The cold voice rang, and the puppet master's face, which implied a strong cold look, came into view.

Hiding in the corner, their faces suddenly changed.

Lin Chen quickly pushes away Su jiu'er, and then rushes directly to Tang Xiao.


The abrupt voice awakens Su jiu'er, but when she doesn't react, Lin Chen rushes to Tang Xiao.

One punch!


The puppet master gave a cold hum. He heard the wind whistling between the waves. The puppets rushed to this side like crazy. The speed was so fast that Lin Chen had no time to respond.


The mechanical arm fiercely hit Lin Chen's back, the huge power let him suddenly eject a mouthful of blood, his face instantly became very pale.

And then, the other puppets rushed in.

In a short moment, this side has been surrounded.

Su jiuer can't escape.

See Lin Chen fell to the ground, she rushed to help up Lin Chen, face is full of worry: "are you ok?"

Lin Chen shook his head.

In front of the puppet master in sneer, that pair of cold eyes have locked two people, he took more than a dozen puppets constantly toward this side.

"Ants are ants after all. Although they can escape the pursuit for a while, they can't avoid the fate of death."

"Accept your fate. From the moment you decide to attend the martial arts conference, you are doomed to die."

Hearing this, Lin Chen's expression was gloomy.

Did the puppet master kill him because he attended the martial arts meeting?

It doesn't make sense!

Seeing Lin Chen's doubts, Tang Xiao said: "forget it, since you are going to die sooner or later, it's better to let you die to understand."

"Your presence may hinder my young master's way."

"Since you have participated in the martial arts conference, naturally you know what it means. Is my words clear enough?"

"For the sake of being a beginner, I allow you to choose the way to die."

The puppet came forward and surrounded Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's expression, also already gloomy to the pole.

"Why, don't you want to say it?"

"In that case, let me help you choose."

He raised his hand, was about to fall, Lin Chen suddenly said: "wait!"

Tang Xiao stopped.

"Why, what else do you want to say?"

"Who is your master?"

"You have no right to know. Kill them."

Voice down, all the puppets at the same time toward the direction of Lin Chen, Lin Chen's eyes have emerged in a strong killing, now, only fight to death.

But this idea just falls, Lin Chen suddenly heard the roar of the ear.

In the distance, a car rushed to this side. The puppets who were not controlled by the puppet master could not stop the car. They were directly hit by the dull noise.


When the screeching sound of the friction between the tire and the ground came, the car had stopped steadily with a beautiful drift, and the door opened, revealing a delicate face.

Guo Qingyan.

"Get in the car!"

She suddenly opens a mouth, Lin Chen also in this instant reaction come over, a grasped Su wine son's body, the curving legs stretch straight of a moment, the whole person already like the arrow of leaving the string general rapid forward.

The moment they got on the bus, Guo Qingyan started the car directly.


The car turned around in an instant and went away.

All this happened between lightning and flint. By the time Tang Xiao reacted, the car was gone.

"Damn it

His face was full of anger.

Meanwhile, in the car.

Escape the chase, strong fatigue hit, Su wine son has fallen into a coma, but Lin Chen forced himself to keep awake, a pair of eyes, has been gloomy to the extreme.

He looked up at Guo Qingyan."Thank you."

"No need."

Guo Qingyan face unchanged, her voice calm: "no matter what, you can be regarded as helping me, I help you once, also can be regarded as even."

"Who is the man who is after you?"

This is also the doubt in Lin Chen's heart.

To be able to send a master at will is enough to prove that the other party holds a more terrifying power.

After searching his mind, he couldn't figure out where the power came from.

As for the martial arts conference mentioned by Tang Xiao, he is even more unclear. So far, Lin Chen's only understanding of the martial arts conference is these four words.

"How much do you know about Wudao assembly?"

Guo Qingyan heard the speech, his eyes flashed.

"I don't know much about it either," she said. "I only know that it's made by some big people in Beijing. It's held every year, but this year's is a little different."

"It's said that the top ten people in this year's martial arts conference will be brought into the four or nine cities by the organizers to participate in the extremely high standard dinner. Moreover, the treasure excavated from the tomb of the king of Zhennan will also appear at this dinner."

"But surprisingly, the most important ancient seal of Zhennan king has not been mentioned for a long time."

Lin Chen was stunned.

"Go to the city hospital first."

He took a pulse for Su jiu'er, and found that Su jiu'er's breath was unstable, and there seemed to be a strange force in his body all the time.

This kind of power suspended Su jiuer's life, but also made her unable to wake up.

Lin Chen's eyes are full of doubts. Now there are more and more troubles in front of him.

Guo Qingyan has something important to deal with. He takes them to the hospital and tells Lin Chen that he has time to go to Haidu Guardian headquarters. After that, he leaves in a hurry. Lu Ziwen rushes over after learning about the situation here. The presence of this medical sage descendant can at least ensure that Su jiuer's health doesn't have any bigger problems.

Lin Chen didn't leave in a hurry. He stood on the balcony of the hospital, lit a cigarette and waited quietly.

No matter what happened this time, the power hidden in Su jiu'er's body that he felt on the way to come made him more concerned.

At present, we can't find out the source of that power, let alone whether it is good or bad for Su jiuer, but Lin Chen has a feeling in his heart that this power comes from the same source as the power that seals his Qi and blood in his body.

Think of here, the facial expression of Lin Chen is more dignified.

At this time, the distant lights on, a team of luxury cars quickly.

The Su family.

Lin Chen's eyes flashed.

In a moment, the Su family's motorcade had already arrived at the city hospital. The people led by Su Dingjiang quickly came here. When they saw Lin Chen, Su Dingjiang immediately stepped forward.

"Lin Chen, what happened?"

Lin Chen did not conceal, explained the course of the matter directly.

After listening, Su Dingjiang's expression became gloomy.

"Master puppet!"

His eyes were full of shock.

Master level masters are guests wherever they go. It's reasonable to say that people of this level can't be sent out to carry out assassination.

And even if the other side has this kind of inside information, the master level experts also have their own pride, they can not be willing to come forward.

But according to Lin Chen, the puppet master had no complaints about being sent to perform such a task!

"That's strange."

"Mr. Su, in your opinion, what kind of power in the world can make such a big contribution?"

Su Dingjiang's expression became more gloomy. He thought carefully for a while before shaking his head and saying, "I'm not sure. It's really scary to send a master to be a killer."

Even Li Zhengdao's level of existence, the master around him also enjoys the same treatment as him. Su Dingjiang really can't think of anyone who has such great energy.

"Maybe there is a world that you and I don't know."

Su Dingjiang opened his mouth slowly, his voice full of complexity.

Lin Chen's face also changed, then he waved his hand and said: "the matter has passed, and those people are coming for me. It's unnecessary to involve the Su family in this matter, but there's one thing I need to remind Mr. Su."Su Dingjiang's eyes fell on Lin Chen's body, he said: "speak straight."

"On the way here, I checked Miss Su's body and found that there was a kind of inexplicable power in her body. Mr. Su, do you know about this?"

Su Dingjiang was stunned.

After a long time, he nodded.

"Lin Chen, anyway, thank you this time. I'll help you pay attention to your affairs. As for the affairs of the martial arts conference, I'll send someone to inquire. Here, you'd better give it to me."

Su Dingjiang obviously didn't want to mention Su jiuer too much. Lin Chen didn't bother to ask much. He nodded slightly and said, "I'll leave first. Goodbye."

Su Dingjiang nodded, after seeing Lin Chen away, his expression became dignified.

In the corner, a man came out slowly.

He was about 60 years old, wearing a black training suit, and his whole body was full of fierce momentum.

Seeing this, Su Dingjiang threw his fist and bowed to him, and said, "old Jian."

The old man, known as Jian Lao, nodded.

Su Dingjiang got up and said, "you heard Lin Chen's words just now."

"I didn't expect that after the last seal, the power in Miss's body was growing so fast. It seems that I need to take miss to Tongtian Pavilion again," he said

Su Dingjiang's face changed when he heard the speech.

"What's the worry of the owner?"

Su Dingjiang said: "the city of Beijing is a mixture of fish and dragons. It's not safe in Tongtian Pavilion. I really don't want wine to enter the fire pit again."

"The Su family has been keeping a low profile over the years. Thanks to Mr. Li's help, they have been able to get rid of everything they used to do. I really don't want to see all these efforts go to waste."

The old Jian nodded and said, "but you know, master, if you allow the power of the young lady to grow wantonly, sooner or later, it will attract those people's attention. At that time, I'm afraid you can't hide it."

Su Dingjiang's face was even more ugly. He said for a long time, "I'd better drag it on. You've heard what I said just now. I'm afraid that this martial arts meeting will lead out those ambitious men who are hiding in the dark."

"This day, it's really going to change."

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