Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 336 captures Guarda

For example, Toss said, there is a hidden passage on the back of Guadak. Visually bypass the front of the front, deep into the ancients, from the back to the frost mamage and his hand.

"Only, this channel is a bit problem ..." Akari explained, "This channel is very narrow, we want to go in to shrink the body, and this road is not very good, it is impossible to accommodate too many people to enter "

Said, Akari has swept a large team on the square before Guarda, which means that these people can't enter the ancientdah.

After a simple discussion, it will eventually enter the ancient Dak, which is from a few Loa and Aaron. Anyway, the interior space in this city is not much, and the people entering will not open, it is better to bring only a few people.

With the powerful power of Luoa, this penetration action is very smooth. All the trolls that block the road are all killed, and the one party finally came to the residual ice troll led by the frost Wang Marak.

This channel is not only Akari you know. His sacrifice is also very clear, which makes the ice troll have to prepare this, but the absolute gap in strength is, this is not the case. How is obvious.

"I will never admit defeat!" Marak as the highest leader of Dhakale Victoria, and his associations were in the end, even in the face of Aaron's storm, relying on the terrain festival in Guadak. resistance.

However, the power loss under this ice troll is very serious, especially after the sacrifice of Luoa, after the number of caster under his hand, even if their resistance will be resolute, I can only look at the people's hand, until the end, the last ice giant side by the frostwell is under the claws of Huckya, and Marak only left one.

Marak headed a feather royal crown in his position, wearing a set of gorgeous armor, and a huge war ax in his hand showing more people, showing his power.

"Marak, even if it is at this time, do you still have to struggle?" The narrowed Akari looked at Marak, which was staining with blood, and said.

"Akari, I have to admit that I think it is too simple to think." Marak slammed the war before the throne, glanced at the scene of the Loa God, "I thought you would have something to do." It will not be so resolute, I didn't expect it ... "

When I said, Marak looked at Aaron. "I didn't expect you to be unified, and launched the raid when you were the most critical. We still have the opportunity, but unfortunately."

Looking at Marak, I am angry, Akari roared: "If you are not your strength, how can we do this?"

"Haha, how good it is," said a ridicule of a ridicule, then this expression quickly disappeared. Tens of thousands of years, if you are not completely lost, how can I ... "

Marak's expression became a little mad, raised the war ax in his hand, pointing at several Loa God, "You will only ask our dedication, but even the plague in my ethnic group cannot be To contain, in order to avoid the worst ending, I can only make you contribute to the continuation of the Dhakale tribe. "

"You are a madman, just because we can't get a solution to the plague, do you have to do it with us?" Xi Ricus stared at Marak in angrily, hate, and swallowed him to swallow himself. "You know that there are many plagues in our descendants. You don't want to solve the plague, but we have played our idea."

"Hey hahaha, your descendants? A group of beasts, they have something to do if they die, and then go on the Daclai tribe to completely destroy." Marak's mental state became less stable, put down the hand The war ax, lifting a big circle, "Zhaodala people saw me the future of Dhara, whether it is ice giant or you will die, the entire Zudda can become the paradise of the undead Everyone will die! "

"In order to avoid the worst solution, in order to let Dhalley continued, even if you die, what is the relationship?"

"Wait, what do you say to Zhandara tricks let you see?" Aarn interrupt Marak, who was almost disorder, wrinkled with eyebrows: "Do you say Dhali will become a paradise of Undead?"

"Yes, I saw everything, the Undead's floating city will be like the dark clouds to our territory, and all the ice giants are all sagged. My ethnic is either becoming the nutrients of undead, or they will become new. Undead, the entire Zudda can become a paradise of death, no one, "said that Marak exposed an epiconic smile:" And not just us, human beings, even your country will become The paradise of the undead, this planet won't be a person, and everyone only has an ending: becomes a walking dead, joining those awkward. "

"Do you believe this?"

"Of course," Marrak has denyed that "these Zaganda guys have not contacted us upon 10,000 years. Now running and saying that we have to be more difficult, how can I easily believe in them?"

"However, the development of things is step by step by step, and Dawkson falls, and the undead will continue to impact our line of defense. The plague is constantly spreading, I have no choice, I can only develop again. Solve them first before you get up! "

Said that Marak became more exciting, "is your fault, because you are not willing to sacrifice for the future of Dhali, Dhalley will become this."

The voice did not fall. Marak suddenly put together the war ax that he was thrown to the side, rushed to the nearest Akari, and shouted in his mouth: "It's your fault!"

However, this kind of attack, but the attack is impossible to hurt Akari. The god of the rhinoceros just gently smashed the head, and she broke the war in the top of the top. The people took an ax to arrived on the wall and killed on the spot.

With the death of Frost, Guardon's internal resistance is completely ended, this means that the Dakarle tricks that occupy this place, only some sporadic people will flow away.

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