"What kind of thing is that?"

After listening to Li Yang's words, Lin Chen could not make complaints about it.

"Regardless of them, this kind of thing is not clear, you said before that you have got the key?"

The cause of his parents' death has always been a knot in Li Yang's heart. Now there is a sign that he can understand it. Naturally, Li Yang wants to find out everything as soon as possible.

"As a matter of fact, I already know the cause of your parents' death. What's in that box is not a clue about the cause of your parents' death, but the beginning of a bigger secret."

Li Yang is a Leng, Lin Chen thinks for a moment and then slowly opens his mouth: "if you need, I can tell you everything I know. As for whether to open the box, you can make a decision after listening to it."

A gloomy color flashed in Li Yang's eyes.

Lin Chen is not worried, just quietly waiting for Li Yang's decision.

Time, every minute, every second.

After a long time, Li Yang said slowly, "I'm ready. You can tell me everything. It's very important for me."

Lin Chen, of course, can understand Li Yang's mood, and he doesn't say much. He just tells Li Yang what Zhu Huan told him.

After listening, Li Yang's expression was complicated.

Lin Chen, on the other hand, kept quiet.

This is not a trivial matter for Li Yang. Chasing the truth for so many years has already become a obsession in his mind. Now he has finally got the truth. It is impossible for him to get rid of this obsession immediately.

Just as Lin Chen was about to speak, Li Yang's voice came.

"So, the big guy in the east side killed my parents?"

Lin Chen nodded.

"Mr. Lin, that's very important to you, too."

Lin Chen Leng for a while, did not deny.

"In this case, we need to open the box even more. The thing in it must be something that the big man in Dongcheng District cares about very much. Just for such a reason, I can't give up."

"What's more, you've helped me so much. Now, it's our common responsibility."

"Mr. Lin, I beg you to help me again."

Lin Chen's eyes flashed a touch of surprise, and then the corners of his mouth would evoke a smile.

He naturally knows what kind of thinking Li Yang has. Li Yang's decision is more to help Lin Chen.

In a sense, the death of Li Yang's parents is more likely to be accidental. After all, when Li Yang's parents died, the big man in Dongcheng District didn't know. The reason why he wanted to get what Li Yang's parents left behind was that it was the big man in Dongcheng District.

In a sense, Li Yang's responsibility had already come to an end at the moment when he knew the cause of his parents' death.

As for the next, it's all about helping Lin Chen.

"Thank you very much."

Hearing this, Li Yang's face also showed a smile.

Although what happened in those years became his heart knot for a long time, now even if this heart knot is untied, his heart can't recover calm in a short time, but what Lin Chen said to him can make him really feel relieved.

What we do next, naturally, has nothing to do with hatred. It's just from the heart.

Wait for Li Yang to deal with the things at hand, and Lin Chen together toward the direction of the old house.

Although the box was very important to Li Yang before, it was not a very important thing in other people's eyes. Therefore, Li Yang didn't pay too much attention to the storage of the box. Now that he knew the secret of the box, he didn't dare to delay too much.

Soon they had arrived at the old house, but Li Yang's face was gloomy as soon as he arrived here.


On one side, Lin Chen's face showed a puzzled look. Li Yang frowned and said, "someone has been here."

Lin Chen a Leng, Li Yang then quickly rushed into the old house, Lin Chen also dare not delay, quickly followed in.

The interior of the clean old house, which had been cleaned up, was in a mess. Many valuable things had been taken away, and the rest were worthless furniture.

Up to now, those relatively valuable things are not so important for Li Yang, but he guessed something. He quickly came to the living room and opened a relatively hidden drawer.It was empty, leaving only a note.

"Li Yang, the things in it should be very important to you. If you want, come to us immediately with the things you owe us, and don't wait for the expiration date."

"It's a debt collection company."

After reading the handwriting on the note, Li Yang's face suddenly became gloomy.

And Lin Chen is a little sad.

At this time, the group of guys came out to make trouble.

"Do you know where they are?"

"Liulin street."

Lin Chen nodded and sneered, "well, go meet them."

Li Yang has mentioned these debt collection companies to him before. These guys are just bullies. What's more, the so-called debt of several million is nothing. Li Yang doesn't really have the money, but he just doesn't want to be a big wrongdoer.

When Zhao's group was controlled by the ambitious nephews of Zhao's family, they hollowed out the company like parasites in order to obtain greater benefits, and signed this kind of contract which was not recognized at all under the inducement of these debt collection companies. This was a matter that made Li Yang unhappy. Now he has paid off his debts, But those debt collection companies are still constantly pressing.

Just this, already let Lin Chen very displeased.

Now, those guys have a very important box for both of them.

It seems that they already need to go.

"Lead the way."

There is a sneer in the corner of the mouth and a chill in the eyes.

Li Yang nodded to one side. He had wanted to go there for a long time, but because of the trivia recently, now he happened to meet it. How could he just forget it.

Soon, they arrived at the debt collection company in Liulin street.

This company is small in scale. It's a company. In fact, it's not much different from those underground forces. At most, it's just a layer of fig leaf.

Looking at each other, they went straight ahead.

"Oh, it's Mr. Li. He's really here. Please come inside."

Just at the door, Li Yang was recognized by the guards. His face was smiling, but his eyes were full of disdain, and his voice was full of disdain.

Hear this, Li Yang cold hum a, but didn't say much, and Lin Chen walked into this company together.

The company is not big. There are some computers in the room symbolically. Although the people sitting next to the computer are wearing suits, they still can't get rid of the little gangster temperament.

At the moment when they walked into the room, their eyes had already fallen on them.

One of them got up and said: "it's really lucky that our small place has really attracted Mr. Li's presence."

The man stood up, one meter nine tall, came to Li Yang's side, looked at him condescending, but directly ignored Lin Chen.

Very oppressive and aggressive eyes, but Li Yang's face is more gloomy, he cold hum a say: "your manager, take me to see him."

The strong man said with a sneer: "as the manager said, he's still busy recently. If only I could handle anything directly from Mr. Li."

Hearing this, Li Yang's face became more gloomy and his teeth clenched. He slowly said, "OK, where's my stuff?"

The strong man pretended to be surprised, and then said with a sneer: "it seems that this thing is really important to Mr. Li. You can have it if you want. Give us the money you owe us."

Li Yang's face has been gloomy to the extreme, he said: "don't think I can't see the loopholes in your contract, and I've made it clear for a long time. The so-called debt is just your nonsense. I haven't made it clear before, and I just don't want to tear my face completely."

"But what you've done makes me angry, and since you're so rampant, don't blame me for turning over."

"Either you hand over the things you took from my house immediately and promise that you will never make trouble in my company again, or I will leave now and use the power of the group to make your company unable to continue."

The voice was full of chill, and it could be seen that Li Yang was really angry now.

After hearing Li Yang's words, the strong man did not show the slightest panic expression, but sneered."Threaten me?"

"Mr. Li, it seems that we are really too polite to you. Do you forget what we did before?"

"Do you really think you can bluff us with these words?"

"Maybe you do have this ability, but only if you can leave here!"

The voice raised, and the people in the hall immediately got up, and their eyes were fixed on Li Yang and Lin Chen. They showed a huge encirclement, constantly approaching Li Yang and Lin Chen in the center.

The atmosphere in this hall has gradually become gloomy.

Li Yang's eyes already had the rich angry color to flow, one side's Lin Chen also picked to pick eyebrow.

I little interesting.

These people know that they are not Li Yang's opponents, and they dare to be so rampant.

It seems that there is some strength behind these people.

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth, evoked a smile.

"If you don't care, you'll have to do it. Isn't that unreasonable?"

When the distance between the two sides was less than five meters and Li Yang's range of activities had become very small, Lin Chen opened his mouth.

The sound of pondering resounds, that a vision, instantly then fell on Lin Chen's body.

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