Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 512 O'Dodern Choice

"What do you want to say?" O'Dendo is an angry appearance, the original and Azadsis are unpleasant, and the few words of Aaron are more likely to pour the oil on fire, watching two people obvious Inquire about the appearance of some things.

"This news ..." Aaron looked around and found that the Wiki people stood in the distance after discovering that Harvey became the Ao Ding's model, and there were no other people in the three people. However In cautious consideration, Azadas was arranged around a spell, avoiding the sound of three people talking.

"If you want to say something, so careful." Although the emotions are a bit bad, Odin's basic brain is still, seeing Azadas and Aaron so cautious appearance, I have realized that the two will be said to say The content may be important.

"Odin, I don't know if you have some feelings, but I have to say something is quite true, you don't be too excited." Azadas recalls that he was first told this. When the news is excited, I specially liked O'Don.

"Okay, I know, you are telling me that Azeroth's star soul has been polluted by the ancient gods, I am not unacceptable." Odin fox looked at Azadas, the more it said. The more you make O'Den, and you haven't worry about your anger.

Azadad took a deep breath and opened: "Odin, I want to tell you that Titan, the Temple, has all passed away."

Aaron added a way: "Eoll is still alive, but it should not be able to appear now."

"You, what did you say?" Odin didn't dare to look at the two, this news was some too shocking for him, but he couldn't believe it. "This joke is not a little bit."

"I am not joking," Azadas looked at Ododes in a face of a face. "Do you think I will joke the gods?"

"But ..." Octine couldn't believe this news, but he didn't receive the news from Temple Thai death like a big guardian, but he was still noticed, but he always reluctant To imagine these things, after listening to the news in Azadas, he has already believed a bit.

It turns out that the quality of Titan Guardians thinks almost, Audding's performance and the result of Azadas, even worse, maybe there is only one thousand years of thousands of years to be more than him. .

Azadas and Aaron looked at the Odundine in front of you became a stunned look. It seems that this news is very impact on O'Dendine. It has made him can't continue to control this avatar. .

Odin resumed the incarnation of this incarnation for many days, and did not know how he persuaded himself. In the event of O'Ddin, the surface had already seen the front. The appearance of the soul is.

It is obvious that the news that the Valentine's Temple has already died or constitutes a small impact on him. It may not need to convince him if there is no need to tell him about the news of Azeroth's star soul.

"Well, the news you brought really makes me surprised, now you can talk about what you want to do?" O'Din's face looked at Azadas, it seems that he is more than this time. It is to convince the news that I believe that the Temple has collapsed, and I want to understand Azadas's intention, this old friend never likes her own ethnic attitude, this time I find yourself, I need to do it yourself. Bar.

O'Dodus thought of this problem, but he did not find the answer. He has until Azadad, who has recovered Oduale, killing Yugasan, who thought, this planet is still threatening Only the rest of the two ancient gods, since you can kill Yugasaka, the remaining two should not threaten more, should not let Azadad come to you.

"About this matter," Azadas and Aaron have a look at the view: "Alas will face a lot of threats in the future, some of which need to unite all the power to cope."

"What kind of threat?" Ododun asked in Aaron, turning his head suddenly thought of what he thought: "Do you say that Titan Saglas?"

"Saglas will have someone to deal with, but Saglas's hand is difficult to cope, even worse, Saglas has never given up the star soul of this planet." Aaron stressed, " Although I can't see you, it is necessary for your strength. "

Although O'Ded is prejudice to the mortal race, it is not hesitant to face the threat of Alans in Aaron, but Odin is still trapped in the Eli Temple. If you get free, you must solve the sea puller.

"You are willing to help me kill the sea laundry?" Odin is slightly wrong, with the attitude of Aaron, he thought that the human beings who got Tin's recognition couldn't see it very much - in order to not disclose Ai The existence of Zeloth, Aaron only said that he inherited the will of Tiro.

"Your power is necessary," Yalun saw O'Din, "But you have to tell us how to get prison abyss?"

"The abyss ..." Odin sighed, "I really know how to go there, but look at the face of Azadas, I have to vote, there is very dangerous to you, I don't recommend You rash in. "

"It doesn't matter, I will go in with him." Azadas took the shoulders of O'Dodern, although the concepts of both parties had conflicts, but in any case, the two were a tens of thousands of years, even if O'Do still insisted Yes, Azadas will also put him out. After all, there is really needed, O'Dodia is definitely not sitting in this planet into a crisis.

"Waiting for one, etc.," Kerr Saste took a parcel to catch up with Aaron, and he did not pick up the air to say: "You have to go to the abyss of the prison, bring me."

"We are very dangerous, do you have to follow?" Aaron did not expect that Kerr Suard is really persistent, and now I have seen Yarar to go to the meditation, I want to follow, Aaron After confirming, I agreed to follow the Cher Sajard.

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