Lin Chen feels that he is surrounded by the warm feeling, and his fatigue gradually disappears. His strength is gradually recovering. He slowly opens his eyes.

Found that this is a long passage, river fish is struggling to help his body forward.

With a smile in his eyes, Lin Chen said, "fish, I'm ok."

River fish body shape meal, face is full of joy.

"Brother Chen, you wake up. That's great."

The little girl said, tears even appeared in her eyes.

In such a strange place, her heart has already been full of fear, now Lin Chen wake up, she finally do not have to face all this terror alone, now is crying with joy.

After holding Lin Chen against the wall and sitting down, Lin Chen looked around and said to Jiang Yu, "fish, where is this?"

Jiang Yu said, "we came here through that door. I don't know where it is."

"But I can already feel the smell of my uncles here."

"I just don't know why. I can't find them at all."

Lin Chen's eyes were full of doubts. After closing his eyes, he began to explore the situation carefully. He found that the fishermen's breath was not far away from him. But when he looked around, he could not see anyone except them except the ship surrounded by dead air.

It's weird.

"Help me up."

With the help of the river fish, Lin Chen stands up again. With his strong perception, he comes to the place where the fishermen have the strongest flavor.

It's still empty here. Reach out and touch the wall in front of you. It feels cold, not gold or wood.

This is more like a wall. After a careful perception, I didn't find any enclosed space behind the wall.

Is it difficult?

"Fish, get out of the way."

Jiang Yu's face was puzzled, but he still gave way.

Lin Chen took a deep breath. After breathing, his eyes flashed cold, and then he clenched his fist forward.


The dull force severely hit the front wall, and between the terrible sound waves, they came and went back in this passage. The front wall was hit by the terrible force, and there was blood on it!

That does not belong to Lin Chen, also absolutely does not belong to any one person.

This bloodstain contains a kind of very evil and extremely tyrannical breath, Lin Chen's heart appeared a absurd guess.

This blood belongs to this ship.

And then Lin Chen's idea was confirmed.

The whole ghost ship began to shake constantly, as if to show its anger, and the heavy footsteps at the end of the corridor came.

Lin Chen doesn't know what it is, but he knows that this attack is useful!

Without saying a word, the fist was clenched again, and then it was the third, the fourth

In the constant dull sound, more and more blood flowed from the walls, and the sound of footsteps from the end of the corridor began to rush.

The "wall" in front of him has become weak, and the smell of fishermen that Lin Chen can feel has become more and more strong.

Just one last punch.

"Stop it

Just when Lin Chen's fist was about to fall, there was a flustered voice coming.

Action one stagnates, the vision of Lin Chen is fixed in front, the river fish of one side has already looked to the front.

In the dark, a tall figure came out slowly.

He has almost occupied the space in the whole passage, standing there like a half tower.

Lin Chen stops, and Jiang Yu is ready to fight.

Although this suddenly appeared tall figure is a person, but there is no vitality on the body, the smile on the face, also appears to be very rigid.

Staring at the tall figure, Lin Chen slowly said: "why, stop?"

The tall figure came slowly, looked up and down at Lin Chen and said, "my name is Ding Zhen. I'm the first person to board the ghost boat, so I can still keep my own consciousness. I've been here for decades, and I'm the first time to see the person who broke in."

"You should be here to rescue the fishermen who were caught on the ghost boat before."Jiang Yu lowered his voice and said to Lin Chen, "brother Chen, don't believe him. He doesn't look like a good man."

Lin Chen rubs the small head of kneading river fish, and then the vision falls on Ding Zhen's body again, he says: "how can I believe you?"

No matter whether Ding Zhen is like what he said, he must know more about ghost ships than Lin Chen and Jiang Yu.

Now it's a free chance to learn about the ghost ship. Of course, he can't miss such a good chance so easily.

Eyes are still fixed on Ding Zhen, Lin Chen is waiting for Ding Zhen's answer.

After taking a deep breath, Ding Zhencai said, "I have witnessed the suffering of many people who have been caught on fishing boats, and I know how much their friends and relatives want to give freedom back to them."

"So I won't hurt you. After all, I can understand you, and I used to be a person."

"Besides, you have no choice but to trust me."

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed slightly and said slowly, "then tell me, why do you want me to stop?"

Ding Zhen said: "you should have found that the ghost ship itself is a living thing, and those who are caught on the ship are its food. Similarly, it is also regarded as the power of the ghost ship."

"Only when those people are alive can it continuously absorb life from them, let itself move, and kill them. It's no good for it."

"This is also the fundamental reason why those people are still alive."

"Say the point."

Lin Chen took a cold look at Ding Zhen.

Taking advantage of this time, he is also secretly conditioning his body.

Ding Zhen said: "in a sense, we are all in its body. Everything here is controlled by it. No one can disobey its will in this place."

"As early as the moment you boarded the ship, it had read your thoughts. Although it could not attack by itself, if you continued to attack, it would transfer its anger to your friends who had been controlled by it."

"At best, they will die."

Lin Chen's face changed slightly.

Now he knows why he has to trust Ding Zhen.

Because it's a gamble. It's about fishermen's lives.

Even if one in ten thousand may lose, he can't afford to gamble.

The river fish on one side also realized this, and his face became ugly.

Lin Chen's eyes were fixed on Ding Zhen's body in front of him. After taking a deep breath, he said, "you told me to stop and understand our thoughts, that is to say, are you going to help us?"

Ding Zhen nodded and said, "I'm the first person to board the ghost ship, and I'm also the former owner of the ghost ship. I do have some privileges on the ghost ship. Unlike those poor soldiers, I don't have my own consciousness, and even can't sleep when I die."

"But I've been imprisoned on this ghost ship for a long time, and I'm tired of it all."

"I'll help you, but I have conditions."

"I can't kill myself, so I ask you to kill me after you've done what you want to do."

This word falls, Lin Chen and river fish at the same time Leng for a while.

They did not expect that Ding Zhen's request was actually this.

But it's not hard to understand. After all, if Ding Zhen didn't lie, he might as well die.

Just like the grave keeper Lin Chen had met before, he had to live in a dark world all his life. On the contrary, living is a kind of torture.

But is this man's words really credible?

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, he didn't move.

"Why, still don't you believe me?"

"Well, if you don't believe me, you can kill me directly. As for what you want to do, I'm afraid..."

Hear this words, Lin Chen a smile, immediately open mouth to say: "don't be so anxious to come to a conclusion, who say I don't believe you."

"If you want us to believe you, you have to come up with something worthy of our trust, don't you?"

Ding Zhen a face doubts of open mouth: "what do you mean?"

Lin Chen said with a smile: "in fact, I am very interested in this ghost ship, especially the cause of this place."Ding Zhen's face slightly changed: "your interest is amazing."

Lin Chen shrugged: "don't you want to say it?"

"In fact, there's nothing I don't want to say. It's just that the history is too dark. I'm afraid even if I say it, you won't believe it."

Lin Chen said with a smile: "tell me about it."

"In fact, it's a warship."

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. What Ding Zhen said was basically the same as what he judged.

In the cabin, he not only found the standard crossbow, but also found some artillery and other items. But for a long time, they were rusty and could not be used at all. They were covered by dust in the corner. If you don't look carefully, you can't notice them at all.

Ding Zhen said: "I used to be the captain of this warship. The dead people you saw before on this warship were soldiers here."

Lin Chen didn't speak, just quietly waiting for Ding Zhen's words.

"About 50 years ago, the leader gave us an order to come to this sea area and look for something."

After deep breathing, Ding Zhen slowly spit out three words: "Ming River."

Lin Chen hears speech, the color of shock surging in the eye immediately.

There is a record about the Ming River in the Tibetan Scripture. It is said that it is a kind of water flowing out of the gate of hell. It is dark, with endless breath of death and the power of resentment.

Lin Chen says: "did you fail?"


Ding Zhen said with a wry smile: "beyond everyone's expectation, we succeeded."

"After 12 years of searching, we found an abandoned palace in the deepest part of this sea area."

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