"Get out of the way!"

The speed is very fast. In a flash, Lin Chen has rushed to the hospital bed. He has already taken action without waiting for several experts to speak. In the palm of his hand, there is a twinkling light, and his palm falls on Jiang Yanran.


Muffled sound, Jiang Yanran face instant pale, and then suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood.


The blood is black and red, which is the color that the toxin has invaded the heart.

Her condition is far more troublesome than people think.

"Silver needle, clear water, quick!"

Suddenly the voice let experts Leng in situ, Lu Ziwen outside but reflected over, quickly prepared what Lin Chen needed to send in the past.

In Lin Chen's eyes, there is a flash of cold. When he raises his hand, three needles fall.

One shot of Hegu, two of Taichong and three of Xuehai.

Three stitches, death make way!

It's a real trick!

On the silver needle, there is a little brilliance flowing.

The air in the ward has become solidified, and everyone's eyes are fixed on the silver needle!


Broken empty sound, three needles, at the same time fell on the body of Jiang Yanran.

Between a breath, Jiang Yanran's pale complexion has improved.

But the next second, it was blue again.

The expert outside turned pale and said, "no!"

The doctor in the ward rushed in the past at the same time, but just before arriving at the sickbed, he met Lin Chen's icy eyes.

"Go away!"

Cold voice with a murderous, the next moment he turned to Jiang Yan Ran fell the last palm.


The blood spurted out, and the purple face became ruddy again.

All the indicators on the instrument are normal. The next moment, Jiang Yanran's breathing has returned to normal.


Inside and outside the ward, it's quiet and frightening.

Everyone was silly.

Three stitches.

Just three needles, but forcefully pull Jiang Yanran back from the edge of life and death.

It's just appalling.

As a master, Jiang Yun's face changed, and then he laughed: "interesting."

At the moment, all experts look at Lin Chen's eyes have been full of worship, and Lu Ziwen has been more excited than ever.

Lin Chen didn't care about the expression of the people around him, but turned to look at the old man outside the ward.

"Let's go."

Glancing at Lin Chen, the old man turned and left.

I didn't even look at Jiang Yanran!

Lin Chen's Mou son Shan Shan, has never opened a mouth.

The toxin is relieved, and Jiang Yanran's physical condition is stabilized. The people of Jiang's family are determined to go. They don't even have a guard left.

This made Lin Chen very surprised.

Jiang family, what do you want to do?

He asked the White Wolf to investigate, but there was no useful news. It seems that the energy of the Jiang family is very powerful.


"Yanran elder sister, don't worry, no matter who can't force you to do what you don't want to do!"

This words just fell, but found that Jiang Yanran's fingers moved.

Lin Chen a Leng, immediately full of ecstasy, he quickly seized Jiang Yanran's hand, a face excited said: "Yanran elder sister, you wake up!"

Jiang Yanran slowly opened her eyes, eyes still have water marks flowing, the first person to see is Lin Chen, she pulled out a smile.

"I feel like I've had a long dream."

"It's nice to wake up and see you."

Lin Chen Leng for a while, immediately also laughed.

"Just wake up."

Yama, who once dominated the world, now has such a huge emotional fluctuation for a woman.

Even Lin Chen didn't think of this.

"No matter what, I'll be by your side."

He had a soft voice and a smile in his eyes.

Jiang Yan Ran Leng for a while, grasped Lin Chen's hand."Thank you. Thank you for guarding me."

Lin Chen caresses soft long hair, eyes are full of tenderness, "because you are worth it."

Five words, constantly echo in Jiang Yanran's mind, a short moment, she thought of a lot.

Everything in the past, irresistible fate, as well as their own future.

Although she was in a coma these days, she didn't know everything about what happened around her. She knew that the people of the Jiang family had come to Haidu, and she knew that she would eventually face the fate that she could not resist.

But that doesn't matter, at least now, she has Lin Chen.

Eyes, there is a firm color flashing, Jiang Yan Ran gently sat up, kiss Lin Chen's lips.

"Lin Chen, I don't ask you to remember me, but at least now, I'm yours."

Heart sea from calm, to ups and downs, finally, turned up the waves!


Three days later, Jiang Yanran's body is no longer in any serious trouble. The hospital gives advice that she can be discharged from the hospital and have a rest. Lin Chen hears that Yan is relieved.

"Sister Yanran, I'll go through the discharge procedures."


Jiang Yanran nodded, eyes a little complex.

Naturally, she also knew about the arrival of the Jiang family, but she didn't know where to start.

Biting teeth, is to make up one's mind after all, can be about to open mouth, Lin Chen has walked out of the ward.

Looking at the figure that accompanied for several years, the eyes are more and more complex and full-bodied.

Well, there's always a chance.

And just when this idea just fell, the phone rang, looked at the caller ID, Jiang Yanran's eyes flashed, sighed and finally connected the phone.


Her voice, with a thick tired.

"The car is waiting for you outside."



In the doctor's office, Lin Chen stares big eyes: "Yanran elder sister's discharge procedures have been completed?"

"Who is it?"

"People of the Jiang family, Miss Jiang should have been picked up by now."

Lu Ziwen, sitting opposite, was also surprised. He thought Lin Chen should know about it.

"Damn it

Lin Chen did not expect that the Jiang family's action should be so fast.

His eyes were already full of endless gloomy color. Before Jiang Yun came, he saw it with his own eyes. The people of the Jiang family didn't care about Jiang Yanran's life and death. Now these people take Jiang Yanran away. Lin Chen can't figure out what the purpose is.

But I'm sure, at least for now, I'm afraid I don't have a good heart.

Directly rushed out of the hospital, just saw that a car rushed out of the hospital, deafening roar, only to see the dust that was brought up by the violent driving of the car.

"Damn it

A fury scolds, the facial expression of Lin Chen already matchless dignified.

It's afternoon and it's bright, but Lin Chen's heart is full of haze.

Follow me!

This is the only idea in Lin Chen's heart.

He even had no time to think about it, and he didn't care about anything else. He got on the bus and chased out.

Covered with scars, he just saved Jiang Yanran from Lu Hongbo's hands. He doesn't want Jiang Yanran to fall into crisis again.

The speed has reached the limit in a flash.

The roar of the voice continues to resound, more and more ear shaking voice in the continuous sound.

In front of the luxury car, through the rearview mirror, Jiang Yanran saw Lin Chen's figure, his eyes suddenly revealed the incomparable complexity.


A gentle voice came from one side. The man sitting on the front passenger's seat was the old man in Tang costume. He turned his head and turned his eyes. Although Jiang Yanran was laughing, the surging chill had made the atmosphere of the car heavy.

"The master has allowed you to fool around outside for so long. It's time for you to consider for your family. We'll deal with the situation of Lin Chen. Don't forget that you have agreed to return to 49 cities with us."

Hearing this, Jiang Yanran's expression is more complex, and the complex look in her eyes is more rich. If you look closely, there is a little anger in it.

Looking back in the rearview mirror, she looked at the old man in Tang costume.At the moment, Jiang Yanran's voice is extremely cold: "I hope you will keep your promise. After all, he is still my life-saving benefactor."

"Of course we will keep our promise."

The old man in Tang costume laughed, glanced in the rearview mirror and then said, "but if he doesn't know how to live or die, we will teach him some lessons."

"In this world, there are not only idiots like Lu Hongbo."


Jiang Yanran suddenly raised her voice, but without waiting for her to continue, the old man's voice came again: "Miss, I'll remind you for the last time that as long as you are still alive, you are still a member of the Jiang family."

"That's all, old slave."

Took out the mobile phone, he slowly said: "stop."

When the extremely cold voice fell, the car following behind immediately took action. The more than ten luxury cars changed the formation at the same time. After a violent roar, the car stopped directly in front of Lin Chen.

There is more thick chill surging in the eyes, and Lin Chen's eyes are more and more cold.

In front of more than a dozen luxury cars all stopped, before crossing the road, Lin Chen had to stop.


A foot brake, tire and ground friction under the violent sound, the road has left a long mark, Lin Chen directly get off, cold eyes have fallen to the front.

He was staring at the figures coming down from the car in front of him, his eyes very gloomy.

"Get out of here!"

The opportunity to kill is coming.

Now, he can't trust anyone.

Only Jiang Yanran is beside him, can he rest assured.

This words falls, but people completely didn't get out of the way of meaning, that a vision has already fully gathered in Lin Chen's body.


Suddenly, the telephone rang, and the old voice of the man in Tang costume came from the opposite side.

"Lin Chen, give up."

"In this world, there are always some people you can't stand up to. The eldest lady has helped you for seven years and has done her utmost. That's the end of everything between you."

"If you are still stubborn, I have 10000 ways to make your life worse than death."

"Threaten me?"

Lin Chen picked to pick eyebrow, in the voice that surging but come of chilly idea more want to freeze whole space general.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't mean to retreat, the people in front of him stepped forward at the same time and surrounded Lin Chen directly. What was surging in his eyes was already extremely cold. They would fight against Lin Chen at any time.

But Lin Chen did not care about the general, just holding a mobile phone face cold.

"Lin Chen, this is the last time I remind you."

The opposite voice, the same cold down.

"I want to talk to sister Yanran."

Opposite silence for a moment, came Jiang Yan Ran tired voice: "Lin Chen, go back."

Hearing this, Lin Chen's face suddenly changed.

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