
“Bang… “

The double-layer stone gate in the underground secret room was suddenly shattered and dusty. The metal gate behind the stone gate also suddenly turned red, turned into iron juice, and flowed to the ground.

The outside light shines through the crushed stone gate into the dark underground chamber. In the shadows of light and darkness, countless dust is flying in the sun, and the expressionless mask of the iron-faced man appears On the top of the secret room passage, he slowly retracted his hand.

The little black pig followed the iron-faced man, and his head moved towards the underground secret room. The little black pig’s expression seemed to be more anxious than the iron-faced man.

Xia Pingan didn’t come out of the secret room for three whole days. The little black pig was really afraid that Xia Pingan’s fusion of the world beads would burst his head, making him a pig body forever, and he would never recover. That would be sad.

The Iron Masked Man originally didn’t want to come down, but Xia Pingan was too abnormal this time. He went straight into the secret room and did not come out for three days. The Iron Masked man could feel the situation of Xia Pingan in the secret room, that is, sit cross-legged in the secret room. On the futon on the stone bed, people also breathe, as if they are fusing the world beads, but there is no light cocoon on the body, let alone sleeping.

After waiting for three days, Xia Pingan still looks like this. By this morning, the iron-faced man can’t wait any longer, so he can only break in from the outside and prepare to enter the secret room to see the situation of Xia Pingan himself.

The door of the secret room broke open, and the iron-faced man waved his hand, and the flying dust was pulled out of the secret room in a gust of wind, and the whole underground secret room was suddenly quiet.

The Iron Masked Man stepped over the debris on the ground and descended from the entrance. The little black pig followed the Iron Masked Man, and the Iron Masked Man did not stop him.

Only soon, the iron-faced man came to Xia Pingan and carefully checked the situation of Xia Pingan.

Xia Pingan’s body is soft, and the person is breathing long and smoothly, not like being poisoned, not like sleeping, nor sick, but the whole person seems to have no consciousness and can’t wake up at all.

Moreover, without eating or drinking for three days, Xia Pingan’s face also showed a little paleness.

This kind of situation has never been encountered by the iron-faced man.

The little black pig’s eyes blinked at Xia Pingan, screaming in his heart, bastard, don’t you die like this, if you want to die, change me back to a human being before you say, when the time comes you think Jumping off the building and wanting to take poison, or stabbing yourself hundreds of times, don’t scare me…

After checking Xia Pingan’s physical condition, the iron-faced man thought for a while, and when he moved his hand, he took out a medicine pill with a faint fragrance and gently stuffed it into Xia Pingan’s mouth. The medicine pill, Xia Pingan’s mouth, turned into a liquid and flowed into Xia Pingan’s esophagus.

At the entrance of the medicine pill, Xia Pingan’s complexion gradually recovered a little rosy within a short period of time.


Damn, the dream monster is too difficult to deal with…

Like a hunter, Xia Pingan has been ambushing at the entrance of the Golden Arch of the Dream Demon for three days without seeing the shadow of the Dream Demon.

Seeing the Spirit Physique stars in the sky slowly disappearing again, the entire Spirit Realm gradually returned to darkness, just as the world outside entered the night, Xia Pingan couldn’t help but curse in the heart.

Xia Pingan has a feeling that the dream monster is also looking for him, and maybe he has also found him entering the golden arch of Spirit Realm.

However, he still has a little advantage at this moment. He knows that the other party is a dream monster, but the other party does not know who he is.

If the Ruyi Mask is still there, Xia Pingan would like to change her appearance, but unfortunately, in this Spirit Realm, everyone appears in their original appearance and cannot be changed. Xia Pingan also tried to use it. Long sword cut his clothes to make a face towel and put it on his face, but as soon as his clothes were cut, it turned into smoke and dissipated. The original clothes would grow out of a piece of cloth, and it was impossible to change its purpose.

The laws of Spirit Realm are completely different from those of the real world. Many things in this World seem to be separated once they lose their original functionality and will dissipate.

This is the only chance to lock in the dream demon. Once this opportunity is lost, it will be more difficult to find the dream demon. Xia Pingan made up his mind, at worst, he is here to die with the dream demon. See how much the dream demon can endure day.

This is a test of endurance and will. The two are both prey and hunter of each other.

Finally, after another two days, on the fifth day of entering Spirit Realm this time, the dream can’t stand it.

This night, under the sky full of starlight, Xia Pingan saw two nightmare worms suddenly flying from a distance, hovering for a while in the air near the golden arch of the dream monster, and then flew into the air. Each entangles a Stars Spirit Body.

Xia Pingan did not move, he was still hiding in his hiding place, waiting quietly.

The timing of the appearance of the two nightmares seemed a little strange. Xia Pingan was calm and didn’t make a move. In Spirit Realm, nightmares can be encountered at any time, but the nightmare is not always available.

Just over ten minutes after the two nightworms came here, Xia Pingan discovered that there was a large piece of gray fog, quickly moved towards this golden arch, and in the gray fog, there was a faint one. The silhouette of white.

The white silhouette was very careful, wrapped his whole body in the gray mist, and approached the golden arch a little bit moved towards it.

Just when the mist approached the Golden Arch and was less than 100 meters away, the white silhouette in the mist rushed out of the mist and wanted to rush into the Golden Arch. Xia Pingan suddenly disappeared The hiding place popped out, blocking the golden arch, pinched a handprint on his hand, and said “Scatter…”

The gray mist surrounding the white silhouette dissipated, and the gray mist within one mile of the entire golden arch was rolled and disappeared in an instant.

Xia Pingan and the silhouette saw each other all at once.

“It’s you…”

Both of them are startled.

“Shuiyue master…”

“Xia Pingan…”

Two people called each other’s name almost simultaneously.

Compared with Xia Pingan’s shock to discover that the dream demon was the Master of Water Moon, the shock was actually even worse when the dream demon saw this face of Xia Pingan.

The two silhouettes were tens of meters apart, and both locked each other’s eyes.

“Didn’t expect, the famous dream occupant in the capital, is actually a dream demon!” Xia Pingan sighed.

Master Shuiyue’s eyes flashed strangely, he received all his look of shock, his complexion was calm and composed again, and then said in a hoarse voice, “I also didn’t expect, the judge of the army The Donggang inspector can also fuse 22 Dreammaster beads into the Spirit Realm. Dashang Country probably doesn’t know that you have this ability!”

“Hehe, so, it’s a coincidence, I didn’t expect that, the dream demon who shot me that many times is actually a deceitful dream master. This identity is too contrasting, and it is indeed your best Cover!” Xia Pingan said, with a squeaking sound, she pulled out the rusted long sword on her hand…

The dream demon’s eyes shrank fiercely, but the man did not step back. Instead, he coldly said, “We are all primary level Spirit Masters, I will do what you do, and I will do what you do. The nightmare sword is only useful for nightmare worms, and is useless for pastoral Spirit Masters. None of us can do anything about it. Not equal to me. Let’s discuss with each other. We will return to our own secret mandala, and we will divide life and death according to our ability…” [ 19459002]

“hahaha…” Xia Pingan laughed wildly, “Everyone says that Blood Demon Religion’s nightmare is tricky. As expected, our nightmare sword can only kill nightmare worms, but it can’t help the other party, but you think, Do I need a night sword to kill you? If this long sword cuts your neck here, do you think you can live?” Xia Pingan said, gently flicking the long sword in his hand, and the long sword buzzed Long Yin.

With a cold face, Mengmo pulled out the sharp long sword in his hand and pointed at Xia Pingan, coldly smiled, “Do you think I am afraid of you? I really want to do it. It’s you who died here. I just think it’s ridiculous that the two of us, as powerful summoners, have to fight to the death in Spirit Realm with this kind of brutal method like a martial artist!”

“Hehe, aren’t you afraid?” With a smile on her face, Xia Pingan moved towards Mengmo approaching step by step with a firm footstep, “If I guess right, the Soul Power level in your body at this moment should be entering After Spirit Realm, there hasn’t been any growth, right? Blood Demon Religion allows you to enter Spirit Realm, and you may get lucky with the identity of the pastoral token, enter the pastoral castle and learn the primary from the pastoral castle. level skills, but you can’t kill night worms, and you can’t fulfill the real mission of the shepherd, and your strength has always stagnated.

So your dream demon has been famous for a long time, but you are still a primary level shepherd, unable to advance on the path of the shepherd. God is fair, you Blood Demon Religion can’t do everything in Spirit Realm You can control the night worms and increase your strength by killing the night worms. Do you think I’m right? This month, you did a lot of things with Dream Puppetry in Upper Capital. Soul Power must have consumed a lot. It shouldn’t be recovered, and you have stayed here for five days. If it’s not that you can’t hold on, you don’t. I will be anxious to return to the secret mandala…”

The dream demon sneered, “I can’t kill you, but the nightmare can kill you…”

Seeing Xia Pingan approaching step by step, Mengmo retreated fiercely, and suddenly he heard a strange howling in his mouth, pinched a handprint on his hand and pointed to Xia Pingan.

The two Stars Spirit Body in the sky fell all of a sudden, and the two nightmaids attached to the Stars Spirit Body also suddenly moved towards Xia Pingan and swooped over, ejecting one after another from their mouths The arrow-like black air shot towards Xia Pingan.

The brilliance of the two Nightmare Swords suddenly lit up, slashing towards the two Nightmare worms.

In a flash, the bodies of two Nightmare worms were shattered under the Nightmare Sword, but the nightmare took advantage of the moment when Xia Pingan issued the Nightmare Sword, loudly roared, with the cover of the Nightmare’s body, like Light smoke, violently moved towards the golden arch and rushed.

The flying night sword hasn’t returned to Xia Pingan’s hand, but Xia Pingan’s hand has a long sword with a little rust, and his body shape quickly turned, moved towards Meng The demon rushed over, and the figures of the two people crossed in the air like lightning. The cold light and the blades of the blade collided in the air, and several naked eyes flashed in the air. The brilliance that was difficult to capture…

“Ah…” Mengmo screamed, and a hand holding a long sword was broken shoulder-to-shoulder, and black blood spurted and fell to the ground.

And his whole person turned into a red blood light and plunged into the golden arch. Xia Pingan threw a long sword, and the long sword in his hand turned into a sword light, chasing the body of the dream demon, Dive into the golden arch…


Chapter 2 is updated in the evening!

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