Dangkong mountain canyon, Lin Chen's eyes have been surging in the killing, he has been ready to fight.

Qiu Liang on one side has also adjusted her own state to the best, she can burst out the most powerful fighting capacity at any time.

The enemy in front has come to them, now!

In the eyes of the murderer flash away, Qiu Liang moved.

Bending legs straight moment suddenly forward, between the hands have air blade condensation, that turn over the killing machine in the next second into essence.


The air blade in his hand instantly penetrated the body of the person in front of him.

This sudden change makes the bandits on the scene all stare big eyes, and Dirong's face is even more difficult to see in this moment.

"To die!"

A roar is about to come forward, but Lin Chen has already appeared at his side in the next second.

"Your opponent is me!"

Without saying a word, one punch forward.

The rolling waves are already with a strong attack, the power of terror crazy swept between the moment has been close to the front of Dijon.

Terrible murder swept, Dirong's face at the same time a change, he obviously did not expect Lin Chen's speed should be so fast.

His face changed slightly. After a roar, he suddenly raised his feet and stepped on the ground. The land was pulled by this powerful force, and suddenly burst out a deafening roar. Then, the terrible force had made the ground appear huge thorns.

With a strong kill on the soil thorn, Lin Chen is about to touch Lin Chen's body. At the same time, Lin Chen turns over in the air and kicks Dirong in the air.


When the powerful force touched Dijon's body, Dijon's body suddenly fell.


At the moment when the body collided with the stone wall in the rear, there was a deafening sound. Between the terrible sound waves, the rocks were flying, and there was a strong force on the broken pieces of soil. The bandits who had no time to dodge gave a scream.

And suffered such a terrorist attack Dirong but not injured, just look at Lin Chen's eyes become more cold.

In fact, Lin Chen's guess is good, their purpose is Lin Chen.

The name of this young friar who can kill Huang Fu's ancestors in Fenglin city has already spread all over the nearby land.

Dirong got the news through some special channels. In his heart, he knew that the ethereal Pavilion had high hopes for Lin Chen, and he knew that such a young genius could cause a big shock no matter where he appeared.

It's not voluntary for them to sign the contract with the ethereal Pavilion. It's only because they have been arguing with the ethereal Pavilion for a long time that they choose such a compromise.

Dangkongshan has been very dissatisfied with this contract for a long time, and this dissatisfaction has directly developed into dissatisfaction with the ethereal pavilion over time. Now dangkongshan wants to completely destroy the ethereal Pavilion.

But to do that, they need to be strong.

And just in time, they got a secret.

Through this secret method, one person's blood power can be forcibly transferred to another person. Now the great leader of dangkongshan is only one step away from entering the fairyland. It just needs the blood of Lin Chen, a person who can defeat the peak of wudaojiujing.

As long as they can melt Lin Chen's blood, their leader will be able to enter the fairyland in just a few days.

In this way, they will have the fighting power to destroy the ethereal Pavilion.

That's why they designed such a play to trick Lin Chen to dangkong mountain. In this way, they can create another Qiu Liang as a puppet. It's killing two birds with one stone.

But Dirong didn't expect that the vigilance of the two men was so high that he didn't have time to carry out his plan, so that the battle happened.

But now there is no way, they also know that Lin Chen because of the previous war is too fierce and make their own realm fall, this is their chance.

Take back thoughts, Dirong's face has been gloomy to the extreme, endless murders from the whole body diffuse out, staring at Lin Chen mouth: "boy, today anyway, you must go back to dangkong mountain with me!"

"I don't believe you can beat me!"

In the roar, Dirong suddenly forward, like a fierce beast, all over the body exudes a very tyrannical atmosphere.The killing machine of that crazy volume is more like to have already congealed into the essence general, just between breathing, he has already rushed to Lin Chen's front.

The huge fist turned into stone, and the strength of that fist was more than great.


Suddenly Dodge, Dirong's fist fell on the ground, the power of terror has made the ground crack, the flying rocks and the waves of rushing clouds make the line of sight become blurred, Lin Chen is also lazy to fight with the one in front of him, seize the opportunity to rush to Qiu Liang's side, grabbed her hand and said: "go!"

In a short time, they will be able to arrive at the site of the ethereal Pavilion. It's not worth the loss to fight with the empty mountain people in such a place.

Two people speed, crazy toward the front charge.

After noticing the situation here, Dijon immediately said, "stop them!"

The voice is full of incomparable madness, the moment the voice falls, the bandits around are even more crazy, roaring, all of them are crazy and rush forward.

The distance between the two sides is constantly narrowing.

The front is already the territory of the ethereal Pavilion. Once he gets there, Qiu Liang can contact the people of the sect through the secret method of the ethereal Pavilion, so that they will be safe.

But now they need time.

Seeing that the people in the rear have caught up with him, Lin Chen knows that he has no time. After biting his teeth, he suddenly pushes Qiu Liang out, and then says, "I stop them!"

Then he threw the white tiger to Qiu Liang and turned to the crowd who rushed forward.

His eyes were filled with cold, and he pointed to it as a sword. He took a step suddenly, and the meaning of the sword swept by.

This sword, inherited from Qingyi, has extremely terrifying power. Even though the present state is only in the four realms of martial arts, he is still confident that he can stop these people.

However, Lin Chen didn't find that when he used this kind of power, there was a sharp light in the sky.

Qiu Liang gritted his teeth and rushed directly into the site of the ethereal Pavilion. He was about to contact the people of the ethereal Pavilion, but suddenly there was a violent sound.


In the distance, there was a deafening sound. In the terrible sound, endless chill came.

Lin Chen clearly saw a figure and stood up from the dense forest in the distance.

It was the fierce beast they had seen before, just like Zhu Yan.

And then, Lin Chen suddenly felt a very abnormal force from the outside into the body, a short moment even directly sealed all his power.

The sudden change made him stare directly.

But the front Dirong then opens mouth to say: "dammit, who in the end has provoked this thing?"

Voice down, Dirong also has no time to think, eyes fell on Lin Chen body at the same time, he crazy forward.


A punch directly hit Lin Chen's body, Lin Chen who lost contact with the power in his body could not resist the terrorist attack, and the powerful force made him directly fall into a coma.

"Lin Chen!"

Qiu Liang, who has already rushed to the ethereal Pavilion, stares at this directly. She didn't expect that this would happen.

It's too late to think about it, but when she rushes here, Dirong has carried Lin Chen up in a coma. There's a flash of light in the palm of his hand, and there's a fierce rush of fire at the moment when she's strong.

The terrible force made Qiu Liang fly backward, and his body fell heavily on the ground.

When she finally got up from the ground, she found that Dirong and others had run away and were about to catch up. Suddenly, a man in white came to Qiu Liang.

"Get out of here first!"

That is exactly the person of the misty Pavilion, regardless of Qiu Liang's struggle at all, quickly took her to leave.


When Lin Chen opened his eyes, he found that the tendons of his hands and feet had been broken, and his body had been branded with strange array.

And this kind of array, he seems to have seen somewhere.

The pain on his body made him pale, but he didn't have time to consider his own situation. After looking around, he found that he was in a strange room, and there was a huge medicine stove in front of him.

"Are you awake?"There is a voice full of strong laughter. Lin Chen looks in the direction of the voice and finds that the man standing in front of him is also very pale, but his eyes are full of crazy color.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Ye Qingyang. I'm the leader of dangkong mountain."

Lin Chen feels weak and thirsty.

He stares at Ye Qingyang and says, "what did you do to me?"

"Don't worry, I haven't done anything to you yet."

"It's just temporarily blocking your power so that you can't control your body."

"But soon, I will draw all your blood and pour it into this medicine stove. Once this treasure medicine is refined successfully and eaten by me, I will really step into the immortal way."


Lin Chen struggles to control his body, but finds that it is futile. His array completely cuts off the connection between him and his body.

Ye Qingyang, the leader of dangkongshan, said with a wild smile: "don't work hard, and don't think you can lift the seal. I know that you are not the peak of the nine realms of Wudao, but a land immortal who has stepped into the fairyland, but has not been led by the fairyland."

"But so what? The land immortals without immortals are just rubbish!"

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