Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 341 Flight Test

"Surprise?" Aaron watched the mechanical machine that was quietly lying quietly on the air.

This stuff has a typical gnome style, all kinds of bolts gears are naked, and the connection of various components looks very cheerful and looked as if it seems to be distributed at any time.

Two pairs of metal wings extending outward outwardly showed this machine to have a flying ability, and there is a three-wing propeller leaf in front of the fuselage to provide advanced power for this machine.

There are two seats in the center of the fuselage, and then quietly lying down a steam machine. At this time, the steam machine has not ignited, but I can't see any problems, but Yalun always feels that as long as a madness will be blown out. steam.

"Aircraft? I saw a big craftman test in Nomo Ren, are you making a plane that can stabilize the flight?" Aaron looked at this simple plane, to Samaplag Say.

"Hey, how can I just think about developing a flying carrier like that conservative old guy?" Samaplag said with dissatisfaction, manipulating the machine armor to the front of the plane, pointing At the bottom of the fuselage, there is a rough shot tube that Alan is familiar with. The inside of the gun pipe is eight rounds around the central stack, "This is a plane that I have improved the machine gun, It's not allowed to even play it down. "

"Just here, do you want to test this plane, as the founder of the company, I think this honor should belong to you." Samaplag said to Yalun.

"I tested it? Ok." Yarlen said to the palm of the road, watching the aircraft driving position, "Wait, don't you give a parachute? I don't matter, but others can not be flying."

"If you say this," Samaplag sneaked, jumping out from the machine armor, and ran to the company, not always with two seemingly broken canvas bags.

After the canvas bag lost in Aaron, Samaplag took the picture of his head and said: "I said that I just seem to forgot something, how can I test the aircraft without a parachute?"

"Is this still useful?" Aaron opened the umbrella, looked at it in the inside, looking at the green green green in the umbrella bag, Aarn really forcibly suppressed himself I lost the impulse, "I will not spread several parts in the air?"

"Shouldn't." Samaplage scratched his bareheaded head. "We used to use this stuff, and I haven't seen anything."

"Yes, I believe in you once." Aaron took this backpack, anyway, there is a short-lived ability, even if this is not reliable, it is not big.

"Wait, can I try it too?" Win Leds said excitedly, "I haven't tried the gnome flight machine, let me try it."

"No problem, anyway, this time is for testing, who is the same." Samaplag is very good, without hesitation, I promised Win Lisa's request, and throw another parachute package to Win Lisa. And simply told Wen Leds in the use method.

"There is no difficulty. If you have a problem, you will be a rope." Wen Leda worn the backpack, gently patted the umbrella rope in the shoulder, said that he listens to it.

Looking at Win Bisa's relaxed attitude, Aaron is not good, he is also the first time I tried to drive a plane, I hope not too serious problems.

In order to avoid failure of flight, Samaplag has given the two people to explain the manipulation of this plane. Fortunately, it is not very complicated, and it does not use Aaron to see a variety of instruments.

When I walked to the plane, the Allen Ceremia couldn't help but show the first time to Nomogen, and witnessed the umbrella accident due to the failure of the plane due to the failure of the plane. Poorly hanging on the branch, is it a horrible word.

After the Wen Leds was in place, Aaron rushed to Smemaplag than the gesture for preparing, and saw several gnome craftsman finally checked the fuselage and opened the steam engine.

As the steam machine is ignited, Aaron see the propeller in front of the driver's position quickly turns rapidly, and it seems that the propeller that does not want to provide a powerful promotion for the aircraft.

Sitting on the fuselage, Aaron can clearly feel the powerful lift that the fuselage is transmitted to himself. Not much, this plane will rise quickly, go straight to the blue sky.

"This is very easy to stay," Alan flew around while holding the joystick, flying toward the direction of the crowd, feeling the shock from the passenger, thinking about it, must be to Simma Pirag's suggestion, add some earthquake resistance to the fuselage, otherwise it is so volatile, the probability of this aircraft scatter is too big.

"Okay, Win Libs, start testing machine guns." Yalun looked at the plane of the plane, which had been flying away from the crowd, slightly turned to Wen Led.

"What do you say? The wind is a bit big, can't hear!" Although it took more than once, it took a trip to boost, but the aircraft made by the gnome plants or the Wen Leds felt very fresh, plus this stuff. It's really very big, and this girl didn't listen to Lalen's words.

Just in Win Lissea consciously adds the volume, leading to the Aarum sitting in front of her, feeling that his ears should be shocked, Aaron has no way, I have to use one hand to ensure the stability of the navigation, the other After standing behind, rushing to Wen Leds, and indicating that she can start shooting.

Wen Ledas is finally realized that Aaron means, looking for a while in front of the seat, then find the machine gun manipulation button identified with gnome and generic language.

Waiting to Win Lisa fires the machine guns loaded in front of the plane, Aaron feels a powerful anti-thrust from the sense of control, and harm the Aaron has to increase their strength to stabilize.

After stability, Aaron began to carefully observe the results caused by the machine gun, but now there is no goal in front of the machine gun to test the killing, can only see the spray that the gun is shooting after the shot.

Just in Aaron thought that if I didn't find a reef shipwreck, I suddenly came from the machine gun. I suddenly came from a subtle crack sound. I didn't wait for Aaron to react, I heard a loud noise. I feel that my body is going down, and Aaron will realize that the situation is not wonderful.

"Worse, quick jump!" Yalun is not very worried about the sea, but it is very distrust of the machinery of the gnomes, even if the gnome machinery products will explode, but this plane exploded him, but he has seen it. once.

Thinking of this, Aaron did not dare to delay, hurriedly launched the double wing, and he took the driving position. By the way, Wen Leds that was looking for the umbrella rope was also awkward. Subsequently flew in the direction of the plane away from the plane, flew After going out, it was very far to stabilize the figure and watched the horror of the plane just now.

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