Helen took off the VIRCOF from her head while silently contemplating the aftermath of the meeting.

The solemn expression from the three elder witches triggered an alarm within her. She believed if not one, all three of the ancient witches will surely joined the investigation soon.

Helen touched the side of the smooth white-washed wall and let her magic flowed in.

A small drawer popped out. Helen retrieved the item carefully.

It's time for little Leila to grow up.


The door was harshly opened with a loud bang.

Leila, who was nearly asleep woke up like a frightened rabbit.

Her aunty Helen had resumed her ogrishly expression. She was aiming for Leila's left ear. "You cheeky little girl! I remembered what you did to the password! I'm a vengeful person! So, what can you do about it?!"

"Ow..ow..ow..ouch! I'm so sorry!I'm so sorry! I won't do again." Leila opened her eyes as wide as possible and exposed it a little to the air. In this way, it will be misted faster, garnering a sorrowful expression. She puckered her cute pink mouth and blinked until tears slowly rolled down from the corner of her eyes.

Seeing how Leila expertly conjured a 'crocodile tears' scene, Helen amusingly sigh.

"You know, you need to control your emotions a bit more. It's a no-no to show your feelings to anyone. Be steadfast and more collected. You're a grownup already. Barely, I guess." Helen dotingly patted her head.

She didn't know when, the girl had usurped her way into Helen's heart a long time ago. She treated her like a close family member. A daughter perhaps. Since she couldn't have one herself.

"I have a gift for you." She placed a gadget on Leila's palm. The gadget was white in color. It was an ear piece melded with a single crystal blue eye piece.

Leila brought the gadget to her face to observe bewilderingly. She still didn't know the function of the gadget given to her. Helen took it and helped Leila fixed the second generation VIRCOF on her left ear and initiate the owner recognition protocol.

"Congratulations! You're now a real Neverwinter Witch. Please make me proud."

Leila jumped with joy and hugged Helen wholeheartedly.

This time her tears were real.


Seeing the witches chatting animatedly made Roland felt a bit uncomfortable. He tried to switch the subject and inquired about the second research group to Linneia.

"How about the Interstellar Gate Research Group you mention before? How far ahead had your team research on it?" Roland asked curiously.

Linneia cleared her throat and blushed. "Currently, nil. The concept was new as I just thought about it last night after listening to your Highness' briefing.

Roland finally understood why Linneia stressed on the building of spaceships more.

He chuckled lightly and added, "It's your boon. About a thousand years after the Battle of Divine Will, I found an interesting object in an intact ruin from one of the disappeared civilization who contended in the earliest Battle of Divine Will.

It is at the level of an ancient artifact. I think it will definitely contribute to the highest degree in the progress of the Interstellar Gate construction."

All the witches present were surprised with Roland's explanation. They quietened down and started to listen in on Roland's and Linneia's conversation since they had never heard of this.

Roland took a few hundred years to thoroughly explore the entire region of the planet to find the remnants of the missing first civilization after the first Battle of Divine Will. It was his passion after he abdicated the throne to pass it on to his grown-up daughter and her husband to govern. Nobody knew what he was adamantly looking for, except for his beloved wife, Anna.

He got his own conjecture and wanted to confirm it.

He didn't gave up and continued searching for years until he finally found a clue regarding what he was looking for.But reality was cruel to him as he was forced to put a halt on researching it due to certain circumstances.

With all the resources he could dispensed in his hand, he still could not solve the mystery of the unknown civilization at that time. Roland had issued a gag-order on this unknown technology as he did not have the expertise to work on it at that moment after spending so much time looking for it.

Just now, while perusing on the list in the Witch Union file, he found several candidates who could potentially assisted in solving the issues pertaining the civilization's technology.

It turned out, the three biocomputer girls had the same conclusion as him. With the addition of the witches called Rossetta and Desaree, they can immediately start off with the Interstellar Gate Project.

"Where was it located, your Highness?" Linneia made an incredulous look. She could not believe they could be this lucky.

Roland smiled saintly. "I will bring the people involved to the location of the ancient artifact directly tomorrow."

"Alright!" Linneia acquiesced reluctantly. She was quite unhappy with the lack of information given by her ancestor but tried her hardest not to show it.

Roland could read her thoughts like an open book. He laughed silently and continue to speak to everyone, "All of you will be separated into three groups, namely the Spaceship Construction Research Group, The Interstellar Gate Research Group and the Negative Density Energy Particle Research Group."

"The Negative Density Energy Particle Research Group must take precedent, as it will be the core to be used by both groups later. So, focus on this first.

After the lecture, you will understand the importance of a material which could generate the negative energy towards your respective goals."

"Linneia, Vayu, Zaleha, Rossetta and Desaree must start researching on the negative density energy particle first. Linneia, please contact both Rossetta and Desaree. Make sure they're present during the lecture this evening."

"Anya can continue with the core design manipulation. You'll oversee the Spaceship Construction Team. Bring along Khora," he paused, "And Vayu, when she finished her first task. Before that, when you need her, liaised with her using the cerebral connector's interface. Later, when she was done, you can absorb her into your research team permanently."

"Affirmative, Your Highness." Anya gave a military salute.

Roland continued, "The vessel must be stable enough to support the presence of storage space. Khora and Vayu, please start human trial soon. The storage space must be able to support humans, husbandry animals and poultry."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Khora and Vayu answered simultaneously while bowing lightly.

"Melati, Frieda and Raksha can join the Interstellar Gate Research Group." Roland added.

The three unlikely ladies (and girl) looked at each other, and answered, "As you wish, Your Highness." Melati and Frieda curtsied gently while the valiant General Raksha saluted him military-styled.

The three sisters fidgeted at the side. Are we not required? They thought in a panic. Will we be axed out from the group of researchers?

"Meifang, Luojien and Yingyue needed to work in tandem will all groups. With all of you around, their work will significantly progress faster and more efficient." Roland spoke after a momentary pause.

Both Luojien's and Yingyue's mouth twitched as they blinked their eyes.

Who said not required just now?! It's triple the amount! We should ask for a raise!

Meifang quickly pinched both of her sisters to stop them from reacting unnecessarily.

The crowd started to chatter after the tasks had been disseminated among them. Roland exited the meeting with Linneia in tow.

Since she automatically subjected herself as Roland's assistant, Roland won't be polite and instructed her endlessly to his heart's content in amusement.


Linneia was very unhappy internally.

Her father, King Azul, was the one who arranged for her to be the attendant for their ancestors, Immortal King Roland and Immortal Queen Anna. It was the most fitting, as she was after all, their most accomplished descendant.

Truthfully, this was the first time she came in contact with her ancestor, the Immortal King.

Previously, she had felt great reverence towards her great grandpa. However, reality showed that this person wasn't as great as he should be.

True, he was similar to the large portrait in the main hall. But why didn't he have that kingly aura in him?

He was more down to earth, calm and collected; more like a scholar rather than an emperor.

Seriously, why did he seem so mediocre?

It's like when you have such a high expectation on something, and suddenly it didn't lived up to your standard, it would be a total turn off.

That's what she felt currently.

Linneia was discontented with how the ancestor passed her job to his wife. He even took over her research team and scrambled it up!

Moreover, his wife is so beautiful! Why is he lecherously looking at the three young girls until his eyes nearly come off once she was gone? Did he have a fetish for young innocent-looking girls?

When she wanted to know more about the ruins, this ancestor of hers kept on deflecting and not wanting to tell her a single bit!

So stingy!

Hmph! Wait and see, I'll give him a special lecture hall and see how he stumbled and lost so much face until he will want to crawl into a hole with shame!

Outwardly, this girl didn't show a single bit of emotion.

Just like an inborn five-star actress.

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