Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 280, our alliance

"Then, in accordance with the agreement, you can't stop me to take someone." Igrim saw Yimon, immediately stopped, and said to him.

Yimon shook his head and pointed at Aaron: "You don't have only one person, that person claims to inherit the will of Tin, always prove it?"

"Your guy!" Igrem glared in Yimon, did not expect this guy to be so regardless of his face, this kind of attitude of this vendor is very unpleasant in the tradition of Viki.

"Forget it, it is a game." Yarar took the initiative to say, this time I took the Wiku people to fight side together, taking advantage of this opportunity to prove that my strength is good.

Yaron just crowded the battle of Igrym and Isaron, Aaron had aware of the fighting power of Wiki people. It is not stronger than Zur Golden, which is the advantage of body shape, as for the rest Wiki, it is not as good as Imonson.

Unless Yimon is completely exempted, don't come from the Lich King, please come to a fear of the devil to disguise into a warek, but considering that Aaron is so sudden, Emilong should not be done this level. ready.

"Okay, be careful, they have mastered some of the spells of evil gates, which may make you spirit." Igrym whispered and Aaron explained two times, he left the center of the venue.

The candidates sent by Imelon have also come to the field, but they looked at that person, Yaron glanced in Is Millon, said that this guy is not enough, actually serving a dragon knight.

Aaron's opponent is also an acquaintance, this name is Skadi's Wiki, has arranged a mount dropped by Blizzard, and Yararn didn't brush him.

Skadi can be considered by Imilong's iron, when Emilong announced that all deformed babies are humanity, Skadi is the urgent front of the implementation of this.

Later, somewide warevans wanted to protect these babies, and the results were also killed by Scadi, but also because of the blood contaminated in his hand, Scardi won a title: Cruel Scar Di.

The image of Skadi in front of Aaron has become unlimited in the game, and the weighing is filled with cold breath. He has a frosty, and it is more confirmed to see such Aaron. One point: It seems that Emilong has indeed putting the arms of the natural disasters, and has begun to transform the Wido people under his hand.

Now Skadi looks completely a look of the undead, seeing him, the surrounding Wigui is also talking, but they just woke up, not clear the things of the natural disasters, Didn't think of Scardi's direction, just think this guy does not find a way to convert himself into avenous.

Aaron can completely affirm that Skadi must have been undead, and the shining light on his hand can testify.

"Go to death, kid!" Skadi is holding Glauf flying on the sky, and this ancestral dragon is sprayed down to Aaron.

If it is in the game, the player faces the dead of the dead, only the hard to eat it, in addition to avoiding the doctor, only use the fish fork to take this guy to enter the next stage.

However, reality is not a game, and Aaron has other ways.

When Aaron summoned the grybne, I didn't expect Skadi, this point, immediately manipulated Glauver to avoid, just so much, Glauver is a bit close.

Unfortunately, the flight speed of the Griffin is much more than the ancestral dragon. After the transformation into the undead, the reactions in Scadi and Glauver are slow, and they will be caught up by Aaron.

"I encountered me, I am unlucky." Aaron laughed, and the hammer in his hand was shining on Scati, immediately let Skadi have a white smoke.

If Skadi is not converted to the undead by Emilong, this battle has to be hit, but now he is only a dead part of the Shengguacker.

Although Skadi also explored the most proud of quenching long spear to Aaron, but there was a hard terrorism in Aaron, and the spear of Skadi throwed in the sky could not open Aaron defense. Elephant arrived on the back of Glauver.

"Give me it!" Skadi lost the reins, and I want to push Yaren from the dragon back, but was caught by Aaron, and a hammer smashed his belly.

With the holy light of light, in Scadi, this undead Dikist was screaming, he was hammered by Aaron from the dragon back and fell on the ground below.

Looking at Skadi has lost its resistance, Aaron has a wonderful idea: Can you ride Glahma?

I used to brush Skadi, I didn't know how many times, I didn't explode this mount. Now I see Glauver, and Aaron is inevitably can't help.

Unfortunately, Aaron took a long time, Glauver did not give up the idea of ​​resistance. Even if he was grabbed by Aaron, it was still tumbling in half air, there is no low meant.

"Hey, your reward has arrived, welcome to check." At this time, Saratas drilled out from Aaron's body, throwing a reins of Aaron.

"What is the use of my root rope?" Although Aarn said, but it still tied the reins to the neck of Glauver, with the new reins for a long time, Glau was really gradually.

"Is it really useful?" Yalun tried, and found that Glaufer really obedient, fell back to the ground, and the way to announce his victory.

However, Emilong still refused to admit defeat, his eyes felt to Azadas, and it seems to continue this battle:

"Do you still have someone?"

Although Scardi is in a very bone, not only a few bones, but also is full of burning traces, but Emilong is still a look that I want to continue to play, and go to my side. People said: "In Gall, you will try it."

"It is indeed one." Yalun looked at Azadas that I have been watching the lively Azadas, I didn't expect Yimon to let Monol challenge the guardian, or not until Itemon can't know Azadas's true identity, he must doubt that Emmelon wants to let Daval send it.

"How? I have to go to the field? But I didn't have a weapon." Azadas looked at Emilong. It seems that he is interested in this matter, saying to Aaron: "Aaron, borrow silver Hand use? "

"Forget it, you won, you won." In Gwar put his hand, it was completely unmatched with it.

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