Glory of the Witches

29 Unlikely Cooperation amidst Dissolution of Neverwinter’s Forces

Tralish Zod was walking a few paces behind Lady Pasha as she was talking seriously with Senior Elder Wentilakh. They were discussing something that seemed important, however it was none of his concern.

Previously, Tralish was extremely dissatisfied with the Council's arrangement to make him the attendant of the witch that he brought back two years ago.

Upon her arrival, everyone was avoiding the witch like a plague, especially the senior Wise Ones. However, since they were very interested with the knowledge from the witches' side regarding the eventual death of the Light of Life shining above their heads, they eventually managed to overcome their hatred. Their esteemed Seer had predicted the demise of the world as early as a thousand years ago. Hence, they had worked towards their own salvation ever since.

The previous War of Divine Will had reduced their numbers greatly; the aged old tradition of chivalrousness had rendered almost all of their strongest warriors walking to their deaths, leaving only a scant number of old men, women and little babes. Only due to the benevolence of the human Leader of the Witches' Nation that they were spared. The details were written in their Holy Ancestral Records which was a compulsory course for every child before they could embrace the path of Warriors.

Hence, once these Senior Elders and Wise Ones finally were convinced enough to open and read the contents of the letter delivered by the shrewd witch, they soon realized, the letter bore the name of the benevolent human Leader of the Witches, Roland Wimbledon!

They had not forgotten the life debt they owed to this immortal being. No one in the tribe believed that the human Leader was a human at all anymore. He must be the first man wielding the power of magic, the legendary Warlock whispered in legends.

Two years of attending the witch made Tralish numb. Two years of interaction had made him understand the witch in front of him. She was firm, authoritative, highly discipline, and charismatic; an ideal leader. However, somehow, she could stay humble with a high level of patience, not brushing off another people's opinion. Secretly, he was in awe with her capability to connect with his people. He had learnt a lot from observing her. In some way, it was a boon for him.

Furthermore, nobody except him knew Lady Pasha's personal strength. Two weeks of immobility from Tralish's previous grave injuries had made him know what true strength means. The witch had used several means of negotiation to convince him, but he tried his best to remain stubborn.

Until he was whipped to kingdom come.

It was the most embarrassing moment of his life which he vowed not to ever expose it to others.

He has then challenged the witch numerous times along their journey towards the Demonic Settlement. Every time, he faced defeat after defeat. What made Tralish helpless the most was how easy the Elder Witch defeated him. Even without using the special armor. He wondered how their strength gap could be so big.

The last time, he managed to hurt Celine because he had sucker-punched her while her armor was at a critical condition. Additionally, Celine had not personally participated in any training or field missions after she lose her first body during seclusion after of the Third Divine Will War, like all of the other Taquila Witches. Even after she had been given a customized body later, she had still chosen the research route. She was not considered a true combat witch per se.

Tralish heaved an internal sigh as he observed how the two unlikely enemies chatted animatedly.

[At least they're not at each other's throats anymore.] He shrugged.


Wentilakh was intrigued with the latest news relayed by Lady Pasha to him. She just updated him about the latest technological happenings in Neverwinter, mainly pertaining the news of the upcoming test flight of the space vessel using the specialized modified Antimatter Core they had discussed for so long. Both of them realized their own nation had grown following different routes; the Witches embraced technology, while the Demons followed the path of alchemy and transmutation.

From arch-nemesis to friends with benefits; Wentilakh lamented on how such a contrasting change could happen. He hoped that they will not be cursed by their forefathers.

The collaboration had benefited both species greatly despite the opposition of the traditionalists. Some old men were bound to be too stubborn. However, as a man that loved his people, he knew old resentment needed to be cast aside. The time of the end of the world predicted by the esteemed late Seer was approaching and they needed all the help that they can get. Being insufferably arrogant would not help saving anyone.

Thinking about this, Wentilakh swallowed his pride and bowed with humility, "Lady Pasha, after listening to the information from the Graycastle's side, this old man would like to shamelessly request for a favor from you."

"Speak your heart's content." the Elder Witch smiled warmly.

She was at the level of an ancestor for these people, hence she treated them like how an elder would to a younger generation. Once stripping off the stigma of racial difference, she found that these 'demons' were not demonic at all. They were chivalrous, stayed true to their feelings and highly disciplined. Pasha had an extremely good impression of the researcher before her; unlike the impudent child who attended her day in, day out.

"This humble old one would like to request for access to the Antimatter Core Research. We have worked tirelessly with the Xincor mineral but to no avail. Hopefully, the research can give some light to the Xincor mineral research." He explained himself shamefully. Xincor was the name coined for the mysterious black mineral mined from the Dark Elves' underground territory.

"I though you would never ask." The Elder Witch's response startled the Senior Elder greatly.

"What do you mean?" He really hoped that Lady Pasha would not misunderstand his intention. Requesting a revolutionary research material was akin to asking for one's personal coffers. However, he needed to touch the material to know whether it was the missing puzzle to the enigma shrouding their Salvation Lake.

"You may. But with a condition. Follow me to Neverwinter."


The presence of an alien spacecraft at the airspace above Neverwinter had rang alarm bells in the hearts of the officials.

It signifies the presence of foreign entities with the ability exceeding the current might of Graycastle. King Azul had a hard time appeasing the frightened officials as he kept on pulling the reins of the different factions inside the City Halls. However, two main factions persisted, the military-based and the pacifists. The failure of the Quarters was a big blow to everyone as that was their only salvation for migration. Hence, the rise of the military faction was gaining power since the news about a powerful enemy from outer space became prevalent.

Away from all the noise, Roland was calmly pouring a cup of coffee for Zenti in the canteen of Sanctuary 3. The canteen was made into a cafe-like environment with an extensive range of food purchased from the multiple vending machines one side of the walls. A soothing background jazz were even played to enhance the mood of the atmosphere. While he was pouring the coffee, he glanced at the hovering palm-sized projection from his personal VIRCOFF. It was the chaotic scene at the empire-wide conference led by the current King of Graycastle, King Azul.

Roland pulled his gaze away and inquired lightly, "Sugar or milk?"

"Milk, no sugar." Zenti was in awe. The leader of the nation was personally preparing coffee for him with a lighthearted chuckle, just like when a friendly host warmly accompanying an old friend. No trace of arrogance or nobility was seen in the man's demeanor. He was very calm and exuded a charming personality. His long gray hair was tied at the nape of his neck as it was placed neatly over the shoulder. Overall, he exuded a scholarly vibe. Zenti judged that the man in front of him to be about late thirties or early forties; an awfully young age to be a leader to represent the voice for the whole planet. Little did he knew the man in front of him existed even before the Empire started colonizing foreign planets.

Zenti had observed the surroundings while he entered the indoor hall. It was very retro! He had seen these kinds of environment in virtual simulations during his younger days before he enlisted and finally retired early. The most important thing was, this cafe was teeming with beautiful ladies left and right! He pitied his other teammates for not being able to tag along. They were now being detained by a few sterns-looking powerful ladies with strange abilities in Neverwinter.

Holding the cup of porcelain white china as gentle as he could, he sipped the coffee presented to him by the leader of the nation opposite him. "Mmm... good coffee." He closed his eyes to savor the feeling. It has been a long time he didn't get to taste real food. All they had was nutrient tablets of varying flavors. Good food was extremely pricey and could only be purchased with Empire Credits, unless you grow your own. As mercenaries, they have no qualms taking pills day in day out. They only remembered to stock up on booze.

"Have some pastries together." The immortal king felt amused observing the mercenary's antics while pushing forward the plate containing delicate looking palm sized pastries.

Zenti made a blissful expression after munching a few of the delicate-looking macaroons, muffins and scones before he realized he had probably behaved in an unfitting manner in front of local royalty. He coughed lightly to cover his embarrassment. "Em, Your Majesty, I presumed? Apologies. I had not eaten proper food for quite some time."

"No problem at all."

Both trailed their gazes towards the ongoing video feed on the table as loud cursings and throwing of papers were happening. "Is it alright for you not to be present?"

After a deep sigh, Roland explained, "I'm not directly governing the empire. Let the younger generation deal with this. If not, they won't grow. Truly, the younger ones lack true grit nowadays. That is the price one must pay with prolonged peace."

Zenti was dumbfounded with Roland's comments. The way he worded it made it sounded like he was a very senior ruler lamenting the lack of substance in the younger generations. "How long have you abdicated the throne for your brother? It sounded like it has been a very long time ago." Zenti jested lightly to cover his awkwardness.

Roland smiled mysteriously, "I'm older than you think."


Zenti discussed with Roland for four hours, explaining about himself, his work, and about the company which hired his team. He adamantly stressed that the Empire had placed a certain standard for harvesting energy, at which when a life form was found on a certain planet linking to the star as part as its solar system, the star would be banned from being harvested. Hence, before a certain company could start mining, they needed to send over an investigation team to check the planets within the star's vicinity. Then, a permit would be given for them to start harvesting.

However, many unscrupulous companies had ignored the rules set by the empire since the universe was extremely vast. Besides that, there was no lack of rampant bribery happening within the Empire's administration. Only when a report was made will the Empire dispatched law enforcers to stop the company involved from continuing its pursuit since taking the power source of the solar system effectively rendered all the planets dead.

Roland was extremely interested with the Empire repeatedly spoken by Zenti. Upon request, he also explained briefly about the history of the empire. It started from a single planet known as Earth, merely 60 years after Roland's transmigration, the Earth dwellers had succeeded in reaching Mars, their neighboring planet. After that, a mere hundred years later, the first manned deep space exploration team successfully crossed the galaxy to reach a new habitable planet. Another hundred years later, they started building space cities and colonizing the nearby planets after the completion of a terraforming technology. Now, they had formed a big empire known as Earth-Human-Alliance Empire, as a commemoration for remembering their roots.

Roland was deeply touched by the advancement of mankind. His eyes blurred a little, as he was drowned in a moment of nostalgia. It has been too long.

"How far is the main administration of the so called Empire? Will it be possible for your team to be the whistle blower?" He had some hope in his heart. No matter what, the planet he was standing at was very endearing to him. The remains of his family, descendants, and friends were all here. He had a deep attachment and belonging toward this planet. If possible, he wanted to save the planet dearly.

Noticing the sovereign's calm yet melancholic mood, he tried to be truthful. He knew lying won't make things better, "Unfortunately, it is too far, Your Majesty. With the latest hyperjump technology we currently have, we still need more than three years to reach to the main sector where the Empire's central administration is located. The officials need the same amount of time to come over after applying for an injunction for the aboriginals' behalf, as was stated by a clause for universal human rights. After all the paperworks are over, plus the time needed to travel over here, this planet would've died out. The problem is, Your Majesty, the location of this planet is extremely far from the central region, at the fringe of the exploration loop."

Roland tapped the cafe's table while thinking deeply after saying, "Do you have an independent space technology?"

"Yes, we have, although only at a beginner's level. It is known as pocket suitcase."

"Is it stable during a hyperjump?"

"Yes, it is."

"Is it possible to be habitable?"

Zenti understood Roland's intention, "It is not tested. As I say before, it is in an infantile stage. The largest space is the size of a warehouse. However, it is strictly to keep stuff inside only, like a convenient suitcase. We only have the size five times five cubic meters in size as it was extremely expensive."

"Understood. Lend me your pocket suitcase and your spacecraft for us to study for a while. There will be two experts who will learn the inner workings of the items in question after this. Once the study is over, please send some of your men over to the Earth-Human-Alliance Empire's Central Administration. Even if this planet finally blows up, we will not let them go. I will send over a representative to represent our homeland together with your men." Roland calmly stated his mind.

Zenti was skeptical with the technological prowess of the local government on this planet. However, he knew they were in the wrong in the first place. Hence, he will not question the soverign's request for researching the Empire's current technology. He understood Roland's predicament; if he was the one who stayed here, he would try all options available to save his home planet too. He will do whatever he can to help these fellow humans. Moreover, it was obvious that this sovereign have ties with their Empire, although it is not known how he was able to travel alone to this uncharted water.

Zenti started to ask about the current Graycastle Empire, the population, the situation of the planet, et cetera. As Roland explained briefly how the empire started, and what kind of people inhabited the planet, Zenti's eyes were getting rounder and rounder.

It was his first time learning about witches and their systematic magic advancement with the help of knowledge enlightenment. He now understood why the ladies wore power suits, and the men were in aircrafts! The power suits didn't grant them the ability to fly, they themselves do! He was extremely in awe, and at the same time felt extremely guilty. This civilization was not just advanced, they were special!

Roland gifted a simple VIRCOFF to Zenti after he adjusted the parameters of the device. "In here, there's more information about this planet. Download it to your spacecraft and deliver it to the Empire's Central Administration for me. It is nothing confidential. Even you and your team can go through the data. It's proof of how long our nation existed, and the Company's obvious breach of the law. It also equipped with a translation device. Hence, it will translate our language to English in real time. It will help you tremendously when interacting with the others."

As Roland helped attached the external fixture on Zenti's left ear, a melodious voice filled with contempt resounded behind Zenti's back. "Hmph! Your Highness, permission to kill this man!"

As he turned around, he saw the 'angel' they followed for over a year, with a tangible body this time, approaching their table. Her long wavy hair was as dark as night, tumbling down to her waist, contrasting with her porcelain white skin, enhancing the beautiful almond irises. At the moment, Zenti experienced an increased heart rate and a fluttering feeling inside the pit of his stomach. [What did it mean?] He might have eaten too many pastries today to get so ill suddenly.

"Ma'am, we're extremely sorry. It is just a misunderstanding. Currently, my team and I do not represent the people destroying the star." He tried his best to apologize. He was glad he decided to follow this lady back to her planet. If not, he won't know anything. The beatings of his heart increased a notch again until an alarm was blaring on his regulator watch. He immediately switched it off embarrassingly and consumed a tablet to lower his heart rate. [What is wrong with me?!]

"Alethea, please mind your manners." Roland was helpless with Alethea's sudden outburst. They still needed the help of the man in front of them, so he needed to rephrase his words mindfully. If the man switched sides, nothing will be achieved. Alethea had always been headstrong and extremely protective towards her own. To her, all external race or species were enemies. He understood how Alethea think. He had also read up the detailed report sent to him last night by different parties.

"But, Your Majesty, he's the enemy! We should suck out all the information form his mind and attack the power behind him before anything else! We may not even need to migrate if we succeeded. If we don't, at least we'll die trying!" Behind her, a group of witches were ready to apprehend Zenti.

"What is this folly, Alethea? Have I not made the right decision all this while? Trust in me as you usually do." Roland showed a grim expression. He knew the witch was in a deep rage. In her eyes, any foreign entities should be extinguished fully to prevent unwanted retaliation. However, only he knew that they did not have that level of power yet. Hence, only with negotiation and continuous cooperation could something be done about it. Granted it'll take a longer time, but the chances of success will be way higher. He didn't want his subjects to die a dog's death.

The bustling canteen were quiet all of a sudden as all eyes turned in the direction of the confrontation. The tension in the air was thick. Alethea was extremely dissatisfied with Roland's opposition.

After a prolonged silence between them, Alethea scoffed, "I don't need to be here anymore! From here onwards, I renounce my position as the Elder Witch of this organization! Whoever wanted to follow me, let's leave!"

Alethea turned around angrily. As she took her first step, an alarm blaring in the canteen hall and an announcement were heard. "Enemy approaching on Neverwinter airspace. Immediate action needed. Neverwinter requesting backup!"

Her wrathful gaze fall on Zenti's guilty expression. "I told you he's not worth to be defended. I'm right all along. This is not over! Agents, suit up!"


A group of twenty spacecrafts appeared above the royal city of Neverwinter and started bombarding without regard with high energy cannons. As the city itself was equipped with a quadruple shield maintained by four powerful Extraordinaires led by the Queen of Graycastle herself, it was strong enough to withstand the bombardments. Hence, the citizens inside were safe from harm at the moment.

However, the massive influx of refugees, city officials maintain the peace and merchants entering Neverwinter had been reduced to meat pastes. Total annihilation of the nearby towns was evident. The Graycastle empire sunk in total chaos as the survivors outside tried their hardest to enter the protected region.

King Azul led twenty regiments of mortal armies under his wings on aircraft fights before the combat witches equipped with Recombinant Suits could enter the fray. However, due to their advanced equipment as compared to Graycastle army, they were cut down like cabbages. King Azul died in action while trying to save his comrades. His Queen wept tears while maintaining the shield below. Once the combat witches entered the fray, they had managed to exterminate the alien spacecrafts.

Zenti observed the fight with trembling hands, he knew it was his fault. The company must have detected the advanced lifeform on this planet from his ship's automatic live-feed. He had disconnected them too late. He knew they would want to exterminate the aboriginals of the planet to prevent from unwanted problems. He never thought they would arrive so soon! It had only been less than 36 hours since his arrival. He had yet to brief Roland about this matter.

However, to his amazement, the witches' side was currently winning with ease. He could see elemental blasts rendering spacecrafts falling from the sky, which was then snapped to two by scary-looking carnivorous trees that appeared out of nowhere. Lightning attacks mixed with blizzard with sharpened ice stakes the size of buildings flew left and right. Someone was even controlling the earth as golems made from mud threw extremely large stones at the spacecrafts. In the midst of it all, Alethea stood proudly and joined the attack at the forefront as vanguard. She even managed to save several soldiers along the way. Zenti's heart moved again as he saw how dazzling the woman could be. He had yet to know that he had helplessly fallen in love with the witch.


Once the fight was over, Alethea did not return to Sanctuary 3.

Alethea had decided to lead the military faction to plan up for an all out attack with the foreign aliens. Half of WIA exposed themselves and joined Alethea's faction. The pacifists naturally sided with the Immortal King. However, the research faction had stayed neutral and assisted both sides. More human capital was drafted to join the research team and the army. Each faction dealt their own hand as they didn't see eye to eye anymore. Without the presence of King Azul to mediate between the two factions, they had not been able to reconcile.

The military faction had long lost hope for survival; they now focused on retaliation and they trained new recruits and witches to be competent in space fights. Spacecrafts were made in the thousands by using Anya's dreadnought template while Recombinant suits with flight abilities were made en masse.

Meanwhile, the pacifist's faction still held the Immortal King in high regard, believing him totally. After all he was the father of the Empire for the longest time. They leaned towards the crown princess exploration team's success. Roland had disseminated the information about the interstellar gate portal's existence to appease the masses and not letting them loose hope.

Like that, slowly, the ordinary citizen packed up and entered the living Quarters inside the prepared bunkers with hope in their hearts.


Newton was busy testing the black mineral in his lab until he heard the door being open. He didn't stop his work as it could jeopardized the ongoing test result. He had not realized the audible gasps of his research assistants.

"The Xincor mineral needed more quantity than that to show its affinity towards the bombarding kinetic energy. You need to add about 0.5 more grams to see the result you wanted." A deep elderly voice resounded by his ears with a thick weird accent.

"I though so. However, we only have this much." Newton exasperatedly replied as he turned around with the swiveling stool he's sitting on. He was so shocked his heart nearly gave out.

In front of him, a demon shrouded in a gray colored robe extend his hands, "Wentilakh. I've heard so much about you, Newton. A pleasure."

Newton popped in a pill inside his mouth as he gathered his courage. Reading about it when he was a mere babe didn't make his heart ready to meet one personally. He only had a limited contact from the Demon side during the early stages of the Antimatter Core development. Remembering Wentilakh's comment on his work, he had forgotten his fear as he genuinely smiled, "The pleasure is mine. The Gods had answered my prayers in the form of your presence, Senior Wentilakh." He grabbed Wentilakh's extended hand and shook it warmly.

"I have so many things to clarify with you." He spoke excitedly with hope in his eyes.

"Me too, me too." Wentilakh replied warmly.

Pasha and Roland only smiled as they saw the two senior researchers of differing race hit it off so well. They retreated from the specialized laboratory and walked together.

"You've worked hard. Thank you, Pasha."

"It is my duty, Your Highness."


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