Glory to Azeroth

Chapter 521 of the evil

"You see, those Schindra Ancient spirits are placed there." Win Lisa returned to the Central Square of Ereas, this unsuspended square is neatly in the two or three Ten of the Sindra Ancient Spirit of the Double Eye Pain, and there are other people around the elf.

In the middle of these eiversia, a simple altar is built. It is suspended on the altar, but it has been broken because some reason still maintains a complete form of a full-form, the natural stone, which is natural is the stone of tidal.

Tidal Stone Started with a few Sind Lafa wearing a mage robe, which is currently responsible for managing the leaders of Erezalas, at this moment, this moment, in Tusselde The next arrival became a familiar expression on the Fair Faculty of the team, and his concerns were naturally those who were lying on the ground.

After a few days ago, Wen Leda sent the stone of the tide, Mogaden immediately began to study this ancient artifact that was said to be stored in the Nasalas Magic College.

As Aisara, a group of people who want to save their magical books, Sindla Gu Ling can be more than the group of people trust in Ezara, plus them because of their duties, Sindra Ancient Spiritual The news is very bright, at least the stone and the eyes of Oman Suls have heard of Nasalas and Surama, but they have repeatedly contacted the other people since the talented spheres.

Mo Dan after studying the use of tidal stone - this is not very difficult, starting to use the magic addiction to solve his own family, the thoughts of tidal stone as an energy source before Iron Motant seems to be a waste, it is better to solve the magic addiction problem on their body directly with the characteristics of the tidal stone.

The progress of the things was successful, and Motant referred to the recommendations provided by Win Liba, which was the way Nasalas's compatriots solved most of the people's problems.

No, it should be said that Motant self-believes that there is a problem that has solved all the people, which makes him both gratitude to Win Lisa and Aaron, and some self-satisfaction, and some people who have troubles people have a problem. In any case, this is also part of him, but it is unfortunately, the prince of Tourdin has not waited for this day.

However, Mo Dan has not been happy, there is a part of the people, and these elves have followed the efficiency of the evolution of the evil, and they are affected by the evil performance of the evil. The picistlin is to be light, which makes them do not have some immortality to a devil like Tusadlin.

But after the stone of the tidal, the evil in these wideners seems to be cleared by the stone of tidal stone, but still remains some hidden in the antique in Sindra.

This kind of evil residue began to fight after the stone of tidal stone, which made the warlock have a desire for evil, and their first reaction is to establish a void transmission door to summon the devil, from these devils to absorb the evil energy. .

However, when the warlock summoned the devil's influence, the mind was influenced by the evil, not like some weak and easy manipulation, resulting in a few powerful demon to enter Erezaras, and many Sindla The ancient spirit is still in a weak state, causing these demon to cause a small confusion.

After Schindra Ancient Spirit, after Mo Dan used the tide stone to these Warlocks, this time Mogadt used time a little longer, resulting in a long time, However, after this time they woke up once again made a one-scale move, although Sedder Ragling is ready, but this is just let the chaos come to the outbreak, but can not change those warlocks that are still influenced by evil and become more Thirst for evil.

In the end, Mogaden, who is helpless, can only place these compatriots near the stone of tidal, as long as these elves call the devil's trend after the wake, Mo Dan immediately launched the tide stone, and purge them again, he I believe that as long as you continue, you will always be able to clear the impact of clean evil on the warriors.

In the next three days, Mo Dan used four tidal stones. He also seems to be very confident, but Wen Leds has been a bit can't see, I want to persuade Mo Dan to give up this kind of The plan, but this big law is a bit stubborn and does not intend to give up this program.

In desperation, Win Leds contacted Aaron. In Win Bisa, the power of the tidal stone could not clear the evil, but Aaron mastered the Shengguang power played in this regard. It is very strong. Even the existence of the god of the ancient god will be purified by Shengguang.

Aaron has now returned to Erezalas, just seeing the appearance of Mo Dan, who has lost his confidence, it seems that Win Leds will leave here to follow the Sindra ancient spirits to expel the emerald. He should use a few tidestones, but it has not been able to play any effect.

Seeing Aaron appeared, Mo Dan came over and took the initiative to talk about these warlocks, and asked Yarlen's way.

Aaron looked at these Sindra ancient spirits lying on the ground, have some trend to open their eyes.

"I will try it," Aaron squatted down, found a Sindra ancient spirits to open his eyes, reach out on the forehead of the other party, tested a portion of the holy light into the other party.

When Aaron's goals of using evil, they were killing the enemy. When using the Shengguang, they were rushing to the biggest killing, but this work seems to be a fine, and Aaron worried that it is too powerful. What bad results occur.

When Aaron manipulates the Santa light into the Sindra ancient spirit, this slightly opens his eyes, and the expression of Sindlagu, the expression of Sindla, and it is really effective. Slightly enhances the slogan power.

However, after a short calm, this Sindra Ancient Spirit suddenly began to tremble, accompanied by a faintly burning taste.

"This situation seems to be sone?" Yararn rushed back to the power of the Shenggui, looked at the Sindla Gu Ling on the ground, it seems like he worried, although the Shenggui has special effects on the evil, but This seems to kill them in these Sindra ancient spirits.

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