Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 480 Dream Dragon Amoli

Flas and bleak boundary lines look unusual abnormally, a coherent linear side is grayish and have no life, while the lush forest vegetation.

After the crossover line, you can already see the full picture of Fras, this vibrant land is roughly L-shaped, and the area extends from the northeast to the southwest to divide this area into two, there is one in the north. Big two lakes, there is a low canyon, there is a lake in the small lake, and an extremely lush giant tree is growing on the island, which looks like Nodid Hill, Haygar. A little similar, but it is much smaller than it.

"Is this the world tree under the dark night elf?" Azadas looked at the giant world tree, "I didn't expect that the mortal race can also create such a scale."

"You have to feel emotion, I suggest to see Nordidhir in the north, don't have to be too far, you can't see it from Marathon to north." Yalun smiled and said to Azadas: " Is these guardians who can shape terrain? "

Azadas laughed, "We have a lot of work to rely on the creation of the creation of the creation of the gods to complete, and these mortals rely on their own power, not a matter, and then say so many years The creation of the creation is mostly half ... Hey, don't say these. "

"We are here," Azadas pointed at the southwest: "The work on Mamilone didn't know how to do, I have to come to him."

"No problem, I will have the opportunity to go there will also go there." Aaron said to Azadas, and I have sent Azadas to leave.

Aaron is the side of Wen Leda to turn to the southeast. Whether Sartt is in the emerald dream, or an emerald dream, you need to go in that direction.

Just after Aaron and Win Led, a swaying green dragon suddenly slammed from the ground, rushed to Aaron and Win Liba: "Mortal, don't stay here, here is not you The place!"

"Universal language?" Green Dragon heard the conversation of Aaron and Wen Led, gently smashed his head, replaced with universal language: "Where did you come? If you want to inevitably, please road."

"Why do you want to bypass?" Aaron manipulated the lion to fly to the other side, "said that you haven't told us who you are."

"I am Emoli, the deputy of the Dream Queen, but you ..." Emoli smashed his eyes, gently twice a few noses, "The vitality on your body is strong, are you Alan? You can get from here. "

"Hey? Have you heard of me?" Yaren was a little curious. I didn't expect this green dragon to recognize my identity, but he quickly remembered what, "Iserra and Freja came to find is you?"

Amoli nodded, "It is about a year ago, Isera adults and a dream guard who I didn't know once came here to check the world tree, I was curious to establish a connection with the jade dreams. I watched the news to them, I didn't expect you to see you now. "

Amoli may be because of the tree of guarding the world is too lonely. After confirming the identity of Aaron, they have begun to talk to the two people in Aaron.

Aaron took the time to confirm the world's problem, according to Emoli, before Isera and Frea have checked the situation of the world tree here, the jade dreams did not spread to reality.

"So, is the problem, is it in the group of Satters?" Aaron heard the southeast, the world trees did not have problems, the nightmare that the Zalta did not intend to do should be and Erezaras. Satri, the ruins of the ruins, "Emoli, do you know the Sartt's question over there?"

"Do you say the Sart of Erezaras?" Amoli really knows some situations, "Those Sart seems to be spread to the entire Flas, but they are a bit of nothing, as long as they are I am here, they will not succeed. "

When there is not long after the lamination, Sattri, which is transformed from the night elf, has caused great trouble to the dark night elf, but since the battle of Sart, Sartt's strength is greatly reduced, remove hidden In addition to the ancient gods, the rest of the gods, the remaining Sartt can only shrink the corner of the dark night elves, in addition to occasionally causing a little more troublesome, these evil can be distorted The monsters can only look forward to the burning army again to Azeroth again.

"You and they have been handed over?" Yararbun hit the topic and Emoli, and the leader of Sarter in the ruins of Erezaras was a transformation by Duru. Sartt, who once joked Naturally, Druid was distorted, and it became divided into nature. The main figure hoped to spread corrosion in Frasi is him.

"In addition to the guy named Ozen, the other Sart is not afraid, even the Ozen is also playing me, before he still challenged me a few times, the result was retired by me, It is not that I can't leave the world tree. I have long killed the guy. "When Emily said, there was a few regrets, but as a loyal green dragon, she won't Abandon your responsibilities.

"In this case, let us help you solve that guy," Yarolin consciously came from Emoli to heard the news that it was enough, and he said so.

"How can I help me?" Amoli did not respond, smashed the head, said to Yalun: "I really hate the guy who gave me a mess, you can Kill him, it is definitely a good thing. "

Say goodbye to the green dragon, Aaron and Win Lib, who should be responsible for guarding the tree of guards. Aaron and Win Libs drive the mount. Crossing Frasted into two half of the mountains. This original size is not small, has been erased by time, and the peripheral area is almost all of the broken walls, which can be seen everywhere.

"Looks, this area has no settlements?" Wen Lisa came to a circle in the air and said to Aaron.

"This can be said, maybe anyone is hiding below?" Said, Aaron went out from the package, and the smog was blown on the ground, along Stone ruins are filled around.

Aaron stared at the smoke of the four scattered, focusing on the flow of smoke, suddenly found a little jitter in the smog in the edge, a person holding a dagger from the smoke, and did not live cough: "Cough! "

"Orc ?!" Win Liba immediately opened the bow, with an arrow to point out the figure, immediately, let go of the arrow.

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