Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 330 wants to sessilion

"You ... just put this thing here?" Haroulun looked at Allen, reaching out, carefully touched the jar of the ground, "looks an evil taste."

"You are finished." Yarar made a look at Harulen, "You have been infected with the plague, you have been infected by the plague, now you must burn you can stop the dissemination of the plague."

"What?" Harulen was shocked, and the finger touched with the tissue was as quickly received. The words that Yararn said that he was not light, and his face became stunned, but he was very I have noticed the smile on Aaron's face, "Hey, this joke is not laughing at all."

"I didn't expect you to really believe it." Aarn stressed, and then showed the empty tank of the hand to everyone, told the previous discovery, and finally summed up: "I I want to bring this thing to the masters to see what cracks can be studied. "

"Do you still want to study this stuff?" Burwal wrinkled with the jar of the ground, "I think this stuff should be ruined directly, and the governments don't know what to have something to have."

It is also unfortunate that Berwar will think so, his idea can represent the idea of ​​many Eastern Kingdom's residents, and give dangerous things to Masters almost equal to set a timed bomb.

What's more, Birwar is a storm kingdom, in the storm city destroyed in the first orcard, and the reason can be counted to McGende, Birwar has naturally maintained a naturally trust.

"If this is now, it is ruined." Yalun sighed, "But this mousse king is probably a lot of piles at any time, or to study in advance. "

"A lot?" Burwar's face changed, and the miserable shape of Daxaslon himself was in the eyes. All the fate of this is from these jars, if this plague spreads in the Eastern Kingdom, That case can be very bad ... The face changes a few times, Boyal sighed, and he did not continue to stick to his own opinion.

"Okay, these cans are put in this, don't move." Aaron stood up and found two golden wataries suspended in the edge of the fortress.


"Hey!" Although Andney seems to be unwilling to take care of Aaron's attitude, it looked at Salaas next to it, or did not want to open the mouth: "What is it?"

"I want to ask, do you know that Austrian ance is given to the source of the plague of Duku?" Yalun did not care about this Wagger's attitude, it is normal to himself, no need to tangle this, As long as you don't have the legs that are dragging behind.

"You said that, it should be five pieces." An Didney thought about told Arena answers.

"Thank you." Aaron put his hand, then said to Anadney: "Welcome to the group, newcomers."

"Hey!" An Detney snorted, and no longer took care of Aaron.

Yarot turns to Salaas, "What are you doing?"

"Others," Salatas referred to Arnadney, "The boss said that people will pick him."

"What?" Aaron was some unexpected, I don't know what Salas is talking about. "Why didn't she let her stay here?"

Before Salatas recruited a newcomer, it was through Aaron as a bridge, but did not know this.

"Because the boss has something to explain to her." Salatas sighed, "I understand it, no matter how many people I have, I will not have someone to replace my work, so I thought about it, suddenly lost Get a powerful. "

After taking Allen not understand, Salatas waved at him, letting him do his own things, she still have to wait with Anadney.

Aaron returns to Dakuu, and it is said that his Harulen et al. So on the way to open a road.

"Don't worry, I will leave here, I will never come out." Dhaku went out from the surroundings of everyone, and left the fortress straight.

In the next few days, under the command of Ozon brothers and sisters, the bear monsters moved to Daxaron, and the new home, the bear monsters were satisfied with this fortress, which is O'Son. The food in the fortress can't eat this, let the bear monster do not understand.

O'Osson has no way, although Aaron said that you can try to purify these foods with Shenggua, but Aaron does not guarantee that their approach must be effective.

Ossonon wants to think, feel that it is better to be safe, it is not as safe as stable, simply give up these food, and it is also sent to the plague in the bear monsters.

In order to avoid some bear mons to sneak over the food stored in the Seli ice troll, O'Onen can only organize people from gathering all the food all together, and a fire is all ignited, and it is full of inside and outside for a while. It is the aroma of the food, but it has become a blurred taste soon.

When the bear monster burned a clean, Aaron was temporarily bid, and the people returned to O'Doen, and the people who have returned to Utgard. Move to the Grizzlies.

Aaron eventually listened to Birwar's recommendations, ready to move all the expedition to the Grizzlies hills, just this once responsible for helping the expedition of the expedition to transport materials just arrived, with the help of the fleet, this The process of movement is very smooth.

Aaron is located in the northeast direction of Daxaslon, which is the new location selected by the Adventure Team. There is also a lot of big trees nearby, whether it is used to build a wooden house or cut down, it is very good.

After the relocation is completed, everyone needs to take a break, and Aaron seizes this time to prepare the head of the head.

"Before the war, some people want to see you with you." Just when Yaren was busy preparing the next battle, Liandin found Aaron with a face-tangled expression. "The guy said It is important to tell you. "

"Who? Let you have this expression?" Yalun looked at Liandin in a strange place, followed by her to the camp, saw the person who was waiting for himself, did not exclaimed: "How is you? "

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