
“hahaha, good, good, good…” Above the Imperial Palace great hall in Qin Country, Ying Zheng’s laughter was hearty and joyful. After three good words, Ying Zheng’s voice was very loud, even great. The guards guarding outside the hall can hear it.

Manchu dynasty civil and military are in the great hall, quietly looking at the silhouette standing in the great hall.

Among a group of gray-haired wily old fox adults, Gan Luo’s twelve-year-old silhouette looks a little special.

Xia Pingan stood calmly in the great hall, the expression on his face was not half proud, but still humble and respectful, with crossed hands, like an adult.

Persuading Zhang Tang to go to Zhao State as the special envoy of Qin Country at the age of twelve, Gan Luo’s experience can be called Legendary.

Everything is the same as in the history books.

Lu Buwei stood at the forefront of the civil servants, rubbing his beards, and looking at Gan Luo with a smile. Gan Luo not only earned 16 cities for the big Qin Country this time, but also proved that Lu Buwei’s use of human eyes, his family A 12-year-old doorman in China can have this ability. Manchu dynasty civil and military, who can do this?

The same young Ying Zheng’s eyes were on Xia Pingan, nodding his head, his eyes filled with smiles, “Everything is as Gan Qing said, then Zhao State attacked Yan Country this time, and then went up the valley from Yan Country. After taking over 30 cities, Zhao State sent me 11 cities in Daqin according to the agreement between Gan Qing and them. These 11 cities, plus the five rivers that Gan Qing brought to Zhao State last time The city, this time, I don’t have to spend a single soldier, I won 16 cities, Gan Qing is young, only 12 years old, has made such a marvelous achievement, I don’t know what reward I want?”

“reporting to Your Majesty, Zhao State sent me sixteen cities to Daqin before and after. This is not Gan Luo’s work, but the Great King is wise Shenwu planning strategies governing Daqin, China There are Lu Xiang and this Manchu civil and military striving to the utmost for the Great Qin plan, and there are millions of Masters of Tigers and Wolves to frighten all directions, so that I have to go to Zhao State to get twice the results for half the effort, so Wang Zhao is convinced, if If there is no king, if there is no such thing as Lu Xiang and the ministers, if there are no borders with a million soldiers, I can say no matter how much I can say, I can’t win half an inch of land from Zhao State, so Gan Luo dare not take credit! “

Seeing that Gan Luo was so humble, it was not only Ying Zheng, but the Manchu civil and military gazes at Gan Luo changed and looked very satisfied. Even Lu Buwei was nodded with a smile.

Well, this kid is quite sensible, he really deserves to be Gan Mao’s grandson.

At this moment, I don’t know how many people have this idea flashing in their hearts. Some people are already thinking that their granddaughter and daughters have not yet married, and they can talk about the marriage after they go back.

After listening to the laughed heartily, Ying Zheng opened his hands on the great hall and said magnificently, “Gan Qing must not be humble, and widows also read history. In the history books, since ancient times, Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors Below, even in Xia, Shang and Zhou, there are only 12-year-olds who can make such a great achievement for the country and win 16 cities. It is unique. For thousands of years, only Gan Qing has been the only one. I have the most important military merit in Da Qin. Every first level is considered meritorious and cannot fail to be rewarded. What’s more, Gan Qing made such merits. If meritorious is not rewarded, how can the widow rule the world? Tell me about Lu Xiang. According to my great Qin military merits, Gan Luo used the power of one person for me. What reward should Daqin win 16 cities?”

Lu Buwei took two steps out of the ranks of civil servants, smiled and glanced at Gan Luo, directly loudly said, “reporting to the king, according to my great Qin military merits, one person won 16 seats in the city. !”

“In that case, Gan Luo listens to the seal…”

“Gan Luo is…”

“From today onwards, the widows will designate you as the prince of the Great Qin Dynasty, travel to enjoy the honor of the prime minister, and also give you all of the family property and gardens of the ancestor Ganmao. In the future, you will be after Lu Xiang! “With just one sentence, Ying Zheng has achieved an eternal story of a young man worshipping the face.

“Thank you, King!” Xia Pingan thanked him.

The feat of a twelve-year-old boy who was able to seal his face was completed.

“I am a 12-year-old prime minister from Da Qin, this is an auspicious omen, this is auspicious, Great King is wise, my Da Qin dominates the world, just around the corner!” Seeing King Qin and Lu Buwei are all happy, Among the courtiers, someone immediately jumped out to speak auspicious words and filmed flattery, which attracted a group of people to agree.

Auspicious? Fuck, you are auspicious, your whole family is auspicious…

Xia Pingan is slanderous.

As the Court Eunuch next to Ying Zheng said “retreat”, the world of Jiezhu was shattered.


In the lounge, the cocoon surrounding Xia Pingan disappeared, and Xia Pingan opened his eyes.

This bead of Gan Luobaixiang has increased the upper limit of divine force in the celestial algae in the shrine of Xia Pingan’s secret mandala by 66 points. This time, the upper limit of Xia Pingan’s divine force directly reached 4331 points. The Five Suns Realm was a little closer.

“It’s a pity…” Xia Pingan still shook the head secretly.

If the time in the world pearl could be longer, Xia Pingan would like to see what happened after Gan Luo worshiped. In the history books, Gan Luo disappeared after worshiping, and there is no more deeds or deeds. There are only a variety of folk legends left in the record. Some said that Gan Luobai had a hard time seeing the Qin Dynasty’s temperament and retired directly, and some said Gan Luobai was killed by Ying Zheng because of offending Queen Ying Zheng. It is also said that Gan Luo was finally poisoned by Lu Buwei, and some people said Gan Luo got sick and died. In short, there are all kinds of people.

In Xia Pingan’s opinion, if Gan Luo is smart enough, it is best to find an excuse to leave Xianyang and retreat directly after worshipping the face.

At the age of twelve, he was appointed the prime minister of Shangqing, and he became an extremely human minister at once. At the age of twelve, the minister’s Lu was the first. In this position, it is almost impossible to attract people’s envy and jealousy.

trees seem beautiful in a forest, but are easily toppled by the wind, let alone a lonely wood so tall and so small.

Judging from Gan Luo’s previous IQ and judgment, he shouldn’t fail to see that he was the target of public criticism after being sealed.

Unfortunately, the beads were shattered too early, which made Xia Pingan’s idea of ​​”searching for historical truth” also shattered.

After resting in the room for a while, Xia Pingan picked up the last-minute Jie Zhu “Song Fei Emperor Feng Pig King”.

The reason why the people who merged with this realm bead would not succeed, it is estimated that those who merged are thinking about how to become a good emperor. It is not as perverted and absurd as Liu Ziye. Uncle comes to the house as a pig.


“Your Majesty, this is the portrait of Gao Zu!”

Xia Pingan opened her eyes and found herself standing in the solemn Imperial Family ancestral temple. Several Court Eunuch trembling with fear stood next to him. The Imperial Family ancestral temple was tall and majestic, enshrining some tablets, after those tablets , Ten zhang The long yellow silk hangs down from the great hall, like a long waterfall, forming a curtain, covering the portraits of the emperors of the Southern Song Dynasty after the tablet.

Xia Pingan To see the portrait, there must be two Court Eunuch beside it, holding the long hooks in their hands, and hooking the yellow silk off, so that you can see the portraits of the Southern Song emperors who are enshrined here.

In the portrait of Song Martial Emperor Liu Yu, his majestic appearance looks like a great husband, a strange man, but Xia Pingan didn’t take it seriously, because historical records stated that Liu Yu was “seven feet and six inches long and has a peculiar character.” The so-called “peculiar character” is modified by writers, who say that white spots are ugly, different from ordinary people.

These portraits in the Imperial Family ancestral temple are all beautified, just look at them, don’t take it seriously.

“He is a hero. He has captured several emperors alive…” Xia Pingan pointed at Liu Yu’s portrait and hit a haha.

The Court Eunuchs next to him were all waiting for Xia Pingan, letting Xia Pingan “visit” the ancestors here.

In the entire ancestral temple, there are also five portraits, Xia Pingan looked at two in the blink of an eye.


“Let me see the next…”

Court Eunuch next to him hooked the yellow silk behind the tablet next to him again, revealing a portrait.

“This is Taizu!” An old Court Eunuch next to him introduced carefully.

“Oh, Taejo, Taejo is a little bit capable, that is, the hapless boy who gave birth to a hapless son, who was beheaded by his own son…” Xia Pingan laughed heartily, this is not what Xia Pingan said. Yes, but that bastard Liu Ziye said.

This is what the emperor dared to say, the old Court Eunuch next to him changed his face, and Nono dared not say a word.

“Who is next?”

“The next one is Sejo, that is, the father of Your Majesty…” The old Court Eunuch’s head dropped to the ground.

Another portrait appeared in front of Xia Pingan.

Song Shizu Liu Jun in the portrait is also tall and mighty. Xia Pingan looked at curl one’s lip, “Is this my father? It’s not like it. My father has a big brandy nose, it’s red, so ugly. There is no such portrait. Call me the painter and add the brandy nose to me…”

The emperor’s order, no one would dare not listen to the people around him. As soon as Xia Pingan finished speaking, someone immediately found the court painter.

The court painter heard that it was the emperor who wanted to add a brandy nose to the portrait of his Laozi enshrined in the ancestral temple, almost frightened, trembling with fear did not dare to do it, and finally, under the strict order of Xia Pingan, A group of Court Eunuch took down the portrait and asked the painter to add a ugly brandy nose to Song Shizu’s Liu Jun’s portrait. After Xia Pingan rewarded the painter, he left the ancestral temple with satisfaction, and the temple was hanging. The portrait of Song Shizu Liu Jun has a big and ugly brandy nose.


After leaving the ancestral temple and returning to the palace, a maid came to report that the empress dowager was ill and wanted to see Your Majesty.

“Don’t go, don’t go, the patients are the most bad guys around, Yin Qi is serious, let me see if she is infected with bad luck, just let the royal doctor go…”

Hearing the answer from the court lady, the empress dowager in the harem cried and grabbed the ground, “What did I do? When I was pregnant with him, I should drown him…”


Back to the great hall again, Xia Pingan directly issued an order and issued the imperial decree to recruit the three of Xiangdong King Liu Yu, Jian’an King Liu Xiuren, and Sanyang King Liu Xiuyou to Jiankang.


When the three kings arrived at Jiankang, and when they came to visit Xia Pingan, Xia Pingan ordered the three to be arrested and placed under house arrest.

Looking at the temperamental Liu Ziye, the legs of the three kings were frightened…

Sitting on the great hall, looking at the fat body of Xiangdong Wang Liu Yu, Xia Pingan is also thinking about a question, do you want to be as perverted as Liu Ziye…

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