
The summoner also wants to sleep, rest, eat, drink, shit and piss…

When Xia Pingan was in the secret room one after another fused with the Dream Master Jiezhu, in the small courtyard, the iron-faced man had already rested in his room, and the time was unconsciously late at night, and everything was outside. Ji Ji, the night sky is a little bit starry, the two moons hung in the sky, like a hook, half circle, and the faint sound of dog barking came from the darkness outside.

The little black pig hid in the kitchen, found a warm place in the corner, slept in hu hu, his face twitched twice from time to time, showing the appearance of gritted teeth.

In the room, the iron-faced man was already lying on the bed, but suddenly, the iron-faced man who was lying on the bed opened his eyes, and his eyes moved, seemingly surprised.

Only at such a close distance can he feel the obscure and surging divine force fluctuations coming from the secret underground chamber below his room.

The divine force fluctuation was fleeting, but it was still caught by the man with the iron mask.

“Five Suns, is it so fast?” The iron-faced man murmured to himself, looking of shock in his eyes.

He was able to advance quickly, because he risked his death to find the mine of divine sense crystals in the Void Secret Realm. As for Xia Pingan, it was the first time that the iron-faced man intercepted Xia on the street outside the inspection office. When Pingan was in Pingan, Xia Pingan was in the three-sun state, and the second time he met with Xia Pingan, Xia Pingan was already in the four-sun state, didn’t expect just a few days later, Xia Pingan was actually in the five-sun state.

It’s no wonder that the iron-faced man was a little shocked. The average summoner, after the Sanyang realm, it’s harder to find a world bead that can be integrated, not to mention the divine sense that matches the world bead. Crystal, many world beads, if there is no divine sense crystal, and if you want to merge, it is completely joking about your own life. Every year, I don’t know how many summoners who dare to take risks explode when they fuse those world beads.

As for Xia Pingan, this advanced speed really shocked the Iron Masked Man.

“Is he the illegal child of Beitang Zhao? No, the illegal child is impossible so fast…” The iron-faced man murmured, and the whole person felt a little bad.

Watching Xia Pingan advance to the Five Suns Realm in just a few days, the iron-faced man even wondered if he had taken a “detour” in the first place.


In the underground secret room…

oh la la with a cry…

Xia Pingan got up from the bathtub, and the wet drops of water hung one after another on his sculptural body, with an unspeakable beauty of masculinity.

He stepped out of the bathtub, and with a wave of his hand, he received the bathtub into the Space Warehouse.

At this moment, Xia Pingan felt that she was refreshed as if she was reborn again. The feeling of soaking in divine spring is simply addictive.

Every time you advance, your body will bring a huge change, and this time the same.

The upper limit of the divine force in the secret mandala soared to 5304 points. After absorbing the divine spring, the divine force that was originally empty was already full. Apart from this, the sun in the secret mandala changed from 4 to 5 There were five, but the sun had not yet come out at the moment, and the area of ​​the entire secret mandala was already the size of a city, and it was even more lively.

On the arch of the Spirit Realm Temple, there is another vivid relief of the Dreamer, and the arch seems to be bigger…

To advance to the Six Suns, the upper limit of the divine force requires a breakthrough 6930 points, and the newly added divine force is 1680 points, but this level requires more divine force than the summoner to promote from Tier 0 to the Two Suns.

When the rare world beads are getting harder and harder to obtain, the advanced path after a summoner Five Suns realm, each step, will become harder and harder.

If you want to advance to the Seven Suns, let alone, the upper limit of divine force must be at least a breakthrough of 8820 points. For the overwhelming majority summoner, this is almost an impossible task in a lifetime.

even more how, there are several great realms and conferred gods after the Seven Suns Realm.

Thinking of this, Xia Pingan admired the iron-faced man in her heart.

“That guy is also quite perverted. He has no personal background. He actually leaned on a divine sense crystal mine in the Void Secret Realm and forcibly rushed to the Seven Suns Realm, just like opening up…” With a whisper, Xia Pingan moved her hand, took out her clothes, and began to wear it.

The more people who stand on high places, the more they understand the difficulty of being able to stand on high places.

Standing on the peak of the Five Suns Realm, and then moved towards this path of summoner cultivation, I saw that the peaks in front were soaring into the clouds. Compared with the realm behind, the Five Suns realm seemed to have just started. The same, the cultivation road is long, seemingly endless…

After getting dressed, Xia Pingan looked at the time on the pocket watch. It is now more than two o’clock in the morning, when everyone is dreaming in the dead of night.

There are still three Dreammaster World Beads in the box that have not merged. Xia Pingan is not in a hurry. He takes the box containing the World Beads back into the Space Warehouse, and then sits cross-legged on the bed and closes slowly. Closed eyes.


Xia Pingan’s figure appeared in the Spirit Realm Temple in the Secret Mandala. This time, he didn’t hesitate anymore. He just glanced at the huge golden arch. The next second, he stepped in step by step. The human figure disappeared in the Spirit Realm temple.

The feeling of passing through the golden arch is indescribable. It seems that the whole body passes through a thin layer of mist and then enters a weightless space. The whole body loses weight at once.

All around is gray mist. The so-called Spirit Realm seems to be a world made up of gray mist.

The Spirit Realm Temple stands like a castle in this world full of gray mist, and looks unusually abrupt. The huge golden arch is behind him.

Is there no one in this World?

This thought just flashed through Xia Pingan’s head, Xia Pingan saw the gray mist around him rolling, the gray mist in the sky rolled and dispersed, and then he saw the extremely deep night sky and the stars. With the light group.

The sky full of stars and light clusters have various colors, multi-colored, red, yellow, green, blue, purple, and clusters of brilliance are condensed in the sky, blinking. , Ups and downs, most of the light clusters are lonely, but some light clusters and stars will also exude brilliance in the air and shine on each other, complementing each other.

It’s so brilliant!

Among those stars and light clusters, the most colorful ones are the ordinary stars with a little white light.

As long as you raise your head, the stars and light groups are within reach.

What are these stars and light clusters?

Xia Pingan’s second question came to mind.

Then, an even more unbelievable scene appeared. Almost the question appeared in his mind. Xia Pingan saw a slightly familiar appearance behind the tragic white star closest to him. Face-Yan Xi, that killer!

Do those stars represent people?

Xia Pingan felt a little shock in her heart.

Also, why this World is like knowing what is thinking in my head, I just move a single thought in my head, and this World will react and change, just like in a dream, but the stars are so high How can I get it so far from the ground?

As soon as this thought appeared, the star with the scent of rhinoceros suddenly became bigger in front of Xia Pingan’s eyes, as if it had fallen from the sky, and suddenly pulled closer in front of Xia Pingan, floating on the ground. Above, within reach.

It is a huge white light ball with a diameter of more than ten meters. After zooming in, Xia Pingan can faintly see the light ball as if a three-dimensional movie is being shown, and many silhouettes are flashing. .

Xia Pingan touched it lightly with his hand, and the whole person suddenly entered the light group.

In the light group, just like another world, something strange is happening…

Xia Pingan saw a familiar scene in the light group…

It was in the secret room of Zhougong Building, Yan Xi suddenly drilled out of the wall, and saw himself fused with Jie Zhu and surrounded by a light cocoon.

“Xia Pingan, I think you are still alive this time…” Yan Xi laughed wildly, and a Fire Dragon blasted out, directly blasting himself in the cocoon into slag, and then Yan Xi laughed wildly. stand up.

But in a blink of an eye, the red shredded dross recondensed into the appearance of Xia Pingan, fighting with the gnashing teeth of the rhinoceros in the secret room.

Is this scene in front of you Yan Xi’s dream at this moment?

This ball of light is the Spirit Physique of Yanxi.

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