Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 159 Message of Silver Hand

When the gardens of Aaron were all handed out, the time has been in the middle of the night, and Aarnel is simply resting in the camp of Tie Kring.

The next day, Igrym took people into the tomb, saying that it was necessary to scan the entire grave clear, and Yalun saw that he was free, and he simply followed it. .

After yesterday's cleaning, the entire tomb has been cleaned up. Zakatu and his traces left in his hand have been cleaned up after Yarun's last outbreak, only some hidden The flesh and blood in the corner, these have no killing small monsters soon being killed by everyone.

"Now, there will be no more people to bother to sleep in Tin's adults." Igrim stood in the front hall of the tomb, and looked at the tomb of the cleansing of Tiki Kai Qingqing, quite sighed.

"It will not be there again." Yarun said that he had just smashed all the tomb all over the tomb with other Chinese knights, and all hidden in the corner. Strong no siblast, even when I came in Aaron, I killed it for the first time. Zakatu has not resurrected, and she can't make her hair massively.

"Okay, let's leave," Igrem once looked at this tomb, and his head did not return to the tomb along the channel.

After leaving the passage, Igrem moved to a huge stone, placed at the entrance to the channel, and went back to the shore after blocking the whole channel.

"This is not safe." Yalun Xian Igrem stepped back to the shore, watching the boulder in the lake said: "Former Solain can go in, you will use a boulder now, really Can you block? "

Igrym wedd a lot and smiled: "Haha, it doesn't matter, the monster has been solved, the Kprind's weapon has also succeeded, and others have nothing to do."

"You think so, if there is a chance in the future, I will find someone to put it here." Although Yalun understands Igrem's idea, but he feels that you can't let go of the tomb of Tynay. After all, Aaron has also been directed by Tiroty, although there is no way to thank you, but I can help the Tie to reinforce the grave.

"You have this heart, I don't stop you." Igrem didn't care.

"So, are you living here in the future?" Aaron looked at Igrim asked.

"Yeah, my duties have been completed. I will continue to see the Tombs of Tiffin in the future." Igrem thought, and said to Aaron: "But if you need me in the future, I also need me to help, You can come here to find me, although my physical condition is better than before, I estimate that I can help you in a hundred years. "

"Then I will thank you in advance." Aaron laughed, rushing to Igrim: "Then I should leave, I will have a good time later."

"Goodbye, little guy, I believe that in the future, I will definitely hear your deeds constantly."

"Dear, we will say." After Aaron and Igrem bid, and the people of Tiri Guard, although there are not many people in contact with this group, but the members of Tiro Guard to Aaron The attitude is very respect, I want to be because Yaren gets the silver hand of Tiro.

"Young people, goodbye." Tavade visited the leader of Tiki Guard to summon the gougant, such as saying: "If we use us in the future, please don't be polite."

Aaron laughed and responded a few words, but the heart was thinking, would you use these people? Maybe there may be, if you can't stop the invasion of the Camato Legion in the future, maybe you have to bring them to Calmo to play a battle of Haygar Mountain.

"Waiting, Aaron adult, some people find you." Just when the Aaron manipulated the gurus flying, a declaration of Tikwei, who was responsible for the warning, rushed over, shouted at Yarun.

"Looking for me?" Yalun confirmed that after you were looking for yourself, the galls fell back to the ground, let the young paladin call come over.

Allen is strange, who is looking for himself? Is there anything in Luo Danlun, they have not been able to study something from the core of the structure, so send people to find me want to return?

But Aaron refers to thinking about it, it seems unlikely, he leaves Lord Danlun for a long time? The mages of the league will never give it so soon.

Can you not be a person in Lordan, who is it? Aaron has a number of people who have known since they have crossing themselves, but I can't think of it. Who knows that I have been coming to Tirishi and I have been looking for myself.

After seeing the coming people, Aaron's doubts were even more confused: "People in Silver Hands?"

The people who wore a system of systemic whole body, covering a shroud, and the position of the chest of the robes painted a silver fist, and a person who was a silver hand.

However, this person's state looks not good, not only the knight himself pant, he is very tired, but it looks like a night.

"Mid Night?" Alan's mind flashed, guess the intention of this person, should be coming to the light column last night, according to Yarolo later, the description of Wen Lei and everyone, the scene suddenly broke out It is also tens of meters high, plus it is already a dusk, and the light column is more intimate. I want to be alarmed the nearby silver hand knight. So I will come over and find specific situations.

However, if they made a response from seeing the light column, they also ran overnight until they came here. Where did he come from?

The Silver Knight took the initiative to report on the house, claiming to come from the big monastery, deliberately coming here to see the specific situation of the differential last night. Just now, a member of Tiro Kiwei, because it knows that the light column last night is Alan, it will say that this knight is coming to Aaron, but in fact, the other party does not know the specific situation.

As a local ruler, Tavard is not loanned and the Palain is talking to the Paladin, because it is related to yourself, Aaron is not far from watching them.

"The big monastery? Where is it?" After hearing this paladin's self-introduction, Aaron asked in Win Led.

Wen Leds looked at him as strange: "No, there is a thing that you don't know?"

"I really don't know." Aarn stressed, helplessly said.

Wen Leds referred to the East, said: "I have never been there, but I remember that I will be the big camp of the silver hand in the northeast corner of Tirisfa."

"That direction?" Aarn smashed the eyes, recalled the map in the game, secretly, isn't it the blood monastery?

It seems that the relationship between Silver's hand and XP's guards is not bad. After the Silver Knight and Tata That have been brought to Aaron.

"This brother, is you getting the legendary artifact?" The silver-handed knight showed Aaron, "Can I pay attention to it?"

Being stared with a big man, Aaron's heart is not very self-in, simply solving the silver hands from the waist, showing this paladin.

Silver knight closed over half a far away, carefully got the war hammer, this is reluctantly recovered, and looked at Yaren. "Brothers, you can go to the big monastery with me. ?"

"What do I do?" Aaron wanted to turn a white eye to see the silver knight, with the hands of silver, the headquarters of the Silver Knight, and Aarn couldn't think of a group of paladies as if the Buddha is generally Wat around your own scene, don't play a cold battle.

"Sorry, I didn't say it clearly." Silver knight explained that he came here to find the source of the light column, the main party of the Knights, if a strong paladin, must To invite a big monastery.

"Who is the main monet?"

"It is a monograms of Moglei, Fandin Lord is also."

"Well, I will go with you." Aaron simply promised.

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