The movement of the death row in Dongcheng District has become more and more serious. The impact is not limited to the death row. In just a few breaths, this kind of vibration has spread throughout the whole Dongcheng District.

The monk who sensed this power walked out of the room and looked to the direction of death row.

From this point of view, we can only see the lead cloud falling like a mountain, in which there is a big electric awn. The monks can't see the situation between the electric awns, but they can feel the chilling and killing.

Who the hell is that?

This is the question in the minds of all those who have paid attention to this situation.

Even Ouyang Hui, the Lord of the city, was shocked by this.

Standing at the top of the city master's mansion, he looked at the direction of the prison in Dongcheng District from a distance, his brow locked, and his eyes were incomprehensible.

Xu Yin, the commander of qiutan city gate, stood beside Ouyang Hui and said, "Lord, do you need me to investigate?"

Ouyang Hui waved his hand and said, "well, Dongcheng District is the sphere of influence of Shangguan city leader after all. If our people go rashly, there will inevitably be some unexpected situations."

Xu Yin frowned when he heard this, but he didn't raise any objection to it. The old city owner of qiutan city is a real man who is as wise as a fool. He also experienced the war 50 years ago. Although he didn't do it himself at that time, Xu Yin knew that those demons retreated, He has a lot to do with the old city master.

However, he gave all the credit to Shangguan Mingdao.

Although he doesn't know the purpose of the old city master, Xu Yin thinks that the old city master must have his purpose.

It's just like today he set up the Lord of Shangguan city.

"You go back to the gate station. By the way, tell those brothers in Xicheng District that they have been guarding the city for a long time. Give them a day off. They can play freely. I'll pay for the money."

Xu Yin's eyes flashed, then nodded slightly, turned and left the city Lord's house.

Ouyang Hui stood by the window and never left. He stood there quietly, like a sculpture.

At the same time, Dongcheng District seems to have turned into a world of ice and snow.

The endless chill has even frozen the air.

He could clearly sense the extreme pressure and endless killing. Luoyang's face was hard to see the extreme. He tried his best to urge his own spiritual power, but it was in vain.

The terrible power from the front has really locked Luoyang's body. At this moment, he only saw a sword.

A sword that seems to run through the whole world.


At the moment when the deafening and violent roar was heard, the endless sword meaning had already roared, and the terrible power instantly tore the thunder in front of Luoyang. In this endless killing situation, Luoyang only felt that all the forces in his body had been expelled, and his body had fallen into chaos.

Below the silver soldiers continue to scream, harsh sound spread throughout the prison.


The loud noise shook the whole qiutan City, and WAN Zao and others in the process of escape subconsciously looked in that direction.

Their faces were shocked.

"Is this the most powerful power that brother Lin can show?"

The voice of the stone rock is shaking. This scene is too shocking.

The people on the run have forgotten to speak, and their faces are shocked.

But Wan's face was hard to see.

He knows exactly what kind of fighting power Lin Chen can show. I'm afraid Lin Chen finally cut this sword at the cost of his own life.


The teeth clench, ten thousand once know this kind of time must be resolute, otherwise Lin Chen's sacrifice, wasted in vain!

Wan Zao's words brought back people's thoughts. Although they didn't know exactly what happened, they also understood that it was not the time to stay too much at all, and people all increased their speed.

The death row in Dongcheng District is in a mess. All the buildings have been destroyed by this sword, and there are ruins everywhere.


Suddenly, the stones were flying, and a man stood up from the dust.

He has white hair, his clothes have become dilapidated, the whole person looks very embarrassed, the state is also very bad, but compared with other people, he is good.Looking around, you can clearly see too many bodies. The silver armour soldiers have fallen to the ground and stopped breathing forever.

With his teeth clenched, Luoyang's eyes fell to the front. When Lin Chen's sword, which contains incomparable terrorist power, fell, he saw Lin Chen fall directly from the sky. Up to now, he still clearly remembers where Lin Chen finally fell.

This young friar, who did not know where he came from, caused so much damage to them. It can't be so simple.

You have to live to see people and die to see corpses!

The eyes are icy cold. Luoyang rushes to the place where Lin Chen finally falls. The stones are piled up there. Luoyang urges the spirit power to attack directly.


Only hear the loud sound of the ear, gravel flying, strong force directly cleared a huge open space here, but in this open space, Luoyang did not see Lin Chen's body at all.

It's impossible!

He clearly saw that Lin Chen fell here and used such a terrible sword. Lin Chen's state must have reached the extreme. Immortality is the best result. It is absolutely impossible for him to have the strength to escape here.

Did someone save him?

It's even more impossible.

Recently, due to the need to do this, Shangguan has already imposed martial law on Dongcheng District. Even the residents here can't leave their homes rashly, let alone outsiders entering Dongcheng District.


It's strange.

"Where the hell have you been?"

The voice is full of murders. At the moment, Luoyang is no doubt extremely angry.

However, he was more clear about what was the most important thing now. Finally, he searched here carefully to make sure that there was no body of Lin Chen. After that, Luoyang quickly returned to shangguanmingdao's city master's house and immediately ordered someone to quickly pass on the situation in the city.

In the first time, Shangguan Mingdao already knew what happened in qiutan city.

At the top of the mountain, his face was icy cold, and there was endless cold on his face.

The silver armour army behind didn't dare to speak at all. They could clearly sense the strong killing opportunity surging from Shangguan Mingdao.

There was silence here. After a long time, shangguanming said coldly, "return to qiutan city immediately!"

The words fell, and the faces of all the people present changed at the same time.

Today's coming to this place is an order personally issued by the old city master who was personally given by the king in qiutan City, asking them to do a very important thing.

Although the two city masters of qiutan city seem to be on an equal footing, Ouyang Hui himself won the identity of the city master of Shangguan Mingdao. Moreover, the city master, who was also personally granted by Wang Ming, was blessed by most of qiutan city's good fortune. Therefore, on weekdays, although both sides are on an equal footing and do not interfere with each other, they encounter important things, It is mainly Ouyang Hui.

The order of this man must also be obeyed by Shangguan Mingdao.

This is the last bottom line of Hanya's Wang who is in Wangdu. Even Shangguan Mingdao does not dare to touch this bottom line easily.

Now they haven't finished the task that Ouyang Hui told them. If they go back like this, I'm afraid it will lead to something wrong.

"Lord, we..."

"Cut the crap and I'll go back!"

The cold voice did not have the slightest emotion. At the moment when the voice fell, people on the scene had already felt the thick pressure.

All of them swallow their saliva subconsciously. Others don't know, but they know very well what kind of temper Shangguan city leader is. Especially at this time, it's obviously not a good decision to provoke Shangguan Mingdao.

People dare not say more, have nodded, under the leadership of Shangguan Mingdao quickly toward the direction of qiutan city.

They didn't encounter any obstacles along the way, and they knew that at the moment when they set foot in qiutan City, the news of their return had been learned by Ouyang Hui. Since this one didn't stop, he probably didn't care about it.

With Shangguan Mingdao together with the action of silver armour army have subconsciously relaxed.

Soon, Shangguan Mingdao and others had returned to the city master's mansion.

Luoyang had been waiting here for a long time. When he saw shangguanmingdao, he immediately met him and told shangguanmingdao what happened.

After hearing this, Shangguan Mingdao's face was very gloomy.

In the study, Luoyang said, "Lord, this is so strange.""As soon as you left qiutan City, something happened on the other side of the death row. Do you think it's the Lord Ouyang who is responsible for all this?"

Shangguan Mingdao stretched out his hand to interrupt Luoyang and said in a deep voice: "you have followed me for a long time. It is clear what to say and what not to say."

"But you're right. This incident is too weird. There's no movement in the city when there's such a big thing happening in the death row. Anyway, it's still a big problem."

"Have you found those who escaped?"

Luoyang smell speech quickly said: "I have been able to transfer all the people, now it has been determined that they are hiding in the Xicheng District, but those people in my opinion should not be too big waves, the most troublesome is the man named Lin Chen."

"He gives me a very dangerous feeling, and I have checked that this operation is planned by him. I can't find his body at all. If he is really alive, it will be a big trouble for us."

"Now I suspect that Lin Chen may have something to do with that one."

Shangguan nodded his head and said, "anyway, try to reduce the impact of this incident first. In addition, it's time for me to see our city Lord."

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