
Walking, Xia Pingan passed the Wuyou Building of Master Shuiyue.

Outside the Wuyou Building, it is still so lively, a lot of carriages are lining up, a group of rich people are waiting for Master Shuiyue to explain their dreams, compared with the look of the beautiful door of Zhougonglou, Master Shuiyue is there every day This worry-free building is so rich that it makes people envious.

Not far from Wuyou Building, there is a mid-range restaurant called Baizhen Building. It is still lively at night. People coming, people going, restaurant guys are welcoming guests at the door. Xia Pingan thought about it, and I didn’t rush to go back, but just walked towards the restaurant.

“Guest, how many?”


“Guest, please, a distinguished guest!” The guy yelled in a long voice and greeted Xia Pingan in the door. Then another guy came over. The first floor of the restaurant was full, and the guy took Xia Pingan directly. On the second floor of the restaurant, one person occupies a small table.

“Four or five kinds of good wines and dishes will do…” Xia Pingan said directly.

“Alright, guest, wait a minute!”

Xia Pingan is the restaurant’s favorite, not picky, not bad for money, and proud.

The two guys who followed Xia Pingan saw that Xia Pingan entered the restaurant, but did not follow in. Instead, they sat down in a teahouse on the roadside outside, ordered a pot of tea, and wild dogs waited like rabbits. With.

Soon enough, Xia Pingan’s wine and dishes were served. Three meals, one soup, and a pot of wine, the pairing was exquisite.

There are a lot of customers in the restaurant, everyone is eating and chatting, and Xia Pingan is eating and listening.

Many of the diners in the restaurant are Bounty Hunter and summoners in Shangjing. From the mouths of those diners, you can know a lot of news.

At three o’clock on the right hand side of Xia Pingan, a table was still empty. After a while, there were four summoners, three men and one woman, each in their 30s and 40s, have endured the hardships Of a long journey, wearing leather armor, with a knife and a medicine pouch around his waist, and looking like an old world, the four people began to order wine and food as soon as they sat down, and then talked.

“Big brother, the name is not in vain at Tianyuanqiao Night Market in the capital, that many world beads, so they are sold open. Grandma’s, if you have money, I just want to buy the Transforming Realm Pearl. , I have searched a lot of places for that Realm Pearl, and I just met it today. Last time we were underground, if we had that Transforming Realm Pearl, we wouldn’t be poisoned by scorpion again…” A bearded man said Then, the look on her face was both envious and regretful, “Grandma’s, that Transforming Realm Pearl actually costs more than 1,200 Gold Coins, plus the divine sense crystal, it takes at least 3000 Gold Coins to buy…” [ 19459002]

The Transforming Realm Pearl referred to by the bearded man is actually the “negative Jing please sin” realm pearl. After the fusion of the realm pearl, it can get rid of the low-level toxins and some negative states of the body. This world bead, Xia Pingan has been fused before.

3000Gold Coin is a small amount for the current Xia Pingan, but for many low-level summoners, it is a huge sum of money.

“The treasures of the world and Jiezhu all gather in places with a lot of money and people. There are naturally many Jiezhu in the capital, but don’t worry about Second Brother. We are here to make a fortune this time. As long as we perform a few missions and get a few Realm Pearls for sale by good luck, this 3000 Gold Coin is not difficult. Sooner or later, we can collect the money for the Transforming Realm Pearl!” The man named the big brother was patted The shoulders of Second Brother.

Four summoners, perform several tasks in a row, good luck, it is possible to earn 3000 Gold Coin, this is the survival state of the overwhelming majority summoner.

“Big brother, I heard that Dashang Country will recruit a lot of summoners this time. Today we came to Beijing on the airship, there are more than ten summoners…” the woman asked, “I don’t know the mission here. Danger is not dangerous. If it’s like the void Secret Realm I encountered in Wolffang Valley last time, the monsters inside will rush out before the people outside rush in, it would be too dangerous…” [ 19459002]

“Rest assured, the Demon Sect in the capital, one is at sea and the other is underground. Dashang Country has a solid line of defense. Now Demon Sect has some signs of opening. I don’t know what is behind Demon Sect. We don’t need it. Worry, even if the Demon Sect is open, we don’t need to be the first to rush forward, as long as we follow the large forces to advance and retreat, and then see the opportunity to see the opportunity, nothing will happen…”

Listening to those summoners chatting, Xia Pingan suddenly remembered that she almost forgot about Demon Sect.

With the chat of several people at that table, Xia Pingan gradually understood why there are more summoners in the capital these days.

There are two Demon Sects in the upper capital, one in the sea and one underground. In response to the crisis of Demon Sect, Beitang Wangchuan has issued a call-up order to greatly increase the mission rewards of Bounty Hunter in the upper capital and prepare to form a summoner. Hiring Legion, those summoners who heard the news naturally gathered from all directions to the capital, looking for opportunities.

After listening to it for a while, the summoners on the other tables were also discussing topics such as Demon Sect and Dashang Country’s rewards, and Xia Pingan became clear.

summoner hires the one-sun summoner in Legion. As long as you join, you will get a Gold Coin for your daily basic salary. The salary is settled daily, and the reward for completing the task is not included. Individuals and Legion’s spoils of war are kept for themselves, that’s it The conditions have allowed many summoners to flock to them, moving towards the upper capital.

The summoners in the ruling army are all well-known figures in the summoners, and the selection is strict, and the monthly basic salary of the summoners in the Donggang Inspection Office is only 39 Gold Coins per month, which is only one of those in the hired Legion. The treatment of summoners in the sun is slightly better.

A Gold Coin, even in the capital, is enough for a summoner to eat and drink spicy food every day for several days.

Like the big table of food eaten by five or six people in this restaurant, there are generally less than ten Silver Coins.

Beitang Wangchuan is busy with this recently? The emperor His Highness the Crown Prince is really everything…

Xia Pingan knew it well. After the meal, he paid three Silver Coins, a few copper coins were given to the buddy for consumption, and then he went directly to the restaurant.

The Gold Coin in hand, as long as it is not used to buy boundary beads, as long as it is not used to buy a house in the upper capital, you will find that it is actually quite costly. A Gold Coin can spend many days in the upper capital.

“Xia Pingan…” Just as Xia Pingan went downstairs, a voice suddenly rang behind him, and then a hand was slapped on his shoulder.

Xia Pingan turned her head and saw Qu Youqian with an excited look on her face.

As soon as Qu Youqian saw Xia Pingan who turned his head, he was stunned, and quickly retracted his hand, looking embarrassed, “This brother, sorry, sorry, I just saw your back, and A friend I know is so alike, I confessed to the wrong person…”

Not seeing him for many days, Qu Youqian kept a small beard, his face became darker, and mature. The whole person is Bounty Hunter’s dress, and there are two people with the same dress around him.

Xia Pingan is still the face of Yangcheng at the moment, and Qu Youqian of course thinks he has mistaken the person.

Xia Pingan laughed and didn’t say much, and left the restaurant directly. When he walked to the door of the restaurant, he heard Qu Youqian talking with the two companions.

“I didn’t lie to you, I really know Xia Pingan, the inspector from the East Hong Kong Inspection Office. We went to sign up for the adjudication army together. I didn’t expect it but I didn’t see each other during this time. He became an inspector…”

“It didn’t take long to sign up for the ruling army and became an inspector? It’s less than a year, don’t talk about it, maybe it’s having same given name and family name, today you treat me, don’t think about renege on a debt ……” The two companions of Qu Youqian didn’t believe it at all.

The two people in the teahouse across the street saw Xia Pingan coming out of the restaurant. After looking at each other, they dropped a Silver Coin and then walked out of the restaurant.

As he walked, Xia Pingan turned and entered an alley, and the two people behind hurriedly followed.

A few seconds later, two slight muffled hums sounded in the alley.

Then, Xia Pingan walked out of the alley with two money bags in his hand, collected the money in the money bags into his Space Warehouse, and threw the money bags into the garbage.

Seeing the ruling army patrolling on the street, Xia Pingan stepped forward and said a few words to the ruling army patrolling, moved towards the alley, pointed at the ruling army, the ruling army quickly rushed and saw the alley Two people fainted, and those two people had bloody nose and swollen face, and they were tied into a ball by netting, completely unable to move even a little bit.

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