Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 308 Bear Word

As a race that is subjected to the wilderness, the days of bear monsters are not as prosperous, at least, it is still very good.

In the Grizzlread Hilly, they are absolutely overlord, even the ice giants in the north, they can't make a substantive threat to them, just in the area of ​​Zudda and Grizzlus hilhouses, build a Dakaron to prevent the bear. Blame offense.

Thanks to the relatively warm climate of Grizzlies, this region is active in a unclear beast, mainly to hunt and fish, and the number of people in the group will expand the number of people.

These tens of thousands of bear monster are in the interior of the Gray, these brute fierce guys hollow empty in the middle of the trepidation of Vodid, and use the other thick trees to fly as a room, it is so built. It belongs to their residence.

The social structure of the bear monsters is relatively simple, the most powerful individual of force is a chief, experienced old bear monster as the old age, under the leadership of the chief and the elders, the thick (business) of the gray-throws, is Park (business) Nothing (high) bears in the Grizzlie Hilly, the quiet years of thousands of years.

These have a big monster of a simple life for thousands of years, the usual fun is to take time to go to the north and ice giants. In addition, there is no extra fun.

It is therefore, after Aaron has entered the onsestation of the Gray Style, they attracted a lot of bear monsters, and these bear mons have never seen the three wisdom creatures outside the ice troll, they are strong. The curiosity almost didn't put Aaron to drown.

Take this opportunity, Adapq is a more profound understanding of the bear's monster's homework within the gray-thorn, and the bear monster in the giant tree come from more than one tribe, the main difference comes from the hair on them, in addition to this, It is not much different.

It is easy to get rid of the onlookers of these bear monsters, Yalun also explain to the old old old age, it is not the elves, explains for a long time, Aaron doesn't know how many bear monster is old, and there is no, anyway, he is almost Wiring.

"These are not important, foreign guests, do you want to taste our gourmet?" Bear monsted eager to introduce a group of people to the gray-thorn, go down.

The bear monsted a spiral channel in Vodhel, along this channel through countless bear monsters, and a group came to the bottom of this bear's monster town.

As a descendant of the wilderness, the bear monsted the awe of nature, the most obvious proof is that this group of guys ran out a forest in the bottom of the graydna.

It is very good for this miniature forest that is very good, and a guest that has never seen such a wonderful guest is not bad.

Bear monsters greeted these guests, leaving only these people who saw this scene stayed here for the first time.

"Tree in a tree, these bearons are still very ideas." Li Yardlin gave interested in this wood, "Yes, Yaron, you said that the tree extends to one? It is the meaning of the ancient god, can we see it from here? "

"You won't want to see those gates," Yarole thought, pointed to the West, "If you want to see, find a hole in the west, drill to the bottom, you should see you interested thing."

Aaron said that it refers to the authenticity of the four-way Octopus, which is in the ground, according to the Lich King, in accordance with the Lich King, in the Lich King, according to the Lich King, in the ground, at least some dance dance The tentacles and the like can make people a sense of ignition.

Li Yardlin did not understand the true meaning, I thought that Aaron was teasing himself, dissatisfied: "Your guit is really inexpensive, I just said, I really want to dig down, these bear monsters do not agree."

A high elf is very satisfied with this forest. After all, no matter what to say, the elf is more like to close the natural environment, and the place where they are particularly high.

Soon, the bear monsted returned back, and each bear is still holding some food with gray-thorn.

I said before, the degree of civilization of the bear monster is relatively low, and it is also advocating natural, plus the characteristics of these bear monsters themselves, and the food they can take can be imagined.

"Rascade meat? Raw meat row?" Yalun smelled the bloody flavor of these foods, and even the feeling of nausea, but fortunately, the food provided by Bear is not only these foods.

"These fruits have tasted very good."

"The taste of honey is also great."

Several bear watched the guests to look at all kinds of fruits and honey, but they didn't surprise all kinds of meat, but they were not surprised: "These eiversials really prefer fruits, waiting, I will call you again. Take some point. "

After filling with various fruits that can be confirmed, Aaron begins with the main purpose of this trip to the bear, and we are coming to find ice trolls. Do you have any interested addition? ? "

"Ice Troll?" The bear's elderly said hesitantly: "We have long seen those smelling guys don't look, no problem, when will we fight them?"

"Don't worry, don't worry." Yalun wiped the cold sweat of the forehead, he did not expect that these bear monster was so interesting to find ice trolls, Aaron has not said specific plans, these bear monsters are long and old. I can't wait to rush into the north to find a few ice giants.

"Don't worry? It's really not anxious, you slowly eat, you have enough to fight." Bear monster is obviously the meaning of Aaron.

Aaron worried that it would be so mistaken. These bearons will force them to find the ice giants, and rush to tell the bear monsted this plan.

"Oh, there are more people in you." The growth of the cream is finally understood, "Since this is the case, I will let the guys are ready to prepare, when I will give those slim giants." good looking."

"Just, that is, it is ready, we also need to prepare." Yalun once again wiped the cold sweat, and the bearings were more tiring more than a group of giant dragons.

"Right, I just thought of one thing, some little scorpion reported that they have encountered a group of green trolls near, don't take them practiced."

No, the green giants are definitely the forest trolls you have encountered before Layeden. I didn't expect that they actually touched the Gray thorn. I didn't know what these guys did.

"Take them practiced? Well, I will go with you," Li Yardlin listened to this sentence, immediately put it over.

Seeing, Aaron has only promised to agree, anyway, there is a bear moon, can you let those forest trolls? If you can inquire from them, these guys appear on the Grizzlium Hilly, then let Allen are more peace of mind.

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