Blood in the sky!

The floating scarlet also dyed the sight of the silver soldiers below. At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Who is this sudden figure?

This is the doubt in the hearts of all the silver armour troops.

The sudden appearance of the figure obviously did not give people the space to think, people in the air, in the hands of the sword sweeping, suddenly there is a terrible sword whistling.


The sound of breaking the air was deafening, and the powerful force filled the room, and the terrible killing opportunity immediately filled the room.

"Back, back!"

At the same time, the crowd screamed and quickly stepped back. The sword touched the ground and at the same time, it caused a violent explosion. The powerful force raised the dust and covered the sight of the crowd.

And when the dust fell, many people found that the sudden appearance of Wanzao and others in the sky had already disappeared.


After escaping to a safe place, Wan waited for a long breath.

He turned to look behind him and found that there was no one chasing him, which made everyone stunned.

"No, they were chasing so hard just now. Why are they disappearing now?"


There was a strong look of surprise on everyone's face.

And just then, footsteps came.

People at the same time Leng for a while, and then ready to fight.

"Don't worry, it's me."

At the moment when the familiar voice came to our ears, all the people's faces were full of happiness at the same time. All the eyes were fixed in the direction of the sound. It was Lin Chen who came from the dark place.

"Brother Lin."

Wan as soon as full face happy color, hurriedly forward, up and down of looked at Lin Chen again, make sure that he is all right after long relief.

"Where have you been all this time?"

Lin Chen waved his hand and said: "this is not the place to talk. I just killed the silver soldier who took the lead. Now the rest of the people should have been extremely angry. The situation is urgent. Let's leave here as soon as possible and find the old demon that old man Xu said."

This word falls, everybody nodded in succession.

Lin Chen is right, they are still in danger, too much stay here, will inevitably encounter greater danger.

After confirming the next plan, the people didn't hesitate at all. They took action one after another. They soon left here and came to the place that old man Xu said at the beginning.

The old demon's residence is in the deepest part of the dense forest, which is already on the verge of the demon's residence.

For the Terrans, this is a very dangerous place.

Demons are always bloodthirsty and crazy. Even if they don't agree with the demons who have the same ancestors, they will kill them directly. What's more, they will deal with the human race which has a long history of resentment.

Basically, as long as it is aware of the breath of the human race, the demon class will certainly carry out the slaughter.

When it is near the deepest part of the dense forest, people will be more and more vigilant.

The aura here has been relatively complicated, and there is an abnormal breath in the air.

Everyone is disgusted with this kind of breath, it is a kind of disgust from instinct.

This is the peculiar smell of demons.

"Be careful."

It's a place with towering ancient trees. There is no road at the foot. It's extremely difficult for ordinary people to step here and even to identify the most basic direction.

Fortunately, the people present were not ordinary people. It was very easy for them to identify the direction in such a place, but they did not relax their vigilance because they knew very well that in the place close to the demon camp, if they were not careful, they might be in great danger.

"According to old man Xu, the old demon's residence is at the junction of the Terran and the demon's residence."

After reading the scroll of people in the Tibetan Scripture, although he could not grasp the mysterious power recorded in the Tibetan Scripture, Lin Chen had a good understanding of mountains and rivers and other things.

What's more, there are very detailed records of these border areas in the human volume.

Here, Lin Chen has an advantage. Combined with the Tibetan scriptures, the ancient books he saw before and the map given to him by the old man, he can easily distinguish the direction.

Continue to move forward, the scene in front of you has gradually begun to change. You can fully detect that there is a little strange power in the air, which is the smell of demons.However, to Lin Chen's surprise, this breath is somewhat different from the one he once felt, which is just like the disgusting breath emitted by the patrolman.

He had always thought that the source of his disgusting breath was demons, but now he found that there was an essential difference between them.

The smell of demons is really bloodthirsty and crazy, but there is a kind of fear coming from the bone in the breath I felt before.

Take back thoughts, Lin Chen's expression gradually dignified.

He is still not sure where the breath he felt before came from, but it is obviously not important now. The most urgent thing is to find the old demon as soon as possible and find out everything in qiutan city.

The ancient trees on both sides are getting bigger and bigger, and the vegetation growing around them is becoming more and more strange. From this point of view, I feel that there is a smell of death on those vegetation.

It's as if the vegetation grows on human bones.

The closer to the demon's residence, the stronger the feeling.

Lin Chen knows that they are about to reach their destination.

"Be careful, everyone."

His face is dignified. Lin Chen has subconsciously adjusted his state to the best. He knows clearly in his heart that the final truth is about to be revealed.

Looking ahead through the dense forest, you can see a small thatched cottage. A small yard is surrounded by a wooden fence. Combined with the Tibetan Scripture and what Lu Aotou said, you can judge that this is the old demon's residence.

I didn't expect that the old demon clan's residence was so simple.

After all, according to old man Xu, the old demon clan was once a strong one.

Just as the crowd was about to pass by, Wan Hou suddenly said, "something's wrong, brother Lin, do you notice an abnormal breath?"

Lin Chen's face changed slightly and stopped, hiding behind the thick ancient wood. After careful perception, he really noticed an abnormal breath, which was exactly the same as those demons he had seen in the dungeon of qiutan city before.

"There are demons coming."

Lin Chen stretched out his hand to stop everyone's action, and his cold eyes were fixed in front of him.

Outside the hut, a group of people came gradually.

Seven or eight of them look very evil.

They are native demons. Although they have a human like body, they hide a bloodthirsty heart for a moment.

Before the demonization, the demons are no different from the human race in the distance, but the difference can be found in essence.

It can even be said that they just have human form.

There are ferocious murders in the green pupils, some with two horns, some with three eyes, some with human body in the lower part and beast in the upper part.

This is the essence of demons.

Several demons came to the hut and looked at each other. After that, a demon with two horns directly destroyed the surrounding fence yard. The loud noise made the old demons living in the room attracted and came out of the room.

The old demon was very old, with white beard and hair, and was on crutches.

After walking out of the room, several people said something, but they were too far away to hear it clearly, but they could detect that the killing machine from the demons was getting thicker and thicker.

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed slowly: "the situation has changed. Those demons are afraid to kill the old demon."

"What about us?"

"Kill, solve the battle as soon as possible!"

Although the front demon class has a terrible breath, but the strength is not very strong, with Lin Chen's fighting power, they can easily solve these demon classes.

But now Lin Chen's biggest worry is that this is the junction of the Terran residence and the demon residence. Once the noise is too loud, it will inevitably lead to more demons.

However, the old demon is related to whether they can really find out the truth in qiutan city. They must protect the old demon.

And let Lin Chen make up his mind, or obviously aware of the old demon for these demon class disgust.

If the old demon is a few decades younger, I'm afraid he will do it himself even without Lin Chen.

At the moment when Lin Chen's voice fell, everyone acted at the same time. At the moment when they bent their legs, they had already raised their own speed to the limit. The moment when the terrorist murders spread all over the audience, the power of terror had spread all over the audience.At the first time, Lin Chen rushed into the field. The rusty sword in his hand obviously smelled the smell of blood and sent out a thick kill.

Under the strong force, the long sword seems to be a part of Lin Chen's body. The moment it stabs forward, it bursts out a strong killing opportunity. The rushing killing opportunity envelops the demons in front of it. Even without waiting for the person to react, the long sword has penetrated its body.

Wanzao and others have arrived at this time. With all kinds of spiritual power surging, the killing machine is sweeping like a deep sea. The terrible killing machine tears the demon's body in front of him. At the moment of dripping blood, death has really come.


The blood fell to the ground and dyed the ground red.

The corpses of the demons fell to the ground one after another.

The battle here has just begun and ended. After the scene calms down, Lin Chen takes a long breath, and then his eyes are fixed on the old demon.

The old demon clan didn't show any panic in the face of such a group of people. He just stared at the people in front of him with solemn expression.

Lin Chen says: "don't be afraid, we are entrusted by others, just come to you."


That said, but the old demon is still full of vigilance.

Lin Chen said, "Xu Yin."

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