Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 274 Self-Explosive - Olympics

"From this to the sea, you can put a magic tower? What can I be so high?" Yarun also grabbed the ship's side, and did his best to control the shock, to avoid this ship's continuous impact. The lower side turns, now the shocked number is about 100 meters from the sea, but the impact from below is still constant, and there is nothing to knock down the shower.

"Friends, I have inducted some kind ..." Sillanta slowly moving Aaron, and Aaron said: "It feels like other Blue Dragon in the following, but the compatriots of Blue Wing Land Some are not the same ... Do you want me to take a look, this may be a misunderstanding? "

"Blue Dragon? Even if the Blue Dragon Army is not united to join Naga as a pirate?" Yaren looked at the ship under the ship, but the attacker was hidden, and it could not see a half point. .

"Wait ..." Aaron looked at Sillanta, and I realized what: "I haven't seen other dragon pairs?"

"It's really no, is there any problem, friends?"

Yalun shakes his head, "The problem is not big, I probably have guessed what is attacking us, I said how these Nasa gathered so many people ran to intercept my fleet, see this scene is to block me Yes? "

Question, and Aaron have a hatred, and the body is huge, it is suspected of the enemy with the flying ability?

Answer: Eternal Dragon.

Only this group is in the timeline, and the guy who persists the bronze dragon will expect where the Aaron will appear when it is, and only they can arrange the alarm of Aaron.

Look at this ambushing action, every step of Aaron seems to be expected, until now, Aaron can only continue to endure their own shocks, from the violent impact from below.

This feeling allowed Aarn to think of the encounter with the ancestors who met the Eternal Dragon, who came to the Jonanz called Jonzs. Every step in Aaron seems to be seen in general, or the Aaron bluff is scared. That head is obvious to the Eternal Dragon of Aaron's psychological shadow. He doesn't know how long it is to be entangled with the other person.

"Is it useful to scare them again?" Yalun thought about it, I think this program may not be very feasible. This time, the other party does not send, I have stared at the bottom of the shower of the shovel, and even a slate is not exposed. Come, it is obviously a study on the shock number, which does not give Yalun's opportunity to fire.

Aarn did not tried to control the horizontal movement of the shock, so that the Eternal Dragon below was separated, but at the speed and mobile speed of the shock, it was not the opponent of Eternal Dragon, and Aaron changed several times. Frequency can not change.

"Friends, do you want me to go to negotiate?" Because Aaron explained the reason why, Sillaiso only realized that Yonghenglong is a Dragon with himself, and it is not aware that this group of guys will appear. Running it.

"No, you will only be white-related insurance." Aarlen resolutely rejected the request of Silla La, and reaffirmed the danger of Eternal Dragon, this is a group of madmen who only come to the end of time, for normal time Everything on the line is malicious.

"I really put me upset, I will give you a big firework." Aaron bite the jam, and now the number of arrows and other types of explosions are installed. " Originally, it is the test of Nosund's test. If it is forced to have, Aaron simply detonates these frying clothes, don't say that the Eternal Dragon is all left, can you always hit a few?

Of course, I don't want to have a shot of smoking, and then there is more than 100 people on board, and these people can fly.

"Fighting!" Thinking of the various weapons installed on the shock, Aaron suddenly took a bold idea, but this idea also needs another person's cooperation.

"It's impossible, my family is not brought to be guided." After listening to Aaron's idea, although Kelsas is a bit wolf, but still resolutely refuses Aaron. "I would rather let Olympic impacts The enemy will not let it go to do this. "

"The words I will still become a Phoenix egg, it is better to play a bigger role."

"You ..." Kelsa glance, but the following continued impact still let him compromise, "Okay, only once, come again, I will not respond to my summon."

"Don't worry, I will not give these a chance to these guys next time." Aaron attitude determined.

In the end, Kelsas summoned the fire phoenix, and the unpredictable Austrian land that was unpredictable to the owner was carefully suspended at the command of the owner. The other people didn't move together with Aaron. In the cabin, a bomb hand, a bomb, a bomb, a bomb, a bomb, a bomb.

Kel'thas cast a frozen into these things into one, then brought to the lower side, the poor fire phoenix followed the owner's order with such a large pile of incumbent the enemy.

When these ice cubes were almost the same, a craman exploded under the shock number, and the severe impact wave pushed the sweepstakes to climb ten meters.

At the bottom of the hull, the number of screams have come, and the mourning also mixed a shout containing hatred: "The dead bastard, you wait, next time I must let you die!"

After a threat, the number only had a heavy black eternal dragon, and the other side of the Naga will returned to the sea, only leaving slowly dissipated dark clouds and gradually calm. The wind.

After the leader escaped, the remaining female Nagasha had followed, leaving only the brains that were not so good to fight.

Unfortunately, after the support of the caster, the Naga-Braza soldiers who have a BRILI for them are not a big threat, plus the storm's calmness, and the inside of the fleet can finally support each other, and the battle becomes more and more relaxed.

After solving the residual Naga, the fleet can finally continue to sail. Although it suffers a small loss in this attacker, fortunately, the hull is still complete, at least not affecting normal driving, and then said the destination of this line. Not far away, after the beach, the cultivation is also available.

"Unfortunately, I can't stay in Yonghenglong, and there is a tide relief." Aaron quite regretfully felt a sentence, and then felt that he was a bit greedy. If this battle is not the last, finally The result is really not good, these Eternal Dragon is too annoying, I don't know what the bronze dragon is doing, actually let go of Yonghenglong to fight myself.

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