didn’t expect Yan Duo that guy actually made such a suggestion, Xia Pingan didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and didn’t know whether to say he was provide timely help or profiting from somebody’s misfortune.

“That guy’s body battle strength is coming to an Origin Realm soon, have you ever played?”

“My body battle strength is already an Origin Realm. It’s just that I’m a low-key person and I don’t want to publicize it everywhere. You say I can’t beat him?” Yan Duo’s voice on the phone was a little proud, “If I don’t have two brushes, how could the old man let me form a Yanziying camp? “

Xia Pingan has never seen Yan Duo make a move. Didn’t expect that Yan Duo’s body battle strength has actually reached an Origin Realm, which surprised Xia Pingan.

“Are you not afraid to offend Gao Family and Mu Qingchen?”

“I’ve long seen that rubbish is not pleasing to the eye. As for Gao Family, if you offend it, you are offended. Although Gao Family There is power, but Yizhou Province is not the only word of Gao Family, Gao Family also has to think about the consequences of offending Yan Duo, I am afraid he is a bird!” Yan Duo’s tone was very confident.

“Thanks, I will take care of this myself, right, there should be surveillance video in the fighting arena above?”

“Of course!”

“Send me the surveillance video from the contest between Mu Qingchen and Li Yunzhou!”

“Okay, I’ll send it to you in a while!”

“Please also One thing about you, didn’t we see a divine force world bead last time when we went to the Facebook club, 5.8 million, after fusion, you can empower your body and increase your strength…”

“Ah, I But you have no money, don’t worry about me…” Yan Duo immediately screamed vigilantly on the phone.

“Only 5.8 million, don’t you still have 10 million…”

“Ah, what are you talking about, I can’t hear, I’m going into the tunnel, the signal here is not so good Ok…”

No matter what Yan Duo called on the phone, Xia Pingan continued, “Just as if you borrowed 5.8 million from me, help me buy that divine force world bead for the next task. I’ll pay you back if I make money, or else I will have a money-making mission to find the devil in the future, so don’t come to me!”

Xia Pingan immediately hung up the phone.

“Toot toot…” In the room, Yan Duo listened to the blind tone on the phone, his eyes twitched twice, and he cursed directly. “You bastard, when I am Yan Duo is your assistant, so drag, the money you earned is given to your sister, but I want to lend you the money to buy the jade beads. What kind of shit is this,

I want to borrow money from Lao Tzu and I want Lao Tzu to help you work, and this attitude is not because you have a good dog. A bastard who relies on a dog is not uncommon, and I do not have you. You can still take on the task of making money, you are still waiting for Lao Tzu to borrow 5.8 million to buy you the Jiezhu, Lao Tzu buys you a pile of shit…”

Wait for Xia Pingan to leave At the hospital, I met a lot of summoners from Subduing Demon Guard on the road. The eyes of those summoners looking at Xia Pingan were different from before.

Mu Qingchen has announced that he will accept Xia Pingan’s competition in the ring tomorrow. There are only a few people in Subduing Demon Guard, and the news spread all at once.

Mu Qingchen did this to deliberately let Xia Pingan if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, unable to advance or retreat.

Mu Qingchen is hot enough to scald one’s hands in the summoner circle of Yizhou, and Xia Pingan has not been a summoner for a long time, and belongs to the summoner of Subduing Demon Guard in Yizhou The kind that is not very conspicuous. Not many people know what he and Yan Duo have done before.

In the eyes of many people, whether Xia Pingan is on stage or not tomorrow, Mu Qingchen is determined to slap them in the face this time.


In the old man’s office.

“Mu Qingchen interrupted Li Yunzhou’s arm in the ring today, and has already released the words to accept the challenge of Xia Pingan’s ring tomorrow?” The old man raised his eyes from behind the desk and watched to report to him Pan Lin, the assistant in this matter, browses slightly wrinkle.

Pan Lin has a small head, dark skin, and a body as tall as a javelin. He is extremely capable. He is also one of the summoners of Yizhou Province, and he is also the father’s assistant and driver.

“The people of the Gao Family are indeed too domineering. Mu Qingchen deliberately angered Li Yunzhou, forcing Li Yunzhou to go off the court to fight with him, and then kick Li Yunzhou’s hand off. Now he wants to force Xia. Pingan is on the court. He has no fear. The grudges between Mu Qingchen and Xianghe City were heated up in the past, and they all blamed each other.

Mo Yanshao, they accused Mu Qingchen of wanting to be harmed in the mission. They killed their colleague An Qing, and Mu Qingchen accused An Qing of betraying him, messing with the summoner around him, and beating him with other men. As a result, Mu Qingchen and Xianghe City were in the same position. Water and fire, you should also know, this matter has already spread. If we stop it, it will be difficult to handle.

If we don’t stop it, Mu Qingchen has withstood a divine force of more than 180 o’clock. The baptism of initiation and cutting will soon be an Origin Realm. I am afraid that Xia Pingan will still be admitted to the hospital. When the time comes, the two summoners from the Xianghe City Order Committee will all be admitted to the hospital. This is not easy… “

The old man pondered for a moment, “There is nothing wrong with it. The summoner is not a flower that grows in a greenhouse. Two summoners fight fairly with their bare hands in the ring. Blood injuries are inevitable, as long as you don’t die. , This is the tradition of Subduing Demon Guard. Even if you know you are going to lose, a summoner has the courage to get into the ring. There is no blood energy. It is also a waste…”

“I get it!” Pan Lin nodded, “Well, yes, one more thing, Yan Duo just went to the monitoring room and copied a video of the fighting arena…”

“Oh, is it!” The old man frowned. “Then tomorrow’s contest, I’ll go and see if it’s a dragon or a snake, just pull it out and you’ll know…”

“Do you think there is still suspense in the contest between Xia Pingan and Yan Duo tomorrow? , Yan Duo’s physical fitness should have completely surpassed Xia Pingan?”

The old man slightly smiled, “Competition, before the decisive gap between the physical fitness of the two sides is not widened, if the disparity is small, if It’s just better than physical fitness, so what kind of arena is needed? Everyone takes out the physical test results and you can decide whether you win or lose.”


Xia Pingan hasn’t returned yet. In my room, I received a call from Mo Yanshao.

“Li Yunzhou was hospitalized by Mu Qingchen’s interruption in the ring?” Mo Yanshao asked as soon as he opened his mouth.

“The news spread very quickly. I just came out of the hospital. Li Yunzhou is not in a serious condition. He just needs to hang his arms for a few days!” Xia Pingan replied, the matter seemed to be a bit more dynamic.

“You are not yet Mu Qingchen’s opponent. The divine force initiation points he has experienced are much more than you, and your physical fitness is far above you. You don’t need to go up tomorrow. Sorry, didn’t expect that what happened back then brought you in…”

The indifferent voice was a bit sorry, but behind his voice, Xia Pingan heard Tu Polu’s next to him. He scolded, “I should have castrated him directly. Didn’t expect that crap is shaking now, so I dare to trouble us…”

“I am also Xianghe. A member of the Municipal Commission of Order, if I don’t go up tomorrow, it’s not my face that I will lose. Don’t worry, at worst, he broke his arm and leg. This is in Subduing Demon Guard. He doesn’t Dare to take my life, I am about to be injured, I just went to the hospital to be company with Li Yunzhou!” Xia Pingan said in an indifferent tone.

Mo Yanshao was silent for a while, “You are now transferred to Subduing Demon Guard. We can’t intervene for the time being. Whether you are on or not, we will support you!”

“Don’t worry, I will take care of it!”


Hang up the phone, and looked towards the others in the office, “Xia Pingan will be on stage tomorrow!”

“Sorry, this is causing trouble to everyone!” An Qing was also in the office, some said sorry.

“Xiao Qingqing, this is not your problem, it’s Mu Qingchen that scumbag bully intolerably!” Lu Na spit out a cigarette ring, and fiercely crushed the cigarette butt on her hand. “Or, let’s just look for it. I have the opportunity to set up a bureau to get rid of Mu Qingchen’s rubbish!”

“I agree!” Tu Polu said directly.

“For the sake of being a scumbag, all of us will be caught up, so that everyone will become the most wanted criminal of the Commission of Order, and one by one will become a degenerate summoner. What kind of bad idea is this? I first declare that you can Don’t count me!” Chen Yisheng said, wiping his glasses next to him.

Lv Na glared at Chen Shengzheng, “Uncle, you are getting more and more timid!”

“It’s not timid, it’s because I think that scumbag’s life is not better than mine. Valuable, I still want to live safely and securely until I get my retirement salary!”

“Nana said angrily. We can’t intervene in this matter. Now Mu Qingchen is no longer In the past, Mu Qingchen, after fusing the Treasure Boundary Beads, he was able to cast Magical Artifacts, supported by Gao Family, and there were many people around him who were holding his stinky feet. It is not so easy to move him!”

“I know that there is a summoner in Xianghe City that recently sold a Netball Orb. Although the success rate of Netball Orbs is not high, even if it fails, there is no death…” Fang Lingshan who has not spoken suddenly He said, “Or we can buy the world bead and send it to Xia Pingan. If he merges, one more opportunity of divine force initiation to cut the body, it should be a little help!”

“Lingshan This is a good idea. This is to help. Mu Qingchen’s trash is going to hit me in the face this time. I will count my share of the money for the Jiezhu…”

” It started because of me at first. I’m already very sorry to involve everyone. I won’t bother you with this matter. I’ll pay the money!” An Qing said.

“An Qing, this is no longer a matter for you alone, but for the entire Special Operations Department. Mu Qingchen is going to slap our entire Special Operations Department in the face this time. We can’t just stand by!” Mo Yan Shao said, and then looked towards Fang Lingshan, “Lingshan, please contact that summoner, we will buy the Jiezhu as soon as possible, and send it to Xia Pingan by helicopter, and try to deliver it before dark today!”

Xia Pingan and Mu Qingchen’s contest, I don’t know how many people are affected.


Two hours later, Yan Dao’s face foul-mouthed, and the foul-mouthed gave Xia Pingan a USB flash drive and a box with world beads.

“Thanks!” Xia Pingan said with a smile.

“Thank a fart, remember, this 5.8 million world bead, but Lao Tzu’s hard-earned money, I have to count interest on Lao Tzu, it is easier to hang up with this world bead, if you dare to fuse this one Jiezhu is dead, I will ask your sister to ask for money!”

Yan Duo, this guy, did not lose the chain at the critical moment…

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