Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 469 Tree Demon Kawen Della

This tree demon seems to be very surprised to play Central Yalun, and said to the court, breathed the breath: "Are you live?"

This time, this tree demon is used for generic language.

"You will speak universal words, then do it." Aarn brushed the other side to the other side, "Who is you?"

The tree demon frowns, telling Aaron, she is Kawen Dra, Remlos's daughter, follow her brothers, I want to rescue their own uncle, but the result is underestimated, and the brothers and sisters come together. Only she left her from Maraton.

After the simplicity of your own situation, Kawen de la continued to ask Aaron their situation: "Are you going to come here? Half horse in this?"

Yalun hugged his shoulders, told Kawen Della himself to be a series of problems from Sena Sanyi and Remlos to solve the princess of Selid, and the half-horse encountered all the way is basically dead.

"You ... I am so powerful." Kawen de la lisited Allen to say something couldn't believe, but since Aaron and Win Led can come here, what is the half-horse here does not constitute them? Threat.

Kawen Della is very clear that these half-horse rises in Martraton, and if it is not the case, she will run out for help, how can it be trapped here for hundreds of years?

"You are your grandfather and father invited to investigate the situation here? I said that they can't be not allowed to be," Kawen dera seems to have been exchanged with people. At first glance, I saw Aaron and Wen. Lisa immediately tanded up: "I told you, I am really enough to have this weird place. Those half of the horse have been waiting outside, and some people want to take me away, I am the king of the forest. Granddaughter, can you be so easy to be caught? Worst, I have been constantly moving in so many years, I think no longer leave here, I am probably going crazy with my brothers and sisters. "

Kawwen Dra seems to be true to Marataton, which is not surprising. Who is trapped in this ghost place for hundreds of years, can only rely on the affinity ability of nature, reluctant to save people will be and She is almost mentality.

Yarear quietly listened to Kawen de la to tell the tragic encounter of his years. Wait until the other party is not easy to stop. As long as we solve the soil element ... "

"However, you only have two people." Kawen de la slightly hesitatedly interrupted Aaron, pointing to the deeper authenticity to the two, "Although you can solve the problem of half-horse, but Maraton The more dangerous in this place, I came here with a lot of brothers and sisters. As a result, I escaped it. If we left here, let's call your grandfather, let him solve the problem? "

Aaron said, so that Kawen Dra believes that he has the problem of solving the problem, then said: "But we have come here for the first time, is not familiar with the Platon's terrain, can you give us One wizard? "

"No, I don't go in." Kawen de la expressed strong resistance to Aaron's proposal, "I am waiting for you here, I will draw a map for you."

"Are you so afraid?" Aaron shook his heads helplessly, and finally met a person who was familiar with the internal situation of Marataton. The result did not expect the other party that had a psychological shadow of Maraton. If you really don't want to go in, a map is also ... "

See Yaron says that Kawen de lasson has a sigh of relief, starting to leave the water chamber immediately, starting to draw a map on the ground, just draw painting, Kawen dera gradually Down.

Notice this in Aaron inquiry: "What happened?"

The Win Bisa on the side is trying to ask: "Do you forget how to go?"

"I haven't forgotten, just ..." Kawen de la outdown: "If it is inside, I know how to go, but it is a bit difficult."

The authenticity of the MARARaton is not distributed on the same plane, but cross several layers of crossing, which makes Kawen Della want to draw a map, and some don't know where to join hands.

Win Libs whispered: "It doesn't matter, how much can you draw?"

Kawen Della shook his head, and then thought about it later, lifted his head to said to Aaron and Win Leds: "I still go in with you."

"However, you are not ..." Yalun said in a different place, he had already been prepared by Kael Wen Della, and left and right, but now, now Kawen dera, but change ideas. I plan to personally serve as a guide for them, I really don't know what this tree demon is thinking about.

"My brothers and sisters are still in the monster, I can't stay alone." After that, Kawen de la is not safe to add: "You will protect my right?"

"About this point, you will be safe." Aaron exposed a smile, "Okay, let's go in, let me solve the problem, we will leave early, this place is really bad."

Wen Led is nodded, as a higher elf, Win Lisa's opinion of Baron's partial environment is mostly.

Kawen Della revealed a bitter laugh: "The environment here is still good, you will know what is bad environment."

Although Aaron encountered Kawwen Della, this tree demon was stationed in the pool, but most of the time she was hiding in Tibet between the monsters of half a horse and other monsters in Marathon. The harsh environment of this underground cave has a very deep understanding.

As gradually depth in Malaton, Aaron and Winbisa have a deeper understanding of Kawwen Dra, when the three gradually stayed from the activity area of ​​the half-horse horse, the enemy that hinders them to move into soft mildren. And whip.

The former can basically be equivalent to a plurality of translucent muds in a group of activities, and wrapped in various messy clothes in the mud, and also scattered a bad stink. Waving whip vines attack the enemy.

These two monsters are not more difficult to deal with, even Kawen de la can also installing courage to solve, but these monsters have an unmodental stink, each killing the enemy is a test of mouth nose.

Aaron's three people will have such a side of the resistance to the bad environment, and gradually go deep into Malaton, although the psychological level is a bit discomfort, but always say that all the way is smooth, even Kawen de la I have added a lot of confidence, at least not to shrink like it's starting.

Until the first time I found a relatively safe place, I have encountered an unexpected attack, so Aaron has a new understanding of the dangers of Marraton.

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