don’t want to know why you failed today, and who broke your good deeds?” [19459002 ]

“What do you mean?” Qiao Yuhai’s eyes moved.

“Don’t be so careful, Palace Lord used the undead pill to offer a reward for those who appeared in Jinyuezhou. One of them is in the upper capital. Today is the good thing that he broke you. If you want the undead pill, we We can cooperate once, as long as we take that person’s head, we can evenly divide the undead pill!”

Immortal Dan? Hearing these three words, a greedy brilliance flashed in Qiao Zahai’s eyes. These three words seemed to have a huge temptation to him…

“Who is that crosser you said?”

“Xia Pingan, the inspector of the Donggang Inspectorate Office of the ruling army, today is when he found out that there was an abnormal underwater movement in Taohua Bridge in advance, so that those onlookers were evacuated in advance, and later he deployed troops on Taohua Bridge to sniper the water. Demon, you are in vain…” The dark demon said, his voice turned into a young boy, but he didn’t know that the Fushen boy had crawled on his head and was urinating on his head with grinning teeth.

“The ruling army will let a crosser join, and also serve as an inspector?”

“Xia Pingan is just a bait. When the Beijing branch was wiped out last time, the top of Dashang Country already knew his identity, and knew that our Blood Demon Religion wanted his head and deliberately put him on The conspicuous place has led us to the bait, this kind of trick, do the ruling army think we can’t see it!”

“You know it’s a trap, do you want me to dive in?”

“This is the interesting place…” The dark demon’s voice was ethereal and weird, echoing in the dilapidated little wood house, “We were in front of one’s eyes of the Judging Army and ate the meat in the trap. , And you can retreat all over. Did you find the face you lost today? The immortal pill is also available. If the Palace Lord knows that we killed the Xia Pingan in this situation, there must be a reward, Palace Lord When I am happy, maybe the reward of immortality pill will be doubled!”

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