Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 272 Naga's offensive

"Every time I encounter this gap, are they doing some storms?" Yalun looked at the clouds that have accumulated in front of them and the storm that gradually ravidized, and spitted.

However, the mouth expressed contempt, Aaron could not see, and the small-scale storm encountered before the crushing the islands, this storm is significantly large, even reached the heaven.

Some people from the boat have noticed the current storm in the dark clouds, the whole fleet is shrouded, probably only a few minutes, although since the warning from Aaron, the entire fleet began to decelerate, however The size of such a large fleet is not easy, and the storm has been quickly, this fleet has not been able to have a sail, and it has been shaken by the wind.

"What is awesome." Kel'thas downsily looked at the center of the storm, but the eyes also took a bit of fattle: "The arbo will actually reach such a powerful point."

Sillaisa also stood in front of the deck. It was quite vigilant. As a blue dragon, she laminated the perception of the arbogen power in Kelha, she could feel more clearly to the other party Powerful.

"The other party should not be a person in the cast, be careful." Silently induced for a while, Sillaisha opened his eyes to say to Aaron, and the tone would let Kel'thas make her identity.

"I feel a familiar force." At this time, Azadas actually came over and said to Yalun.

Azadas's sentence made Aaron, which allowed this to sleep in Odami, and the guardian of the 10,000-year guardian feels familiar. What is the power?

"Can't it be the stone of tidal?" This is the first guess in Aaron's heart. He said and water, he naturally thought of this creation of the creation of the power of the Jianghai.

Although in Zhengrina Jies, it is also a stone of the tide in the 31st year of the Legion, but considering that there is a group of things that you are very uncomfortable, Yarlen does not dare to guarantee The group of guys won't give it to yourself, go out of the tidal stone inside the Nasaras College to Naja.

"It's not the strength of the creation of the column." Azadas shook his head, "should be the power of the eternal well ... Do you know what is the eternal well?"

Alennot nodded, with this tip, he already knows what the other party is using, it should be the artifact of the gentlenewell in the forefront of the eternal well.

"Sara Dadal tide relocate ..." Aaron stared at the figures in the eyes of the storm, "I didn't expect that I have encountered this artifact here."

The tidal relocation is a famous three-family member of the company to give Ezara's coronation, Ezala in the scenarius, so that this will have the stereotypes with the control of water and water. ability.

Although this artifact in the game fell into the shaman hand of the treatment specializing, this is far less than that, and Ezara has shaped a lake with this scenarian. City - pull salanga.

Later, the upper elf became Naga, and Ezara sometimes gave this artifact to the Naga women's witch hand who had implemented tasks to help them slave the enemy who dared to resist.

"For this fleet actually use this artifact? It is not too wasteful." Yalun shouted, and shouted in the seamant on the lookout: "How is the situation of other ships? Can we get around?"

"The situation is not very good, our boat is hard to manipulate in this case." Sailor's words are full of concern, no one knows the terrible storm more than the sailors who want to live in the sea.

Even if the ship of Curtiras has the blessings of the sea tidal, they can't let them completely resist the violation of the storm, especially the situation where this has entered the storm coverage, even worse.

"Be careful, there is something." Just at this time, there were still a few boats, and others immediately transferred the attention.

I saw the wave on the sea, countless hand-held spears or sticks, Naga, who took the white foam, rushed to the fleet.

"Prepare to fight!"

"Give these sticky bastards!"

"Don't panic!"

In the face of Naga's invasion, the captains on each ship began to direct the sailors under their hands to prepare, and those who wish to live in the sea may fear the horrible sky, but there is no such thing as a giant, there is no such thing. Fear, if you are afraid, what is the sea?

"These Naga is a lot." Yalun wrinkled with a getting closer Naga group, and there were thousands of Naga, even if the Naga is more, but scattered into the vast ocean. There is also not so much, this quantity of this quantity should be a big one.

Not to mention that Naga may also get the scepter of Ezara, which means that they should have a relatives of Ezara, how to say that it is the level of the Queen to get this degree of trust. Is it?

"Don't worry about those, killing is just." Kel'therely patted Aaron's shoulders, directed the fire phoenix, and sprayed a sigh of flames against Naga, and rushed More close to Naga is burned.

I have seen Kel'thas, and the rear vessel is affiliated to the Elf Master of Quender Salas, and a large-scale spell is shot from those ships, which has enveloped a piece of Naga, and also achieved it. Does a good result.

However, this unilateral rolling cannot be continued, and Naga is also the upper level of the Taoist Tour, even if the race is changed, even if the race is changed.

Lightning, whirlwind, refined control ... The Naga witch hide behind the Naga Big Bing, and pour their mana.

For a time, the lightning on the sea is taken off with the fireball, and the whirlwind is in Blizzard.

Although the two sides have not yet launched a near-distance battle, they have already tossed a small scene. Unfortunately, the number of Elf Masters has fewer, and they are concentrated on the side of the fleet, and they are very easy to break through them by Naja. The spell is blocked.

Soon, Naga, who is not afraid of death, wanted to climb the deck.

In the eyes, the environment that is shrouded by the storm is very disadvantageous, especially when the clouds in the clouds began to lower the lightning and heavy rain, the momentum of the sailors began to be low, corresponding to it, Naga The momentum is beginning to gradually rise, apparent that this water vapor is more suitable for them.

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