Finally, he found the exit of the dense forest. Lin Chen took a long breath. Just as he was about to leave by the way, the white tiger suddenly moved on his head.

Lin Chen's face changed slightly, and then he saw the end of the road in front of him. There was a man charging towards this side.

"Damn, it's just stealing something from you. As for chasing like this!"

The man was dressed in ancient clothes, but he had a pretty face, but only his eyes turned around, which made him feel like a thief.

Lin Chen's face changed slightly and kept calm.

"Stop him and never let him into that forest."

There were people coming from behind. They were armed with all kinds of weapons. There was anger on everyone's face.

When the study came to the open space in front, several people in the crowd rushed forward from the rear suddenly soared into the air and passed by, falling directly in front of the man who looked a little bit fishy.

A man's action is stagnant and his face is full of discomfort.

"Grandpa, I really don't want to give me a chance to survive?"

Among the people who besieged the young man, the first one said in a cold voice: "Meng Han, you are so brave that you dare to steal things from our Huang family. You are looking for death!"

Hearing this, the young man, who was called Meng Han, had a smile on his face.

He said with a smile, "what's your Huangfu?"

"The emperor's relatives or the immortal's mansion, what can't you move?"

"Besides, am I stealing? I'll call it fair and square, OK? "

"What's more, it's natural for me to take your things. I'm acting on behalf of heaven. Think about it with your pig's head. How many crimes have you committed since your Huang family settled down in Fenglin city?"

Meng Han looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, which completely angers the people present.

One of the leaders clenched his teeth and said, "Meng Han, I advise you that you'd better hand over what you have, otherwise don't blame us for being impolite!"

Meng Han smiles.

"You are welcome to come. I don't believe it in broad daylight. No hero has come to rescue me."

On hearing this, all the people immediately covered with black lines, the first one said: "kill!"

As soon as they said this, they all moved forward. The first one who rushed to Meng Han raised his hand and brushed the weapon in his hand. A little light lingered on the long sword, and the air blade soared at the moment of dancing.

Seeing this, Meng Han let out a strange cry and dodged. Then he looked at the crowd and said, "grandfather, do you really mean to fight? You don't give me any face?"

"That's what happened to Huang Fu!"

The first man was full of anger, and he said: "Meng Han, I finally warn you that my master doesn't want to make a big deal of this matter. As long as you hand over that thing now, we can let you leave safely."

"Let me leave safely?"

Meng Han's face is full of disdain, "if I believe you, it is true to see the ghost."

"Who don't know, you are a group of animals in human skin, I provoked you, can leave safely?"

"Since there's no way out, the big deal is that the net is broken."

"I'd like to see what kind of changes it will cause if it appears on the table of the city master of Fenglin!"

This word falls, the public is more angry.

The head's eyes were full of murderers, and he spoke fiercely: "dare you!"

"I'm afraid of something."

Meng Han's face was full of smile, while the first person in front said coldly, "do you think you can leave this place?"

"Kill him for me!"

The voice falls down, and everyone moves forward. Meng Han is surprised and avoids the attack. Then he sees Lin Chen squatting on the tree to watch. His eyes flash and he says, "brother, you're here at last!"

Squatting on the tree to watch the excitement of Lin Chen suddenly Leng for a while.

eldest brother?

What big brother? Where's the big brother?

At this time, the eyes of the crowd had already fallen on Lin Chen. They were stunned at the same time. They were more curious about the man who was wearing strange clothes and had a lazy white tiger on his head.

They're all wondering where this is from?

The people's momentary stupefaction gives Meng Han the chance to escape. His bent legs stretch straight and jump into the sky. He immediately escapes from the crowd's encirclement and rushes into the dense forest. While running, he doesn't forget to say: "brother, these bastards will be handed over to you. We are destined to meet again!"Looking at Meng Han who disappears in the dense forest, Lin Chen's face is covered with black lines.

And the crowd's eyes have all fixed on Lin Chen's body, those people's eyes have been frozen to the extreme.

In their opinion, this strange dressed man must be Meng Han's accomplice. It's very possible to think about it carefully. After all, where is Huang Fu? Meng Han alone can't have such a strong foundation.

Anyway, this person must know where the thing they want is.

"Do it!"

When the first artist's voice fell, the crowd immediately rushed to Lin Chen's direction without saying a word, and those people's eyes were filled with thick murders.

Lin Chen was shocked by this scene. He didn't want to do it directly. The folk custom of Yingzhou is fierce enough.


Air blade swept, straight to Lin Chen, strong killing is crazy swept.

Lin Chen eyes a Lin, suddenly soar, landing moment just said: "you are not misunderstood what, I don't know him at all."

"Fart, don't know him, you will appear in this place so coincidentally?"

"I think you two are colluding. Kill you first, and then go to find Meng Han. This is the end of provoking Huang Fu!"

Hear this words, Lin Chen already the black line of full face.

Just arrived in Yingzhou, there were more brothers and enemies.

What's the matter.

Thinking between the other party's attack has come, it is clear that there is a thick hidden murderer, the other party has really moved the killing heart.

Lin Chen's eyes already have a chill in them. With a cold hum, he takes a step. The violent spirit power instantly dispels the strong attack coming from the roar in front of him. Lin Chen's eyes already have a chill in them.

"For the last time, I don't know that person at all. I'm just passing by!"

Lin Chen's explanation is obviously a little weak in the other party's eyes. Their attack still hasn't stopped. In the roar, people have rushed directly to Lin Chen's direction.

Lin Chen is really angry.

But without waiting for him to start, the white tiger had jumped directly from his head. After a roar, his body became seven or eight meters long. That kind of killing machine was more violent than before.

Lin Chen Leng for a while, but did not expect that this white tiger actually has the initiative to hand.

After thinking about it, he said to the white tiger, "it's OK to be disabled. I have something else to ask."

It's not easy to meet a group of people. Naturally, Lin Chen won't miss such a good opportunity.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, the white tiger roars discontentedly, and then rushes directly to the people in front. Those people have never seen such a terrible creature tomorrow. The sword falls on its seemingly soft fur, but it can't leave even the slightest scar. Even if it has spiritual blessing, it can't have even the slightest impact on the action of the white tiger.

The shock in the heart has made people stare big eyes, but white tiger will not miss such a good opportunity at all.

He was originally the king of the mountains and forests, and his temper was always irritable. He had been choked by some small beasts for a week, and now he is excited to see that human beings are more powerful than those beasts.

In the roar, the white tiger's speed is very fast. After all, it is a spirit beast that will not be damaged by the power of immortal Lin Chen. Facing such a group of people, it's nothing to say. The roar turns into a whirling air blade, and the rolling power instantly hits a person in front.

In the scream, the man suddenly fell down. Even if he had the spiritual power to protect his body, he could not protect him. The white tiger's blow had directly injured him seriously. After landing, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face had become very pale.

It's no use trying to stand up.

The rest of the people have seen this situation, and their hearts suddenly burst with a strong shock and panic, but they soon responded.

In their eyes, this is just a stronger beast at most.

"Spirit binding array!"

The leader suddenly opened his mouth, and several people rushed to the white tiger, showing a strange standing posture beside him. They made a seal at the same time, and suddenly there was spiritual power flowing from them. In a twinkling, it had condensed into an array under their feet, which contained the power of space and slightly limited the movement of the white tiger.

But in the face of such a situation, the white tiger just roared.

The surging air waves are extremely powerful. When people around touch the rolling air waves, they fly back directly.The moment of landing at the same time lost combat effectiveness, just a moment, the field has only left the leader.

The man's eyes were wide open. He didn't expect that the powerful array handed down by the great figures in the mansion could not restrain the white tiger. The shock in his heart made him pale. Seeing the white tiger coming towards him, he immediately panicked and turned around to escape.

The white tiger just roars. Suddenly, the chain formed by air condensation binds the leader. In an instant, it solves all the people on the scene. However, the white tiger completely fails to fight. He turns his head and looks at Lin Chen. There is a touch of banter in his eyes. But he turns his eyes and thinks of something that can't be looked back. He glares at Lin Chen fiercely, Then turned into palm size, lightly jumped to fall in the top of Lin Chen's head, toe Gao Qi ang roared, then languidly lie down in Lin Chen's hair.

Lin Chen can't help but smile, this white tiger's temper is no different from a child.

Take back thoughts, eyes fell on the front of the first person.

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