Deep in the chamber of secrets.

When Xiao Yuhan's voice fell, the crowd was charging towards the front.

The footstep sound continuously rings, the month pity son's facial expression has been difficult to see the pole.

She knew in her heart that it was impossible to escape here only by her own strength, and as for Lin Chen, she was afraid that she was also in great danger.

Things are getting more and more troublesome.


In the heart secretly scolds a, but also clear now hasn't come to give up of time, at the moment that everybody rushes to, month pity son immediately launched to counterattack, however just hit fly an enemy, suddenly heard the huge sound of ear shaking to spread.

There was a terrible sound wave, as if the whole chamber of Secrets had been shaken violently.

Everyone's already on their feet.

Xiao Yuhan's face changed wildly, and then he saw a man running from a distance.

"There's something wrong with the owner of the house. There's too much noise here. Mr. Zhou has learned that the situation is coming to this side. The brother guarding outside has begun to destroy the place. We have to escape in ten minutes!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yuhan's expression suddenly became extremely dignified. He had no time to think about it. He rushed to the hall and took away the exquisite box and said, "go!"

The crowd began to be thorough, but the gunfire continued, and YUELIAN couldn't rush out of the corner.

The vibration amplitude of the whole chamber has become larger and larger. In the violent sound, we can feel the endless danger charging towards this side.

After the gunfire, yuelian'er rushes out from the corner, but she can't keep her body steady. The chamber of secrets is beginning to crumble under the huge destructive force, and there are huge stones falling from the top.

She had a complicated expression and rushed out of the room.

The vibration amplitude of the chamber became more and more intense, and even the sound of the chamber breaking could be heard.

Even in front of us, there is already a fire in the sky.

Too late to think, she quickly toward the direction of Lin Chen, Lin Chen has not appeared, I'm afraid that the battle over there is not over, now in this case, if they can't escape in time, they will be left here forever.

Face has been gloomy to the extreme, month pity son will own speed up to the limit.

But the injury on her body hindered her action, and her speed inevitably decreased.

Stumble, a accidentally hit by the falling stone, month pity son spit out a mouthful of blood, fell on the ground.


The main structure of the chamber was damaged. In the violent sound, a huge crack appeared on the top of the head, and the huge stone was about to fall.

Month Lian son facial expression crazy change, want to dodge but has become futile.

With her current speed, she can't avoid the terrorist attack at all.


There was another loud noise, and the heavy stone had fallen down. At the critical moment, a figure suddenly rushed out, hugged yuelian'er and rushed forward.


The stone falls to the ground, and yuelian'er has arrived at a safe place.

Looking up, holding her out of danger is Lin Chen.

I'm bloody, but I'm in good shape.

"Let's talk about the rest."

Only said such a word, Lin Chen then raised own speed to the limit.

In order to destroy the body, the other side has carried out a devastating attack on the secret room. The explosion of the bomb directly destroyed all the structures of the secret room. It's only a matter of time before the complete collapse here.

In Lin Chen's opinion, no more than three minutes, here will be completely destroyed.

If they can't escape in these three minutes, they will have to stay here forever.

The situation is urgent, Lin Chen has no time to think more, the dignified color in his eyes has been strong to the extreme, the bending legs taut straight moment people have rushed out.


The whole chamber of secrets is collapsing, and the destructive power of terror is shocking.

More and more intense murderer constantly ring, Lin Chen's face has become more and more ugly.

Continue to move forward, found in front of the dark has been completely dispelled, see this scene after Lin Chen heart sink.The source of light ahead is the burning fire!

The fire is raging, and the endless heat wave is rolling wildly.

The water in the body seems to have dried up in an instant. Lin Chen's expression is more and more ugly. Yuelian'er's face has been gloomy to the extreme. She gritted her teeth and said, "Mr. Lin, take me with you. After all, I'll drag you down. Put me down and run for your life."

"Cut the crap."

Lin Chen's face is icy cold. Even though there is a sea of fire in front of him, he still rushes past without hesitation.

Speed has been raised to the limit, the face has been more gloomy to the extreme.

Endless heat wave in the continuous sweep, the rising tongue of fire is constantly licking his body, pain swept, Lin Chen is gritting his teeth.

Yuelian'er in her arms has not been hurt at all. Looking at that resolute face, her eyes have flashed incomparable firmness.


When the loud noise came again, the fire in front of him was slightly reduced, and Lin Chen had seized the final opportunity.

Bending legs straight moment, the whole person has turned into a streamer.



After escaping from the chamber of secrets, Xiao Yuhan's face finally recovered calm.

One side of the people's faces also can not help but smile.

Today's all can be regarded as a major turning point for them. If they fail to take out the box in the end, all the preparations will be in vain.

But now, they've got the most important thing.

Now it seems that the plan is a success.

"Hurry up and get out of here."

Xiao Yuhan's expression is dignified. Now they are not completely successful. The secret room has been destroyed. Zhou Anhai will definitely come here for such a big thing. If they meet Zhou Anhai here, the consequences will be unimaginable.

But just as they were about to leave, the car roared.

The exit of Hutong has been stopped by more than a dozen commercial vehicles.

Zhou Anhai's face suddenly dignified to the extreme, his eyes have been full of shock.

The expression of a few people on one side has become extremely ugly. According to the calculation of time, Zhou Anhai can't get here so soon.

What's going on.


Incomparable doubts in people's hearts continue to rise, people's faces have been difficult to see the extreme.

At the moment, the front door has been opened, but it is not Zhou Anhai who gets off.

"Zhou Fang?"

Seeing the visitor, Xiao Yuhan's face was full of surprise.

Besides Zhou Fang, there is a woman.

Xiao Yuhan was shocked by the appearance of this man.

He remembers that this woman is Zhu Huan, the chief steward of the Liang family.

I can't figure out how these two people got involved.

"What do you want to do?"

Xiao Yuhan's face was full of vigilance and subconsciously stepped back.

The real purpose of his trip must not be known to Zhou Anhai, otherwise everything will be ruined for him.

The expression has been more and more ugly, Xiao Yuhan stares at the two people in front of him and has not opened his mouth.

Zhou Fang laughed.

"Mr. Xiao, we should ask you that."

"The importance of Yana bar is very clear in your mind. You are still in such a mess when the basement is just destroyed."

"It's a coincidence. It's not convincing enough."

Zhou Fang fixed his eyes on Xiao Yuhan's hands behind him.

Xiao Yuhan's face is more gloomy.

He naturally knew what Zhou Fang meant.

What these two people play is the routine of Mantis catching cicadas and yellow sparrow.

Gnashing teeth, eyes cold, Xiao Yuhan's heart is a haze.

After planning for such a long time, he didn't want the hard won things to fall into the hands of these two people. However, now that the situation has developed, he is afraid that there is no other way out.

"What do you want?"

Xiao Yuhan raised his voice, and Zhou Fang's eyes fell on Zhu Huan.The Liang's housekeeper laughed and said slowly, "Mr. Xiao, we don't mean anything to you, and we don't want to hand you over to Mr. Zhou."

Xiao Yuhan's brow is more tight.

"We can even help you get rid of the suspicion," Zhu said

Xiao Yuhan frowned: "what are the conditions?"

Zhu Huan's eyes were full of fun. She reached out and pointed to the delicate box in Xiao Yuhan's hand.

"The jade seal in your hand."

Xiao Yuhan's face changed. Even though he thought so in his heart, it was a totally different feeling to hear this from them.

Up to now, Xiao Yuhan can be sure that the two people in front of him are already dissatisfied with Zhou Anhai and want to jump to a higher place with the help of this couch.

But he was not willing to hand over the jade seal.

"What good can I get?"


Zhu Huan a smile, suddenly took out a pistol.

"It'll make your death more enjoyable."


The words fell and the guns rang out.

The bullet accurately penetrated Xiao Yuhan's head. Zhu Huan's simple action was unexpected by Zhou Fang, and all the bodyguards around him were wide eyed.

No one thought that this seemingly weak woman had such a vicious heart.

Inexplicably, Zhou Fang felt that Zhu Huan in front of him was a little scared.

But he didn't show it. After all, he and Zhu Huan are cooperating now. No matter how fierce Zhu Han is, it's absolutely impossible to do anything to him.

"You guys."

Zhu Huan's eyes fell on Xiao Yuhan's bodyguards. She said with a smile, "is it to end your own life, or do I give you a ride?"

The calm voice contains a chilling killing opportunity. Several people look at each other. Just now, the people around Zhu Huan have taken out their pistols.

The continuous gunfire rang, and the front was full of corpses.

Zhu Huan slowly forward, picked up the exquisite box from Xiao Yuhan's body, and then his eyes fell on Zhou Fang's body.

"Mr. Zhou Shao, I'll give it to you."

Zhou Fang heard the speech and nodded slowly.

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