At the moment when the cold voice rang, Zhu Huan and Zhou Fang's faces changed color. When they turned around, they saw Lin Chen charging at full speed, and they had already rushed to their side.

"You have no chance!"

There was a thick murderous opportunity in the extremely cold voice, and the two suddenly turned pale.

At this time, the battle below is over. Although Zhou Anhai has already arranged a lot of people in Liang's group, those people are on the road after all, and Liang Tianhao, a super strong man who has been famous for a long time, is still in charge. No matter how crazy Zhou Anhai's people are, they can't be Liang Tianhao's opponents.

After learning the truth of the matter, the reporters on the scene did not dare to speak ill of Liang Tianhao.

And Lin Chen has also brought Zhu Huan and Zhou Fang to the hall, the guards upstairs have completely lost the power of resistance.

Now, Zhou Anhai is doomed.

"By the way, what about Zhou Anhai?"

Liang Tianhao's eyes were cold, and he said slowly: "he has escaped from Liang's group, and now he is heading for his stronghold, trying to destroy our plan with his own powerful accumulation and keep a glimmer of life."

Hearing this, Lin Chen said with a sneer: "the defeat has been decided. Now even if he struggles again, he can't change anything."

"Mr. Liang, it's not too late."

Liang Tianhao nodded, and his eyes were full of murders.

He turned to look at Liang Yin and said, "yin'er, you immediately transfer all the people in Nanhai pavilion to me."

"Since Zhou Anhai wants to fight, I'll fight with him to see who can afford it!"

At the moment, Liang Tianhao has not even the slightest decadent appearance, obviously has really recovered that kind of southern city dominating bearing.

At the moment when the calm and strong oppressive voice came, Liang Yin's face was suddenly straightened. After nodding, he turned and left, and the expression of the people on the scene was dignified.

They knew in their hearts that when Liang Tianhao made this decision, the pattern of the south city had really opened up.

As for what will happen in the future, they don't know, but after this battle, whether Zhou Anhai will fall forever or not, Liang Tianhao's identity as the master of Nancheng will surely come true.

As for what happens next, people don't care.

When the time came to noon, all of Liang Tianhao's men went to Zhou Anhai's stronghold.

This time, not only Lin Chen came, but also Liang Tianhao.

The mighty team always exudes a thick pressure. When Liang Tianhao waved his hand, the crowd rushed forward immediately.

The battle started in a flash.

The scream is accompanied by the scream. Liang Tianhao's expression is dignified in the car, and Lin Chen's face is very gloomy.

He frowned and said, "Mr. Liang, I'll go down and have a look."

After a surprised look at Lin Chen, Liang Tianhao nodded.

After getting out of the car, Lin Chen charged straight ahead, and his face was very gloomy.

He didn't care about Zhou Anhai's life or death. He was more concerned about how Zhou Anhai got the jade seal, who gave it to Zhou Anhai, and what was the real purpose of storing it in Nancheng.

Before Zhu Huan, he learned that there was a very hidden place in Zhou Anhai's stronghold, which might contain some secrets.

Thoughts fall, Lin Chen also too late to think, through the battlefield quickly came to the inside of the stronghold.

Fight everywhere, but Lin Chen didn't find Zhou Anhai in the crowd.

Liang Tianhao's news is not wrong, so Zhou Anhai can only be in one place.

a secret chamber!

His eyes were icy cold, and the murders were surging in his eyes. Without much thought, Lin Chen had already raised his speed to the limit. The moment of bending his legs straight had turned into a streamer. After rushing into the stairwell, he went all the way down, and soon he had reached the third floor underground.

The battle has spread here. Zhou Anhai's people can't compare with Liang Tianhao's in combat effectiveness. The defeat has been decided, and their resistance has become futile.

Lin Chen is also lazy to get involved in the battle here. According to the news given by Zhu Huan, he comes directly to the most hidden room in the three underground floors.

The furnishings in the room are simple, only the bookcase in the front is the most eye-catching.But to Lin Chen's surprise, the bookshelf has been opened, revealing the passage in front.

Along the passage all the way forward, and finally reached the chamber of secrets.

Zhou Anhai, standing in front.

He was crying and laughing, in a strange state.

"No, it's all gone."

"Decades of accumulation, all destroyed once, and even the hope of the final reversal are gone, you still come here to do, see my joke?"

Suddenly turn around, Zhou Anhai stares at Lin Chen.

In those eyes, there was no anger, but there was a strong fear.

"In fact, you don't need to do that. The thing has been lost, even if it hasn't been found yet. You wanted to be the master of the South City and use the power of the whole South City to find it. However, everything has been destroyed, and there is only one way to die waiting for me."

Lin Chen pick eyebrow, slowly open mouth to say: "I won't kill you, and Mr. Liang also won't kill you."


A look of disdain gradually appeared in Zhou Anhai's eyes. He said slowly, "of course you won't kill me. I know you want to get some secrets from me."

"But even if you don't kill me, someone will kill me."

"I've lost such an important thing. Now that things are going on so much in Nancheng, I'm afraid the secret has come out. The person who killed me is on the way. I've lost everything. Now I don't even have the power to protect myself."

"And it's all because of you!"

"Lin Chen, you should be satisfied to see my end like this?"

Lin Chen frowned, he slowly said: "Zhou Anhai, I know you have not been ready to fight with Mr. Liang. This time, you will go your own way, just because Zhou Fang told you that your jade seal is in Mr. Liang's hand, right?"

Zhou Anhai's face changed.

Lin Chen slowly said: "you should have searched the Liang family recently, but you didn't find anything, did you?"

Zhou Anhai's expression is more ugly.

"I can guarantee with my life that Mr. Liang never knew that the jade seal was in your hands. Zhou Fang and Zhu Huan planned the explosion of Yana bar. They led you into this abyss."

"From beginning to end, you are just a chess piece."

Lin Chen's voice easily broke all the fantasies of Zhou Anhai. After hearing this, his face was full of shock.

No doubt, this man never thought that this was the truth.

His expression, has been difficult to see the extreme.

"You mean I was used by them from the beginning to the end!"

He raised his voice, and his eyes were already full of shock.

Lin Chen shrugged his shoulders and said slowly, "what do you think?"

The calm voice seemed to have an unusual magic power. After hearing this, Zhou Anhai's heart had already been shrouded in haze.

Originally, he was on the verge of collapse. Now that he knows the truth, he may fall into the abyss at any time.

The anger in my heart is constantly surging, accompanied by a strong grievance.

He looked at Lin Chen with an unbelievable face and didn't speak for a long time.

And Lin Chen slowly said: "Zhou Anhai, I know you are in a very embarrassing situation now, you must not want to die, right?"

"Maybe we can make a deal."

"What deal?"

Staring at Lin Chen, Zhou Anhai's voice was filled with suppressed madness and anger.

Lin Chen slowly said: "tell me what you know, I can send you safely away from Tiansheng."

"No matter how crazy those people are, they don't dare to make trouble outside of their natural place. As long as they can leave Tiansheng, at least you can still save your life and get a good deal, can't you?"

After hearing this, Zhou Anhai didn't speak. Obviously he heard Lin Chen's words. At the moment, he was thinking about the advantages and disadvantages. In fact, Zhou Anhai knew that at this time, Lin Chen was the only straw to save his life.

Lin Chen is right. Those people are really crazy, but their plan has not been completely completed. What they fear most now is that they will be detected by people who want to do something against them.Outside the province of heaven, they must not dare to make trouble.

But it's impossible to give up years of accumulation.

But are these really that important compared to life?

After thinking for a long time, Zhou Anhai slowly looked up at Lin Chen. After taking a deep breath, he said, "Lin Chen, can you promise that after I tell you all I know, you won't kill me, and can you help me leave Tiansheng safely?"

Lin Chen a smile, slowly open mouth to say: "there is no grudge between you and me, kill you also have no good to me, do a favor, also have nothing bad, besides, you have other choice now?"

The moment the calm voice fell, Zhou Anhai's face became more ugly.

Lin Chen is right. Now he has no choice.

"I can tell you all I know, but you must escort me out of Tiansheng."

Lin Chen's face is full of smile, he says slowly: "clinch a deal."

Hearing this, Zhou Anhai took a long breath and felt a little relieved.

At this time, the battle outside is over. Lin Chen takes Zhou Anhai out and explains the whole story to Liang Tianhao.

The New South City master didn't plan to kill Zhou Anhai, so he agreed to Lin Chen's request.

After the end of the battle, Lin Chen left with Zhou Anhai.

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