Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 289 Huge harvest

"Do not have a wonderful." Yalun scratched his head, looked at the surrounding environment, and determined that there would be no longer something to stand up.

This time I attacked Utagad Castle, Aaron thought it would be very difficult. As, Yiman took the initiative to give up his own hand, let Yalun have rushing to himself, causing this battle to solve, Aaron started Thinking about how to explain the group of people who have been mobilized by himself, I finally became a folded thing.

"This guy is still quite rich." Just when Yaron thought, Liandin's excitement interrupted his thoughts and went to see the sound, but he saw Li Yardlin to stand in a Next to the vessel on the floor, a small shot of a big box.

"What's wrong?" Aaron saw this scene, I feel that I didn't seem to miss anything. After walking, I saw Li Yarden, I took it out of the box, and I watched it in my hand.

"Aaron, discuss with you, the people under my hand have no strength, this box is given to us?" Li Yardlin saw Yalun, refers to the box in front of him, said.

"What do you want this box?" Yalun looked at an eye, and his eyes were almost shaken. This box is golden, and it is not fine to see what is installed.

Yalun looked carefully, and determined that this box was slowly installed, all kinds of precious metal products, and also doped with a small amount of precious gangs.

"You are not willing? You still have a lot more, we have to be a box," Li Yardin saw Aaron did not talk, and thought that Aarn did not agree, "You can't be so small." We also have a lot of people hurt. "

"I didn't say that I didn't agree, I just suddenly wanted to understand one thing." The Aaron's mouth raised slightly. He finally realized what he missed - the reality is not a game, the copy of the game will be dropped. The various items in the list are plus a little symbolic money. The reality is that the whole Utgard Castle is now his, even if it is not all, there is a large part of it.

"What are I going, do you take this castle as a base?" After the reaction, Aaron made the decision to move the entire adventure to the castle of Utgard, such a big one. Buildings, isn't it a waste?

However, before the formal relocation, Aaron also had to sweep the castle, mainly to move the accumulation of the dragon tribe for so many years.

However, if you do this, Aaron also needs to consider the idea that I have promised to follow the glowervans who attacked Oduar with Igrem. How to say that wealth in this castle should have some of them.

It is expected that Aaron is expected that these Wiki people's reaction is very calm, and there is no need to grab these wealth with Aaron.

Yarolun was still not understood, until Igrem explained probably: Forwind people, a tribe defeated another tribe, slaughtered from the defeat of the wealth and even the population It is often true, and the wealth of Utgard is also coming.

What's more, these Wiki people have not been related to the dragon tribe, as long as Aarn is not hungry, and these wealth will be disposed of.

Getting to get a bunch of Takasuai, the Yadong, which has not lost calm. In the collection of the Collection of Emmei and the Dragon Triba, he finally remembered that there were still many undeadization in this castle. The Wicker, nor I don't know that Itemon is forgotten, these actions slowwitter's undead is then wandering at all in the castle.

Although these reactive bulk heads should not be very troublesome, if it is a common member of the expedition, it will not be able to discuss it, and then, these big heads will continue to rot, do not handle this The castle will be overwhelmed.

Aaron finally organized everyone to work together, and put them all together, and a fire burned these pity people into the ashes, and also left the troubles that were reroute by the natural disasters.

In order to protect the safety of the castle, Aaron also specializes in the situation where several Wiki flying to Adaler Bolong, and the Wikui came back to report that the interior of Adlerine has been completely empty. Yimon this time is the condition of the entire plumon tribe as a trading of his own and the Lich King.

If you have taken a batch of plucklon, this tribe, who once famed, is probably disappeared.

Solved the trouble brought by the Wiki, Aaron simply moved the entire expedition to the Castle of Utgard.

This defense ability with a castle with 10,000 years is that it has been tested by the facts. It only needs to repair the door to break the rotten, and it can turn it again into a solid gold soup.

When Aaron attacked the fort, if there was an air force to sucking into the ground, he couldn't smoothly attract this castle.

After the expedition of the expedition, after the castle, the defense facilities of the castle were also rebuilt rapidly, and the original topography was restored in just a few days.

Remove the castle itself, the biggest gain of this action is the various wealth that the dragon tribute has saved the accumulation. As a short-lived tribe, the tribe of the Divin people, the tribe, plundering The wealth of the Dragon and the wealth is far more imagination.

Although some of them should be assigned to the expedition to the expedition, the rest is still enough Aarlen Filled to organize this expense of this expedition, and has a large extent.

Aaron feels that it is necessary to thank Imalon, which is because this guy Aaron can get sufficient funds and a relatively stable base.

Unfortunately, Yimon is too bad for the resurrection of Shenggua after being resurrected by An Haier, and even a complete body has not left, Aaron has to bury the last weapons in the last use of the castle in the castle. It is a commemoration. This will provide a huge help of the development of our own field of vision.

After solving the worries, the plan to go to the marble wilderness is restarted.

At this stage, the blood knight who serves as a combat main force requires a break. The soldiers of the storm city are busy tame the Bezu Dragon, and the Dwarf of the Explorer Association is interested in the Utgard Castle.

After confirming that members of the expedition can be done in a period of time, Aaron took a group of joyful idlers to fly to the longan wilderness.

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