Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 301, Blue Dragon

The so-called free will, in Aaron seems to be a very wonderful concept.

Although the game was forgotten, it was the undead of the Lich King, claimed that they had already got freedom, but their will is still not the same as their birth.

To give an example, in the plot in the game, the edemon of Mavi shadow songs, Sarah Moon Sana was re-pulled, and the watchman who once had a loyalty to Mavar immediately became right. The alliance is full of hatred, even the beliefs of the birth completely abandoned.

Sala Tas said that he has made this dead blue dragon to get rid of the control of Austrian ance, which makes Yarlen's will be more curious about the so-called free will. What is it?

Salatas explained in the Aaron's mind: "If you want to explain to what you can understand, you can use the spirit of yours and regeneration needs a strong spirit, this spiritual source requires strong emotional support, for a dead person Say, is there anything more intense than hatred? "

(The above explanation is purely the author's personal brain, please do not true)

"If you say this ... I seem to know it." The Aaron saw a turn, "Is it now discussing this? This is the scenery of Cinda Lar looks like to take the Marylans , This is a lot of trouble, I am afraid that it is not good. "

Aaron They originally came to reconnect the bodies of Cindaisa. The result was finally evolved into Cindaisa with endless anger to play a blue dragon nest and Maris.

Although Cinda Sara is the Austrian Austrian Austrian Austria, Sala Tas is also doing this to avoid the Sindaisa falling to the natural disaster army, but the madman of Maryz can not be old. Explain.

"Do you have a way to stop Cinda Sa?" Yalun was taking his own grybus behind Xinda Sa's body, and several other dramas were the same because of the fear of the Saida. The momentum of the host is not too close, Aaron only has a person.

"There is no way." Salatas was very bachelor answered the problem of Aaron. "Xin Daisa has a strong hate, I can induce her so, now you want me to extinguish her anger? This is really not doing. "

Yadun scratched his head, and his eyes suddenly lit: "Na Ja Sa is also full of hate to Napario, you can't ..."

Aaron means that since the hate in the heart of Cindaha is unable to eliminate, then give her a hateful goal, let her find a wing of death.

"It's not can't, but do you know where the death of death is now?" Salatas had an unlators to answer, saying it in selfish: "The guy is now in deep rock, Cunda Jaca can't figure out the revenge. The hate that she will only become the hatred of all living people. It is better to let She La Sa, who don't know where to kill, and let her go to Marisan. Take a mood to vent it, at least Marisis is more anticipathemally, Cund Daisa should not die, so ... "

"This can Cund Daisa can become normal?"

"No, this will be able to die again in peace of mind."

"Okay," Aaron accepted this fact, it can only look at Marisi and Cindaisa, considering the distant distance from the ice crown glacier to Cagara, maybe Xin The anger of Dhama will go out on the road?

It turns out that the anger of Cindaisa is not so easy to extinguish. After a long flight in one day, this long journey flew more than half, her anger is still frightened.

"Xin Daisa can be flying." Aaron's expression was very exhausted, followed by Cinda Sa Sa Fei, this way is also quite bigger to him, and Yalun is even thinking about whether it is necessary to continue to follow. Look at this scene, Cincaisa will also fly a day before you can fly to Cagla, Aaron may not have to support that.

"Don't continue to fly, the goal is coming." Salatas has been flying with Aaron, and there is a person who has always been able to stand more for a while, when Aaron is very tired. Salatas noticed a black shadow in the distance.

"How come Maryz?" How come he coming? "Because the spirit is slightly scattered, Aaron has not reacted, and then I want to understand after half, since other blue dragons can induce Cinda Sara wake up The abnormality produced, the Marisius, which is the king of the blue dragon, is certainly induced.

"I think we need to hide away." Seeing that the distance between Cinda Saard and Marisi is getting closer and closer, Salas suddenly reminded a sentence.

Aaron manipulated the gurgies in the jungle in the Unitedner, Alan fell in the following jungle - after such a long time, he has come to the rare area of ​​Norser's rare frozen area, Solacha Basin.

After Adornon, he immediately looked up and looked at the uncomfortable collision.

Mariso although the game is mad, but how to say it is normal than Xinda Sa, take the lead in recognizing his wife, slightly trembling in the tone: "Xin Daisa? Is you?"

"Marisi, you are here!" Cindais looked did not mean with Marylans hovering, seeing Mariers in front of him, Zhang mouth is a cold dragon.

"Xin Daisa? What happened to you?" Mariez had a big hairdressing in the beginning, and he was sprayed by his wife, but fortunately, fortunately, the blue dragon's scales and skin are tough, not As for such a dragon, spray a serious injury.

"Marisi, go to death!" Cindahasa has been completely occupied by anger at the moment, did not answer Marylans, quickly close to Margis, and spurt a blue dragon, hard Life will want to avoid the Marisi to himself, and the Zhangkou is another cold toast, and the part of Mariers is sprayed.

"Don't force me, Cinda Saha." The blue dragon king in madness still remember that Cindaisa is his wife, facing the Attack of Cinda Sa, has never countered, even when it is struggling. Feat, I don't know if it is used by Cindaisa.

"Feel my pain!" Cindaisa completely ignored Marrius's retreat, the horrible cold flow spread to the surroundings to the center, and then frozen some limbs of Marito.

Marilyz shocked the bid in the range of cold-flow, and the dragon claws shocked the cold ice. It was originally considered to be a chaotic chaos because they were attacked. But the situation that does not return, starting to shine the glory of the Outau.

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