
“We are about to rise up, my dream yesterday was a bit weird, please let your husband realize the dream for me to see if it is good or bad?”

Tang Gaozu Li Yuan recruited Xia Pingan to the study and said to Xia Pingan worriedly.

“I don’t know what dream did the lord have?” Xia Pingan at this moment is the advisor Liu Wenjing next to Li Yuan.

“I dreamt that I was asleep in bed last night, but suddenly rolled down from the bed, and then maggots moved towards me crawling all over the floor, it was too disgusting and terrifying, I was frightened awake myself, I don’t know what this dream is Good or bad?”

Xia Pingan glanced at Li Yuan. Li Yuan’s expression was not good, but rather worried. Today, when the heroes are coming together and Li Family is about to rise up, Li Yuan suddenly has such a dream. He feels anxious, and it’s okay. understanding.

Xia Pingan just pretended to be slightly hesitated for a moment, and then said to Li Yuan, “Congratulations to the lord, congratulations to the lord!”

Li Yuan was stunned, “What’s so gratifying?”

“This dream is auspicious, the lord rolls down from the bed, it means Your Majesty, maggots crawling, it means the world is attached to it, Your Majesty’s dream reminds the minister, the minister has heard of Yang Guang When he was enthroned, he once had a dream of flooding the Golden Luang Temple, and then he thought that the dream was not good, so he built Daxing City and moved the capital to Daxing. Combined with Your Majesty’s dream, Yang Guang’s dream of the Golden Luang Temple flooded with water was in a deep relationship with the Lord. The words fit together, and the lord will surely win a big victory this time when he raises his troops and build a foundation for the Li Family!”

When Li Yuan heard what Xia Pingan said, his face was red light all of a sudden, and he was energetic, “Okay, okay, so I can rest assured…”

The world of the world bead shattered all at once…


After the divine force initiation, Xia Pingan in the secret chamber slowly opened his eyes.

In the gift box, in the end, only the world beads of Yan Ying’s dream interpretation that he had merged were left, and all the other world beads had been merged.

This last fierce division bead provides Xia Pingan with 38 divine force.

The upper limit of the divine force in the secret mandala has soared to 5418 at this time. Above the golden arch of the Spirit Realm temple, there are already 22 complete dream reliefs, Xia Pingan let out a long sigh of relief, Now it should be possible to enter Spirit Realm again to learn those Spirit Realm secret techniques in the Muling Castle.

In the next second, the figure of Xia Pingan appeared in the Spirit Realm temple of the secret mandala. Without any hesitation, Xia Pingan stepped into the tall golden arch in one step and entered Spirit Realm again.


What’s the matter?

Xia Pingan, who entered the Spirit Realm again, thought she was in the wrong place.

The splendid star clusters in the sky, when they entered again this time, almost disappeared. There were only two or three solitary stars in the sky, blinking and blinking.

Xia Pingan looked up, and some of the lonely stars that were still there slowly disappeared in front of one’s eyes.

Spirit Realm is completely dark.

The place can’t go wrong, Spirit Realm or Spirit Realm, but why did those stars and light clusters disappear?

Xia Pingan thought for a moment, and suddenly came across, could it be…At this moment, the sky is bright and everyone outside has basically got up and woke up, so the stars disappeared.

Those stars should represent Spirit Physique after a person is asleep. Spirit Physique only appears in this World after a person is asleep, experiencing various strange dreams, and once he wakes up, those Spirit Physique naturally follow this World left…

Without the light from the sky, the gray fog that filled the entire Spirit Realm seemed to turn into a black fog. You could not see your fingers, and the visibility was pitifully low. The summoner’s ability to see things in the dark is not available here. Xia Pingan just Remembering the general direction of the Muling Castle, the difficulty of finding the Muling Castle in this dark environment and the wilderness of Spirit Realm has increased a lot.

Thinking of the long sword carried by the shepherds and the stone sculptures in the castle guarding the castle, Xia Pingan hesitated looking at the dark mist.

Long sword is a weapon used for battle. Those stone carvings are also the arrangement and security measures for the pastoralists to resist invaders in the castle. If this Spirit Realm is not dangerous, there are no dangerous and deadly things, long sword and stone carvings should will not appear.

It hasn’t been long since I entered Spirit Realm. The ghost knows what’s in the dark mist, so, for the sake of safety, if you enter again tonight, it will be too late, and it will only take half a day.

Thinking of this, Xia Pingan withdrew directly from the spirit within the realm, and then left the underground secret room.


Walking out of the basement secret room, Xia Pingan heard the chirp chirp twitter twitter birds in the courtyard outside. The bright morning sun had passed through the flower windows in the living room, shone in, and shiny golden spots were attached to the living room. On the wall, it indicates that today is another good weather.

Last night, I merged that many world beads, and went to Spirit Realm for a little stroll. One night’s time passed.

Xia Pingan walked to the yard and saw the iron-faced man holding a handful of wheat in his hand, feeding a few birds with great interest.

In the sun, the whole “pig” looks wilted a lot, sluggish, with wide-eyed eyes, for fear that he will fall asleep again when he closes his eyes, and see Xia Pingan when he hears the sound When he walked out of the living room, the little black pig’s body trembled, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes, and his whole body couldn’t help but shrank into the corner. The Fusheng boy who was riding on the little pig giggled.

The nightmare of last night left little black pig with lingering fears. When I saw Xia Pingan, he almost had a psychological shadow. In reality, it’s okay to be planted in Xia Pingan’s hands. Didn’t expect even dreaming, I would be obsessed with it. Xia Pingan becomes a pig and suffers all kinds of inhuman abuse, just like going around in hell.

Seeing Xia Pingan coming out, the iron-faced man threw all the wheat on his hands to the little birds. He turned his head and looked at Xia Pingan. The divine light behind the mask moved, “Congratulations…” [ 19459002]

Xia Pingan knew that she couldn’t hide it from the iron-faced man, and said modestly, “Normally, I have to learn more from you!”

“Where did that many Jiezhu come from?”

“Haha, I met a noble person yesterday, and a noble person gave it!”

The iron-faced man is speechless. This is constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry. Now the capital has started a kind of material control. If you have money, you may not be able to buy a boundary bead. Others have to get a boundary bead How difficult it is, this guy actually has a lot of world beads sent here.

“Let’s go, go and eat something, I’m a little hungry…” Xia Pingan said, touching her belly that started to ring, and then moved towards the gate of the yard.

Just entering the Five Suns, Xia Pingan feels that she can eat a pig right now when her body needs a lot of supplements.

When walking out of the yard, a single thought flashed through Xia Pingan’s head……

Are the 22 Dreammaster Realm Beads all Dreammaster Realm Beads? There are still many allusions of ancient people’s dream interpretation in his head. Those 22 are only part of them, and the 22 Dream Master Realm Orbs do not have any specific rules of appearance, and they do not seem to be the end.

More importantly, the information that Xia Pingan got, those Spirit Realm’s magic skills in the pastoral castle are just the basic skills of Spirit Realm’s “herders”, and those basic skills are the fusion of 22 dreams. Teacher Jiezhu can learn. Above those basic skills, there should be higher-level skills. The skills of “shepherds” should be more than that. I don’t know if we need to learn higher-level skills or whether we need to integrate more. How many dream master Jiezhu?


There are carriages from the four major carriage shops in Donggang District waiting outside the alley.

The two got into the carriage directly, and Xia Pingan asked the coachman to have breakfast in one of the most prestigious teahouses nearby.

“Brother Iron Face, do you think that besides the rare world beads that we know, are there some world beads that we don’t know, and they are rarer than the rare ones?” Sitting in the carriage, Seeing the carriage started to move, Xia Pingan asked the iron-faced man casually.

“Of course there are!” The Iron Masked Man said without thinking, “The so-called rare world beads are only small in number, but they can be obtained repeatedly. It is not a secret, but above the rare world beads, there are Some world beads, the rarer ones, are called Secret World Beads, and they have almost never appeared on the market…”

Xia Pingan suddenly came to the spirit, “Is there still this kind of world bead?”

“Of course, I used to be in a Void Secret Realm, and I saw that someone had obtained a world bead that had never been recorded in the “Full Spectrum of World Beads”, that is, the secret world bead, the secret world bead The quantity is too scarce. It is estimated that it will be difficult for an average summoner to meet two Secret Realm Orbs in their entire life. Those who get the Secret Realm Orb will either risk the fusion on their own, or find a channel to do it quietly. I don’t know!”

“Is there no summoner to take out the Secret Realm Orb and publish it to the public after getting the Secret Realm Orb?”

“Yes, but there are very few people like this!” The iron-faced man replied, “If you get a hugely valuable Secret Realm Orb, will you take it out and let others know it?”

Xia Pingan thought for a while, shook the head.

“That’s it. Whether it is the secret technique brought by the Secret Treasure Pearl or the value it possesses, it is determined that it will not be known by too many people, the more confidential the better!”

“How do I get those secret gems?”

“Of course it is in the Void Secret Realm. The legendary Secret Realm Beads after Demon Sect are the most…”

Xia Pingan nodded, looking thoughtful.


After a while, the carriage has arrived at the teahouse for breakfast.

The little black pig was also stomach rumbling with hunger, and wanted to follow into the teahouse, but was blocked by the guy at the entrance of the teahouse.

“Cough cough, these two guests, our teahouse does not allow guests to bring pets into it…” The teahouse buddy also didn’t know the identity of Xia Pingan and the iron-faced man, but he explained the two people politely because of their extraordinary manners. .

Xia Pingan asked the little black pig to wait on the carriage, and entered the teahouse with the iron-faced man.

The breakfast was almost eaten by Xia Pingan as a feast. Xia Pingan ate for almost five people alone. They ordered the most expensive and most supplementary things in this teahouse. After eating breakfast, it took an hour. After I finished my breakfast, I brought out a cage of Eight Shrimp Dumplings. All the expenses, added up, were less than two Gold Coins.

Back on the carriage, Xia Pingan took out a handful of eight rare shrimp dumplings, and the little black pig rushed forward, regardless of the expert image. He would eat whatever the pig would eat.


Half an hour later, the carriage slowly arrived outside the Donggang Inspection Office.

The street was still the same as yesterday, and the atmosphere was a bit tense, with police patrolling everywhere.

Xia Pingan and the iron-faced man just got out of the carriage and were about to enter the inspection office. A policeman patrolling the street next to the inspection office suddenly took out a pistol and shot Xia Pingan’s head and back. Gun…

The sound of gunfire rang out, and the streets suddenly became chaotic.

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