After leaving the city hall, Chen Wenxi quickly returned to Qingmang college.

What happened in the city Lord's mansion shocked him constantly. Lin Chen's strength was completely beyond his expectation.

Before he took action, he had no idea that things would end up like this.

He is clear in the heart, and now just rely on his own strength has been unable to stop Lin Chen, he must go to see that person.

Determined, Chen Wenxi is about to go to that place, only to find that the scene is a little strange.

It's definitely not where he's been.

What is this place?

Between doubts, I saw a person walking slowly in front of me.

Completely strange face, but gave him a very familiar atmosphere.

"Who are you?"

"The Lord let me come to tell you, since Lin Chen wants to make this matter bigger, you can make it bigger."

In his gentle voice, Chen Wenxi was stunned with an undisguised murder. Then a smile appeared on his face.

"I see."

"Do it."

Wangtian building of Qingmang college.

Dean Zhu Qingmang is sitting in his seat dealing with the trivial matters in the college.

It's the last thing he wants to do, but it's something he has to do every day.

After all, this is the task given by the eldest and most powerful Presbyterian Pavilion in Qingmang college.

In fact, he couldn't figure out what the elders in the elder's Pavilion were thinking. Now the northern area is in a mess.

As the dean of Qingmang college, what he should do is to try his best to maintain the college and do what he should do for the future of the college.

However, the old man in the college did not give him this opportunity at all.

The more I think about it, the more irritable I am.

Fortunately, all this work has to be done.

It's time for him to get down to business.

Thoughts just fell, but suddenly heard a knock on the door.

A little frown, I wish Qingmang mouth: "into."

The door was pushed open, and a first-class tutor came in. This was one of the tutors who organized those students to cross the sand sea in Shicheng at that time. Now the job of searching for the person selected by the ancient emperor is sponsored by him.

"Is there something wrong with the process?"

Looking at the coming first-class tutor, Zhu Qingmang's eyes showed a touch of doubt.

The tutor in front shook his head and said, "it's the nearest city Lord."

"Lord of the city?"

"Lin Chen?"

I wish the color of doubt on Qingmang's face more thick.

They are Qingmang college, not Qingmang ancient country, not to mention whether he is qualified to manage a small city leader, just whether the small city leader is qualified to be managed by him.

"Isn't that nonsense?"

Obviously, the first-class tutor was also at a loss. He said, "Dean, it's a bit complicated, involving the chamber of Commerce of the four seas?"

"Four Seas chamber of Commerce?"

"What's that for?"

Zhu Qingmang really doesn't know what the chamber of commerce does.

He doesn't have time to pay attention to these messy forces.

In fact, he didn't agree very much when the city was closed at the beginning. After all, they opened a college to teach and educate people. At most, they met those arrogant people occasionally and tried to make them stay in Qingmang college.

As for other things, he really didn't have the heart to participate.

"Come on, tell me what's going on."

In fact, the first-class tutor didn't have much time and mind to care about the affairs in the city. But today, the second-class tutor came to him directly. After all, he was working with Qingmang college. If he really wanted to give up, it would be hard to say.

The other vice presidents all perform their own duties. If you think about it carefully, only this president has nothing to do.

So I went to the dean to tell about it.

He repeated the second-order tutor's words directly with Zhu Qingmang in front of him.

"It's the city master Lin who has been rampaging in this city for some time recently. First, he provoked the chamber of Commerce of all over the world, and then, in the process, he wantonly attacked the people in this city, which caused a lot of complaints.""The border town has not given any reply at all. I can't help but tell you about it."

"And that kind of thing?"

Zhu Qingmang rubbed his swollen forehead.

It's a wave that's not even, a wave that's starting again.

Originally, he really didn't want to take care of this kind of things, but after all, Qingmang college is also a strong party, and those people are also acting under their protection.

The key is to destroy the peace of the city. He really can't sit back and ignore it.

"Well, you go to Jia ting and let him handle the matter completely. But remember, before the action, you'd better investigate what's going on. Don't wronged the good man."

"Yes, sir."

"Go ahead."



In the room, vice president Jia Ting was a little relieved.

"Now it seems that the situation is still favorable for us, and the right to deal with this matter has finally fallen into my hands."

In front of him sat Chen Wenxi.

"Go ahead and inform the people concerned. Let's have a meeting."

Chen Wenxi nodded his head in a hurry. His speed of action was very fast. After a while, all the people who should be informed had been informed. People in the meeting room sat down one after another, while Chen Wenxi sat in the corner of the meeting room. At this time, people's eyes were fixed on Jia Ting, who was sitting in the first place.

They really don't know why the vice president asked them to come here.

But soon they will know.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the purpose of calling you here today is to solve a cancer in the closed city."

At the moment when the gentle voice fell, the faces of those present changed.

The cancer of city closure?

They really haven't heard of any cancer in this city.

Is it difficult?

"Lin Chen."

The moment the cold voice fell, the people present were even more shocked.

The Lord of the border town?

Does the vice president really want to fight against Lin Chen?

This is the rhythm of fighting with Yunze ancient country.

However, it doesn't matter. If Lin Chen had done those things, they would have done it naturally.

And just when everyone's idea fell, Jia Ting told Lin Chen what he had done.

After hearing this, people's expressions were different.

"We all know what we should know, and now it's time for us to act," said Jia ting

After looking around all the people in the room, Jia tingcai said, "let's go."



The door of the conference room was directly knocked open, and the sudden sound attracted the attention of all the people in the room. All the eyes were fixed on the open door.

The faces of those present were already shocked.

The people who came in from the outside were a group of guards, and the last one was the little princess.

The appearance of this man shocked everyone on the scene.


Jia Ting's eyes narrowed slightly and said in a deep voice: "I don't know if the princess is coming. What's the matter?"

Beiqingmiao's eyes fall on Chen Wenxi's body, but his calm eyes make this man's face show the color of panic. He quickly gets up and gives up his chair.

The accompanying guard immediately moves the chair to beiqingmiao. After sitting down, beiqingmiao looks at Jia ting.

There was a smile on her face.

"Don't you know what I came for?"

"Lin Chen is my subordinate, you didn't even tell me, you're going to fight him."

"Why, when there is no one in Yunze ancient country?"

The voice is still calm, but the murdering mechanism contained in it is incomparably thick, and the diffuse chill is constantly surging. The temperature here has been continuously decreasing.

People's eyes are fixed on beiqingmiao one after another. No one thought that the little princess had just arrived here when she directly asked such a difficult question.

People's expressions were complicated. After taking a deep breath, Jia Ting slowly said, "princess, this is wrong.""Lin Chen is indeed your subordinate, but now he is closing the city for evil, you don't care, we naturally have to deal with it."

"For evil?"

Beiqingmiao smiles, as if she heard the funniest joke in the world.

Laughter continues to spread in this conference room, but people here can not feel even the slightest joy. On the contrary, they can feel incomparable depression.

Jia Ting said slowly, "what do you mean, princess?"

Beiqingmiao finally stopped laughing, and her eyes gradually became cold.

"Whether Lin Chen is doing evil or not, your heart should be very clear."

"Originally, I didn't care about the situation in the city, but now, you stop doing things to my people because of a little petty gain. Why, can't beiqingmiao even lose face?"

At the moment when the gentle voice fell, the guard behind beiqingmiao came forward at the same time.

At the moment when the heavy pressure came, Jia Ting's face became more gloomy.

"Anyway, this is what I mean by Qingmang college. Is it difficult for little princess to fight against Qingmang college just because of one subordinate?"

Suddenly get up, the whole body spirit power surge, at the moment of Jia Ting, also has shown their own strength.

Beiqingmiao's eyes narrowed slightly. "Yes, so what?"

"Then I will tell you clearly that Qingmang college absolutely does not allow people who poison people to exist!"

"Come on, ask the little princess and her guards to have a rest."

"We went to destroy Lin Chen!"


With the sound of footsteps, the guards of Qingmang college charged outside.

"I don't know who dares!" said Bei Qingmiao

The voice is not big, but clearly spread throughout the whole Qingmang college.

In the depth of the college, a pair of eyes of the sun and moon slowly opened.

A cold hum.

Suddenly, the whole Qingmang college has been filled with heavy pressure.

No matter the tutor or the students here are all staring big eyes, and the people in the conference room are even more stunned in the original place!

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