
After the heavy rain, today’s Shangjing City is destined to be a little restless…

Just when Xia Pingan was able to integrate the beads with confidence, Golden Sun inspected Yao Youchang to get off a rental carriage and walk into an apartment.

What is different from normal times is that the golden sun inspectors make Yao’s travels at this moment a bit low-key, without attendants crowding round. He wore a black hat and a black windbreaker, lowered the brim, and pulled The collar of the windbreaker covered most of his slightly swollen face, and he was holding an umbrella.

“Damn it, this spooky weather…” The stagnant water on the side of the road wet Yao You’s bright leather shoes, and he couldn’t help but cursed annoyed.

This rainy day made him a little irritable. Now Yao is often and doesn’t like rain very much. The day when Xia Pingan was intercepted last time, it seemed to be such a heavy rain. As a result, on that day, Yao had often worked in the inspection office. The front of the hand was sweeping with majesty, and since then, he didn’t like this kind of weather, because this kind of weather always reminded him of the person he lost in front of Xia Pingan that day.

In the past few days, although the people in the Supervision Department are still respectful and respectful to him, Yao Youchang even feels that the people in the Supervision Department have looked behind him a little bit differently from before. It seems that there is something more. There seems to be something missing again, very subtle, beyond words.

Since Xia Pingan peacefully left the Pingshan camp of the Judging Army, and was given the ruling scepter, the eyes of those in the Golden Sun Inspection Office looked at him gradually changed.

Xia Pingan couldn’t work hard, and even after the “relationships” he was proud of in the Pingshan camp failed, Yao Youchang had some insomnia recently.

Especially in such a rainy day, the depression and irritability in my heart, and the suffocating fire, finally turned into a full of lust, which made Yao often have an impulse to vent.

When entering the apartment, Yao Youchang looked around astutely and found that there was nothing unusual on the street, so he took the umbrella and walked into the apartment.

The doorman of the apartment didn’t know Yao Youchang, but he felt that the man had a familiar face, and he often went to the apartment. He should be a frequent visitor to the apartment, so he didn’t bother and let Yao go upstairs.

This apartment is a high-level apartment in Shangjing. It is located in Golden Sun District, near a prosperous Commerce District in Golden Sun District. There are many people coming and going every day. Outside the apartment is the famous jewelry street in Shangjing. , Is most popular with those ladies and wives who are in pursuit of fashion in Beijing, and there is an endless stream of people who come and go every day.

Walking down the corridor of the apartment, thinking of the beauty waiting for him in the apartment building, Yao Youchang’s heart became hot. He couldn’t wait to take out a porcelain bottle from his pocket, then opened the porcelain bottle, and poured out a dark grain. Swallow the red medicine pill in one bite.

Summoner’s body is much stronger than ordinary people, but no matter how strong the body is, it can be hollowed out by alcohol.

For the rich in Shangjing, as long as there is time and enough money, plus a little luck, it is not difficult to pile a person into the Sanyang state with money, but the Sanyang state After that, if you want to make further progress, it’s not all money.

Yao Youchang belongs to the kind that has been hollowed out by alcohol. His cultivation base is also the Sanyang state. For people like him, he has already integrated the world beads that can be integrated on the market. If you want to make further progress in cultivation, you can only find those rare world beads.

Only the rare world beads are not counted, because those rare world beads are also risky when they are merged. If they fail, they will explode and die. After seeing those who merged with the beads, Yao has Chang no longer has the courage to risk cultivation with his life, even if it is only a one-tenth chance of death, he cannot accept it. Therefore, he must have the corresponding divine sense crystal to ensure that it is foolproof before fusion.

Rare world beads paired with rare divine sense crystals. Such a combination is an extremely scarce resource in Shangjing. Even if it is Yao Yongchang, there have not been many sets in these years, so he was eight years ago. The Three Suns Realm, to this day, is still the Three Suns Realm, and it is still one section of the road from the Four Suns Realm.

A summoner loses its spirit in the cultivation, and what is left can only be corroded by wine and wealth.

Swallowing the medicine pill in his stomach made Yao Youchang mentally and physically swell up again, and his breathing was unconsciously a little fast.

Yao You often came to a room on the fourth floor of the apartment and knocked gently on the door. A few seconds later, the door of the room opened and a lithe and graceful alluring figure appeared behind the daoist sect, Yao Often squeezed in the door, slammed the door shut, dropped the umbrella, and got up a little anxiously, and began to mess around.

“Baby, I want to die…”

“First take a bath…” The lithe and graceful alluring figure smiled while pushing Yao Youchang moved towards the bathroom.

“Let’s wash together, let me take a good look at you…” Yao Youchang smiled irritably, while taking off his hat and clothes, while pulling the woman, moved towards the bathroom.

The woman did not resist either.

“By the way, do you know Donggang inspector Xia Pingan? He should be your colleague…” The woman suddenly said this when she entered the bathroom.

This name almost made Yao Youchang suddenly withered.

“What did you mention him for?” Yao You Changqiang smiled, somewhat guilty, thinking that this stunner in front of him already knew about his embarrassment in front of Xia Pingan, in front of this woman, he has always maintained himself The dignity and authority of the golden sun inspector made this woman get her hands.

“Nothing…” The woman didn’t notice Yao’s usual abnormalities, and said to herself with a smile, “Yesterday I had a party with a few wives for tea. Everyone said that Donggang inspectors enabled Xia Pingan to summon one. God dog, any case can be solved. If you know that person, you might as well bring him another day. Didn’t my brother happen to have a business in Donggang District? I also called my brother to let them get to know him. An anaphora…”

“When the time comes…” Yao had complied often vaguely, so he pulled the woman into the bathroom…


A few minutes later, with a bang, the iron door of the apartment collapsed suddenly, and a big hole was burnt out in the iron door, which melted directly.

A man in his forties wearing an official City Guard costume with two beards, standing outside the door of the complexion ashen, holding a magic scepter in his hand, followed by four or five people, aggressive Standing outside the door.

“Damn it, who is it?” Yaoyou who was wrapped in a bath towel often roared and rushed out of the bathroom complexion ashen.

When Yao Youchang often saw the collapsed apartment door and the men in the room, especially the emperor City Guard officer, Yao Youchang’s face changed drastically, and he didn’t even think about it. Fireball smashed the windows of the apartment in an instant, turned around and wanted to run.

The officer’s eyes flashed cold glow, and he threw a talisman directly at Yao Youchang. The talisman moved towards Yao Youchang flew away. At the moment when Yao Youchang turned around, there was a glare on the talisman. Lightning gushed out, directly hitting Yao Youchang’s body.

Yao had always scorched hair, smoked all over his body, screamed screaming, and flew heavily by the lightning in the sign, hit the closet in the room, and then hit the floor, foaming at his mouth. Twitching all over.

The towel wrapped around Yao Youchang also fell to the ground, Yao Youchang’s body was up and down, all of a sudden, without an inch.

The officer walked directly over and stepped on fiercely under Yao Youchang’s lower abdomen. He was absolutely merciless, and Yao Youchang’s lower abdomen was suddenly bloody.

“Ah…” Yao Chang, who was almost in a coma, bowed his body fiercely, his eyes protruding in front of him, and his eyes almost fell to the ground. Then he vomited a mouthful of blood and fainted directly.

The woman in the bathroom with disheveled hair, her face turned pale, and wrapped in a bath towel, was pulled out.

When the woman saw the man wearing the Royal City Guard official costume, she was also complexion changed and almost paralyzed, “My lord…I…I…”

“A slut is a slut. You should not be redeemed from the painting boat to make you do such humiliating and sordid things…” The man in the official City Guard costume stepped forward, heavily He slapped the woman’s face with both slaps, slapped the woman with bleeding in her nose and mouth, her face was swollen, and she fainted.

“Take away…”

As the officer waved his hand, the few people who were accompanying the rape took out the sacks, put Yao Youchang and the woman in a sacks directly, and left the room with them.


Outside the apartment building, two black carriages were waiting at the door of the apartment building during the heavy rain.

The gas lamp at the entrance of the apartment building glowed pale, reflecting the dark silhouettes of the two carriages.

After a while, the gloomy emperor City Guard officer and his entourage walked out of the apartment building with two sacks and got on two carriages respectively. Then the two carriages left in two directions respectively, and one carriage moved Go towards the direction of imperial city, and the other carriage moved towards the direction of Pingshan Camp of the ruling army, and disappeared into the rain in the blink of an eye.


At the window of a restaurant’s private room on the second floor not far from this apartment building, Li Chaoming was pulling a gap in the curtain with his hand, standing behind the curtain, squinting his eyes, and watching what happened at the door of the apartment building.

Looking at the two people who were loaded into the carriage by the sack, Li Chaoming’s hands trembled a little, and his mood was not calm.

But there is no way. If he doesn’t do this, it will be worse than Yao Youchang in a sack. Maybe it is Li Chaoming.

Thinking of Xia Pingan’s deserted gaze and the smile on his shoulder, Li Chaoming shuddered.

At this time, if there must be a person in the Golden Sun District who is unlucky, he must make an explanation for the interception of Xia Pingan last time. Li Chaoming will naturally choose Yao Youchang.

you lose something rather than I lose everything is the best.

And if this stick kills Yao Youchang completely, the unlucky one is that Li Chaoming would be the one who opened the bow without turning back the arrow.

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