Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 332, Renuo

After Andherd arrived, draw a giant golden abortion in the air. After the French is completed, a few Aaron's acquaintances have been drilled out: Hallaz, Gia Le, Equesçon, and ...

"Sarona?" Yalun looked at the last soul of the last born from the French, it was a giant wind snake behind the bodies. It is the wind snake that Aaron has solved before. .

"Hey, we met again." Sarona rushed to Tongyun, "Thank you for free from the imprisonment of the traitor."

"Something I said." Aaron responded, but he was in his heart. It turned out that Salatas was in the way, and the soul of Sarona was walked, nor to remind a sentence in advance, this meeting except for embarrassment awkward.

I don't know who is so arranged, Aaron looks like it, and Wagry and Loa in front of them are all with themselves. If these guys have no hand, Aaron must doubt this is Who is calculating yourself, intending to make these people pack themselves.

Even if these olders have no obvious hostility, Aaron still feels very uncomfortable, but he also knows the intention of these guys, it should be to help me to persuade the Loa of Dhali tribe, what is more than these The soul of Loa God is surprising more convincing?

"Don't worry, mortal, we are very clear who is our enemy." Several Loa saw a little embarrassing, comforting Aaron, Hallaz suddenly said to the East: "It seems that the old friends have come "

Soon, Aaron felt a position of the mountain, and the number of huge beasts were flying from the East.

Looking up, running in the forefront is a snow leopard with a black pattern on the white body, this only slender and smooth snow leopard should be the god of Snow Leopard, although the body is huge, there is no sound between the rows Interest, I know that it is a top hunter.

Akia is a giant snake on the ground. From the shape, this giant snake and Aaron's famous high-famous high-famous, the high-name, the hemiscope is quite similar, the neck's premises is two On the side, coupled with two scratches extending from the mouth, divided into the giant snake.

Si Le Tuche followed two larger beasts, one of which is the white bear Runnuk, which is known as the polar bear, of course, the Grizzlus hijie is very comments.

It's a giant rhinoceros in parallel with Lunnock, and the bonus of the rhinoceros in the rhinoceros is a lot than Oson brothers and sisters. It is different from ordinary rhinoceros. There are several small rhino horns, four hoofs, vibrating the ground slightly ups and downs, drive snow to form a snow waves, rushing the roadway Aaron, Akari suddenly stopped, stir the snow waves to Aaron They swept in this direction.

Aaron saw a hurriedly jumped to escape this wave of attack, but several Luoa God in the soul is not so good. Although the soul does not feel the cold of the ice, it seems that there is some wolf.

"The old guy, is this the way you say that you are greeted for 10,000 people?" The gods of the Batcat harsh screams, and complains about Akari.

Akari roses a huge head, and a few widespread ancestors of Loa God in the Soul state, smiled: "There is no way, I haven't appreciated it in this state."

"You a bastard!" Hallaz waved his paw, to Akari, but unfortunately he could do it in the state of the soul, "If you don't want to become we like this, then give I am in a point. "

"We have listened to your messenger, I didn't expect this to be true." Hucka said in the past, when I saw An Detney, they didn't dare to believe this stranger. However, they can induce Sarona have now died, so they will follow the situation in An Denney.

Seeing the Sarona of the Soul State, Luoa God has believed in most of the content before An Dedney.

"Does ?" Ekil looked at the gods that were still still still holding the body, asked.

Huckya shook his head, "I didn't contact Quisterru, Toss" ... The guy who didn't have a brain felt that the troll would not be able to do it for us and resolutely refused. "

"That let him come with us later." Hallaz licked his paw, said a sentence.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, or tell your situation, the Amani trick is not a very good mix, how do you fall to this point?" Hucka stopped Hallaz, pull the topic Back to the right track.

Luoa, who appeared in the Soul state, said by Hallaz and Sarona, telling yourself to this point, this miserable experience allows Huckya to feel the same body, contact the recent time Zudda Internal changes, several Dhara's Loa has fully believed this.

"What do you want us?" Huckya knows that these guys will tell themselves in front of them, after all, Sarona is still a little, and several Loa, the Amani trolls. I haven't seen it in all years, but I don't have to deliberately come over.

In the end, Aaron was pushed out. He thought about it, simply introduced his plan to the prior to Dhaleroa, and proposed that they can attack from the back when they attack, and strive to put the ice giant The whole race is completely destroyed.

"Reassured, as long as you attacked our area, we will take you under my hand." Snow Leopard god Hactia lick his own paw, said to Aaron and Sarona.

Lunnock and Akari also stated that they would support Aaron their actions, Sarona and several ancestors Amandoa's appearance, let these Loa's Dharkalei and even the entire troll.

In the eyes of Luoa, the trolls can be prunished for tens of thousands of years. Nowadays, the tribe of the Dakula is now dare to hit their minds, which makes Luoast are very angry.

Luoa god did not intend to ignore an obvious fact: they failed to protect Zudda Ke away from the plague, which made the ice troll wave the slaughter knife.

Aarlen, of course, will not stupidly point out this, and after several Loa discuss, returned to the camp, ready to launch an offense to Zudda to Zudda as soon as possible.

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